Welcome to the August 2014 Freebie Challenge - Get Out and Play!

robkelkrobkelk Posts: 3,259
edited August 2014 in Freebies

Get Out and Play!
The August 2014 Freebie Challenge


This one's for you, Jaderail. In an ideal world, you would have been here, taking part. We'll miss you.


"The thrill of victory ... and the agony of defeat ... the human drama of athletic competition"
- ABC's Wide World of Sports

Play ball! Drop the puck! Shoot some hoops! Throw some horseshoes! Jog! Bike! Ski! Fish! Barnstorm! It's time for the folks in your runtime to get out and play!

Show us people outside (or in an arena, or fishing or playing D&D the way Jaderail used to) having fun together, playing with - or against - each other. Races, ball games, motorsports, RPGs (tabletop or LARP); they're all fair game.


The Rules are in the usual thread, except that I'm exercising my powers as host to require at least eight freebies, not ten. Use more if you want.

SPECIAL RULE THIS MONTH: Back in the June Freebie Challenge, I entered a render where each freebie came from a different site - ten different sites in all. I'm not going to force folks to go that far, but I am going to insist that you use freebies from at least three different sites in each entry this month.


As usual, DAZ3D is giving GCs to the creators of the first-, second-, and third-place entries. I'll step into the very large shoes that Jaderail has left behind (without filling them), and offer GCs to the creators of the Honourable Mentions.

music2u4u has kindly offered his bass boat on a trailer for the HMs, and his old woods creek bridge for everyone who enters.

I've commissioned a little something: a badminton racket and a shuttlecock, both textured. It isn't much, but it's something I just can't find anywhere else. The first-, second-, and third-place finishers will get copies.

To recap:

First Place: $15 GC from DAZ3D, Badminton racket and shuttlecock set from me.

Second Place: $12 GC from DAZ3D, Badminton racket and shuttlecock set from me.

Third Place: $8 GC from DAZ3D, Badminton racket and shuttlecock set from me.

Honorable Mentions (×2): $5 GC from me, Bass boat on a trailer from music2u4u

Everybody: old woods creek bridge from music2u4u


Kismet2012 and music2u4u have agreed to be a judge this month. I'm still looking for at least one more volunteer.


We have a special "pre-season competition" as well!

Get Out and Watch!
The August 2014 Freebie Mini-Challenge

Some folks just won't get out and play.

This five-day mini-challenge is for the couch potatoes in your runtime. Show us somebody watching other people play (live or on TV).

The usual rules apply, with my usual change to requiring eight freebies (not ten) and this month's special rule that you have to use freebies from at least three different sites in each entry.

I'm donating a $10 GC for the winner.

The mini-contest closes at 23:59 Daz Time August 5.


I apologize for the slap-dash look of the banner. I was pressed for time, and distracted last week by Jaderail's passing... Excuses, not reasons, for the poor showing. I know.

Dollygirl did this last month, and I'm going to turn it into a tradition. What I used in the banner:
Aiko 4: DAZ3D, http://www.daz3d.com/aiko-4-base and http://www.daz3d.com/victoria-4-2-base
Rei Hair: Kozaburo, http://digitalbabes.jp/dload/ReiHair.html
Sleeveless tennis wear for A4: Redviper, http://www.sharecg.com/v/65704/
Badminton racket and shuttlecock: robkelk (commissioned from Awe 3D), August 2014 Freebie Challenge prize


If you've been paying attention elsewhere on the forums, you'll know why I'm dropping this link here:

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  • robkelkrobkelk Posts: 3,259
    edited July 2014

    A larger version of the banner image, so folks can see the racket and shuttlecock. I'm sure you can do a better job on the pose... if you win.

    480 x 480 - 176K
    Post edited by robkelk on
  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    edited December 1969

    This is a very appropriate theme. I found this post on Jaderail's DeviantArt page. He loved the outdoors. Here is a link to his page if anyone wants to check it out: http://jaderail.deviantart.com/

    It is not necessary to be a DeviantArt member to see Jaderail's page.

    Now let's go out and have some fun!!!

    The Primitives, a year in the life. The insperation.

    As promised I have found a reason for this space on my page. And here it is.

    Until 9-7-1999 I was a healthy man in my late fourties who had spent nearly a lifetime as a primitive survivalist. On that date, etched into my mind so well, I found myself in the ICU of one of the best hospitals in the deep south of the U.S. My Survivalist adventures ended on that day due to a nasty bug that had found a home in my blood and did the best it could to kill me. I was left a Dailysis patent and nearly crippled from the damage the infection had done to me before it was stopped. I was told I came within minutes of death.

    My passion for Primitive life never left me just because I am no longer able to go on my trips into the woods and live the way that I find a challenge to not only my body but my mind. I started my adventures into primitive life as a boy of 11, if my mind serves me, with my father. We would spend a week or two on our property that was mostly just a large wilderness. The seasons of the year were not considered because true survival in the wild covers all days and all seasons. I learned the skills of building shelter and starting fires the way that the primitives did. I learned to hunt, trap and fish in many if not all thier ways. I was taught which plants were ediable and in which of the seasons to gather and forage for them.

    I owe my father much for taking me on those early trips and teaching me the skills that could keep me alive if I ever found myself in the need of them in my real life. I lost him before I could ever thank him. I kept learning as much about those skills and going on adventures on my own until I was no longer able. The knowledge I gained from those first trips also started a passion to know as much as possible about early man. I still read as much about them as I can to this day. This Project is my way of Honoring my father and combining my art with the skills I can no longer enjoy.

    I find the last Ice Age and the peoples of that time capture my mind the most so this project is based on my Ideas of what life in that time might have been like. Please follow me and my small group through the next year of our lives. I Promise you adventure, love, life, death and surprises on this journey.

  • robkelkrobkelk Posts: 3,259
    edited December 1969

    Thank you for sharing that, Kismet.

  • Kendall SearsKendall Sears Posts: 2,995
    edited December 1969
  • robkelkrobkelk Posts: 3,259
    edited December 1969

    Thanks, Kendall.

    Casual pointed out a typo to me, in the "Prizes" section. Jaderail didn't have "very large shows" (at least, not here), he had "very large shoes". I've just fixed that in the thread.

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,146
    edited December 1969

    robkelk said:
    Thanks, Kendall.

    Casual pointed out a typo to me, in the "Prizes" section. Jaderail didn't have "very large shows" (at least, not here), he had "very large shoes". I've just fixed that in the thread.

    I noticed it but didn't want to be the one to say something. I've been...ummm...let's say admonished for correcting spelling and grammar mistakes one too many times.


  • Kendall SearsKendall Sears Posts: 2,995
    edited December 1969

    robkelk said:
    Thanks, Kendall.

    Casual pointed out a typo to me, in the "Prizes" section. Jaderail didn't have "very large shows" (at least, not here), he had "very large shoes". I've just fixed that in the thread.

    Fixed in the gallery as well.


  • music2u4umusic2u4u Posts: 2,822
    edited December 1969

    The winners for the July challenge have been announced:



  • music2u4umusic2u4u Posts: 2,822
    edited August 2014

    erm...that's a very impressive little badminton "birdy" you made there RK! Looks real.

    I thought I would post a render of the Bass boat and trailer I will be giving to the two HMs this month. The boat is seperate from the trailer. The motor and trolling motors swival up and down for the water poses. The seats swival around completely. It has a digital fish finder too and a rope and ancore. The trailer has a raise and lower crank for parking it. (mobile RV not included)

    I was told earlier by someone who knew Jaderail very close that he was more of a woods, creek, bank fisher than a boater. So, I have decided to also give a copy of my "old woods creek bridge" to ALL WHO ENTER the challenge. I will PM a link to each who do and you can go download it. I am including a render of it here (Kids not included).

    R.I.P. my friend Jaderail. This is for you.


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    Post edited by music2u4u on
  • robkelkrobkelk Posts: 3,259
    edited August 2014

    DanaTA said:
    robkelk said:
    Thanks, Kendall.

    Casual pointed out a typo to me, in the "Prizes" section. Jaderail didn't have "very large shows" (at least, not here), he had "very large shoes". I've just fixed that in the thread.

    I noticed it but didn't want to be the one to say something. I've been...ummm...let's say admonished for correcting spelling and grammar mistakes one too many times.

    I do documentation for a living (which is one reason why I usually like simple, clean renders that might be unsuitable for this month's Challenge). Don't worry about hurting my feelings by pointing out a typo.

    erm...that's a very impressive little badminton "birdy" you made there RK! Looks real.

    My skills aren't that good; it was a commissioned piece. Can I post the link, or would that be against the ToS?

    I thought I would post a render of the Bass boat and trailer I will be giving to the two HMs this month. The boat is seperate from the trailer. The motor and trolling motors swival up and down for the water poses. The seats swival around completely. It has a digital fish finder too and a rope and ancore. The trailer has a raise and lower crank for parking it. (mobile RV not included)

    I was told earlier by someone who knew Jaderail very close that he was more of a woods, creek, bank fisher than a boater. So, I have decided to also give a copy of my "old woods creek bridge" to ALL WHO ENTER the challenge. I will PM a link to each who do and you can go download it. I am including a render of it here (Kids not included).

    R.I.P. my friend Jaderail. This is for you.

    That's quite kind of you, music. Thanks!

    Post edited by robkelk on
  • robkelkrobkelk Posts: 3,259
    edited December 1969

    robkelk said:

    We have a special "pre-season competition" as well!

    Get Out and Watch!
    The August 2014 Freebie Mini-Challenge

    Some folks just won't get out and play.

    This five-day mini-challenge is for the couch potatoes in your runtime. Show us somebody watching other people play (live or on TV).

    The usual rules apply, with my usual change to requiring eight freebies (not ten) and this month's special rule that you have to use freebies from at least three different sites in each entry.

    I'm donating a $10 GC for the winner.

    The mini-contest closes at 23:59 Daz Time August 5.

    So, do I get to keep the GC? Deadline for the mini-challenge is tomorrow night...
  • Lord GanthorLord Ganthor Posts: 592
    edited December 1969

    Couch P'tata? Yeah, I'm all over dat! Da only t'ing dat's betta den goin' t' see da game in person is stayin' home an' watchin' da game on da TV! Figure, I don't gotta get up an' put on no fancy clothes, don't gotta go fight da crowds t' gits a seat...I don't gots t' pay dem high prices fer da dogs 'n' da brew...which ain't all dat good anywhoes...Sittin' at home I gets a betta picture, all up an' close like and somebody tellin' me what's goin' on even! Dat way I kin reads da paper or sumt'in' while da game's goin' on. Yes sir! For my money...which I ain'ts willin' t' pay in da foist place, ya can'ts beat stayin' t' home insteada in da stands!

    1.) Moustache 19th from Top.

    2.) Mitch Hair

    3.) Unforgiven for Aiko 3 Cigar Prop Only. Download Link on Right.

    4.) The Fedora Registration Required.

    5.) 8 TShirts for Genesis Registration Required.Texture Changed.

    6.) Genesis Flip Flops Registration Required.

    7.) Hot Dog 7th Item from Top.

    8.) Mustard Registration Required.

    9.) Catsup Registration Required.

    ...and, of course, dat @#%$! mutt Boston! Hey! He's rootin' fer da Cubs! Go figure dat!! 10.) Kirwyn BosTer2

    No Count: Genesis Base Figure. M4 Base Skin Texture (?). Paid For: M4 Cargo Shorts. Not included here are about a million other freebie props and stuff from various sites across the web. Seriously...there's probably stuff from about 30 different sites, most of which I didn't write down. Shame on me...

    As always, figure set-up in DAZ Studio 4.6 and final render in Bryce 7. No postwork save for addition of signature and copyright notice.

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  • DorseylandDorseyland Posts: 724
    edited December 1969

    Ay caramba, Ganthor, that may be your best Louie render yet! The overlay images are fantastic!

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,146
    edited December 1969

    Couch P'tata? Yeah, I'm all over dat! Da only t'ing dat's betta den goin' t' see da game in person is stayin' home an' watchin' da game on da TV! Figure, I don't gotta get up an' put on no fancy clothes, don't gotta go fight da crowds t' gits a seat...I don't gots t' pay dem high prices fer da dogs 'n' da brew...which ain't all dat good anywhoes...Sittin' at home I gets a betta picture, all up an' close like and somebody tellin' me what's goin' on even! Dat way I kin reads da paper or sumt'in' while da game's goin' on. Yes sir! For my money...which I ain'ts willin' t' pay in da foist place, ya can'ts beat stayin' t' home insteada in da stands!


    Looks like he has everything he needs, even a magazine for the commercial breaks!


  • Lord GanthorLord Ganthor Posts: 592
    edited December 1969

    DanaTA said:
    Looks like he has everything he needs, even a magazine for the commercial breaks!

    Da magazine? Oh, yeah...dat's fer da....um....bat'room breaks...

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,146
    edited December 1969

    DanaTA said:
    Looks like he has everything he needs, even a magazine for the commercial breaks!

    Da magazine? Oh, yeah...dat's fer da....um....bat'room breaks...

    As I said. ;-)


  • music2u4umusic2u4u Posts: 2,822
    edited December 1969

    Louie...you gonna eat doze hot dogs or not?

    *reaches for a hot dog while pulling up a seat*

    So...whose winning?



  • robkelkrobkelk Posts: 3,259
    edited December 1969

    Couch P'tata? Yeah, I'm all over dat! Da only t'ing dat's betta den goin' t' see da game in person is stayin' home an' watchin' da game on da TV! Figure, I don't gotta get up an' put on no fancy clothes, don't gotta go fight da crowds t' gits a seat...I don't gots t' pay dem high prices fer da dogs 'n' da brew...which ain't all dat good anywhoes...Sittin' at home I gets a betta picture, all up an' close like and somebody tellin' me what's goin' on even! Dat way I kin reads da paper or sumt'in' while da game's goin' on. Yes sir! For my money...which I ain'ts willin' t' pay in da foist place, ya can'ts beat stayin' t' home insteada in da stands!

    1.) Moustache 19th from Top.

    2.) Mitch Hair

    3.) Unforgiven for Aiko 3 Cigar Prop Only. Download Link on Right.

    4.) The Fedora Registration Required.

    5.) 8 TShirts for Genesis Registration Required.Texture Changed.

    6.) Genesis Flip Flops Registration Required.

    7.) Hot Dog 7th Item from Top.

    8.) Mustard Registration Required.

    9.) Catsup Registration Required.

    ...and, of course, dat @#%$! mutt Boston! Hey! He's rootin' fer da Cubs! Go figure dat!! 10.) Kirwyn BosTer2

    No Count: Genesis Base Figure. M4 Base Skin Texture (?). Paid For: M4 Cargo Shorts. Not included here are about a million other freebie props and stuff from various sites across the web. Seriously...there's probably stuff from about 30 different sites, most of which I didn't write down. Shame on me...

    As always, figure set-up in DAZ Studio 4.6 and final render in Bryce 7. No postwork save for addition of signature and copyright notice.

    All the links check out - ENTRY ACCEPTED!

    And if you remember where you found that clock, please let me know. I've been looking for one like that for a while.

  • robkelkrobkelk Posts: 3,259
    edited August 2014

    music2u4u said:
    Louie...you gonna eat doze hot dogs or not?

    *reaches for a hot dog while pulling up a seat*

    So...whose winning?

    So far, Louie is! That's a comfy couch, compared to stadium bleachers.

    But there's still most of a day to go before this mini-challenge is done...

    Post edited by robkelk on
  • Lord GanthorLord Ganthor Posts: 592
    edited December 1969

    robkelk said:
    And if you remember where you found that clock, please let me know. I've been looking for one like that for a while.

    Hey! You're da guy wit' all udda freebie lists an' you don't know? Oh brudda! Hey, jus' kiddin'... Clock No Registration Required. 19th Item from Top.

  • robkelkrobkelk Posts: 3,259
    edited December 1969

    robkelk said:
    And if you remember where you found that clock, please let me know. I've been looking for one like that for a while.

    Hey! You're da guy wit' all udda freebie lists an' you don't know? Oh brudda! Hey, jus' kiddin'... Clock No Registration Required. 19th Item from Top.

    I don't have a furniture list! %-P

    Thanks for the link.

    Folks, you still have ... (checks clock, does math for time zones) ... a little less than five hours to enter the Mini-Challenge, as I post this. If you don't enter, you can't win!

    (And now I have to log off for the evening. See you in the morning...)

  • robkelkrobkelk Posts: 3,259
    edited August 2014

    Good morning!

    Well, it's now the 6th, and the mini-challenge is over. I'm going to go out on a limb and not wait for Kismet2012's choice - I think we all know who entered the best render in this month's mini-challenge.

    Congratulations, LG! Please check your PM.

    Now we can concentrate on the main Challenge ... so Get Out And Play!

    Post edited by robkelk on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    We seem to be short on renders so far, so here is one I did ealier


    Ice fishing, (not a game for wimps.)

    1200 x 675 - 656K
  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    edited December 1969

    robkelk said:
    Good morning!

    Well, it's now the 6th, and the mini-challenge is over. I'm going to go out on a limb and not wait for Kismet2012's choice - I think we all know who entered the best render in this month's mini-challenge.

    Congratulations, LG! Please check your PM.

    Now we can concentrate on the main Challenge ... so Get Out And Play!

    But I wanted the other one to win. ;-P

    Nice entry LG. Sorry I couldn't get one together myself. It was an unexpectedly busy weekend.

  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    We seem to be short on renders so far, so here is one I did ealier


    Ice fishing, (not a game for wimps.)

    You are not kidding...every time I see the ice huts I think they are all crazy to be out there.

  • Lord GanthorLord Ganthor Posts: 592
    edited December 1969

    robkelk said:
    Good morning!

    Well, it's now the 6th, and the mini-challenge is over. I'm going to go out on a limb and not wait for Kismet2012's choice - I think we all know who entered the best render in this month's mini-challenge.

    Congratulations, LG! Please check your PM.

    Now we can concentrate on the main Challenge ... so Get Out And Play!

    Thanks...I guess. I mean, it was sort of by default. I feel guilty...

    Nice entry LG. Sorry I couldn't get one together myself. It was an unexpectedly busy weekend.

    Thank you. The only reason I had a chance to do anything is because I'm at home recovering from some surgery. Nothing major or life-threatening, but it has put me off my feet and out of work for a while. Let's just say that Louie looks a lot more comfortable than I do right now.

  • Kismet2012Kismet2012 Posts: 4,252
    edited August 2014

    robkelk said:
    Good morning!

    Well, it's now the 6th, and the mini-challenge is over. I'm going to go out on a limb and not wait for Kismet2012's choice - I think we all know who entered the best render in this month's mini-challenge.

    Congratulations, LG! Please check your PM.

    Now we can concentrate on the main Challenge ... so Get Out And Play!

    Thanks...I guess. I mean, it was sort of by default. I feel guilty...

    Nice entry LG. Sorry I couldn't get one together myself. It was an unexpectedly busy weekend.

    Thank you. The only reason I had a chance to do anything is because I'm at home recovering from some surgery. Nothing major or life-threatening, but it has put me off my feet and out of work for a while. Let's just say that Louie looks a lot more comfortable than I do right now.

    I am glad to hear the surgery was not major. Hope you are back on your feet soon.

    Looking forward to lots more renders from you though. ;-)

    Post edited by Kismet2012 on
  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,146
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    We seem to be short on renders so far, so here is one I did ealier


    Ice fishing, (not a game for wimps.)

    Nice one!


  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,146
    edited December 1969

    robkelk said:
    Good morning!

    Well, it's now the 6th, and the mini-challenge is over. I'm going to go out on a limb and not wait for Kismet2012's choice - I think we all know who entered the best render in this month's mini-challenge.

    Congratulations, LG! Please check your PM.

    Now we can concentrate on the main Challenge ... so Get Out And Play!

    Thanks...I guess. I mean, it was sort of by default. I feel guilty...

    Nice entry LG. Sorry I couldn't get one together myself. It was an unexpectedly busy weekend.

    Thank you. The only reason I had a chance to do anything is because I'm at home recovering from some surgery. Nothing major or life-threatening, but it has put me off my feet and out of work for a while. Let's just say that Louie looks a lot more comfortable than I do right now.

    Glad it was a minor thing. I hope for a quick recovery!


  • robkelkrobkelk Posts: 3,259
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    We seem to be short on renders so far, so here is one I did ealier


    Ice fishing, (not a game for wimps.)

    Especially without a hut!

    That's quite the image, chohole - thanks for sharing it with us.

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