Aniblocks and Animations Export - DazToBlender Bridge

Anyone out there have an effective work flow to get Aniblocks and other animations from Daz over to DazToBlender rigged characters in Blender?
The Bridge translates whatever pose you are on in the pipeline quite well, but only one pose at a time. I have been doing a semi-painful work flow of exporting 1 frame/pose at a time over to blender this way and rebuiling the Animations one key frame at a time using the pose library to save them and the action editor to compile them as new action strips. It actually works pretty great other than some minor clean-up usually around the neck area. But it is very very time consuming doing this manually. Very... Like one hour per second of animation.
I have tried exporting Animations from Daz as FBXs and BVHs and then retargetting them with the rokko add-on, but since the rig gets changed durring the brige it is not as accurate or usable as the transfering one pose at a time method described above. Any one have any work arounds? Being able to transfer over my Animablocks and other animations from, Daz to work with the DazToBlender bridge rigs would be a huge assets for my workflow.
Also- Anyone know of a premade facial rig for Blender that I can quickly and easily asign the Viseme and expression morph shapes that come over into Blender from DazToBlender bridge? I have been building my own as needed but it is time consuming to set up each time.
Check out the diffeomorphic plug-in, you can import animated sequences in as a pose preset. Just have to go to poses and then import action, have your animation saved as a pose preset and it'll be brought in. And there's sliders for viseme and expressions in diffeomorphic as well. Right now facial expressions do not transfer over, but in another thread it was mentioned Thomas is working on that right now, so hopefully soon. The materials have some differences between Daz to Blender Bridge and Diffeomorphic, if you prefer the DTB Bridge, just save the character as it's own file, bring it in with diffeomorphic and then append the materials from the other file and just switch the materials out. That's still way faster than importing pose by pose. For me it's really hit or miss, some characters look fantastic in diffeo and meh in DTB and vice versa, so it's just a matter of playing around with it.
Thank you greatly for your reply. I watched your YouTube tutorial on it as well and got some good tips. Diffeomorphic plug-in does seem to be the most full featured, I wish there were a complete tutorial series on using it. I am concerned about loosing time on the learning curve as it seem like it can do everything I'll need for a complete animation workflow between Daz and Blender. I would pay for a complete Udemy type course in all its features. It seem like mostly there are just a bunch of random tutorials out there from people showing what they have managed to get it to do for their own work flows. The face rig and papagyu lip synch features seem especially underrepresented.
A whole freaking day I was looking for a solution to this with no success until I found this, thank you sir.
You are very welcome, glad I could help!