DAZ Studio Pro, General Release, Now Available for Download!



  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Actually for you just Moving the Database folders and then trying the Re-Import would be all I suggest. None of the rest looks to be needed. In your File Browser just set Folder View to show Hidden and that allows you to see ProgramsData to go move the folders.

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,245
    edited December 1969

    Where do I move them? You talking about moving or deleting and letting it rebuild like in the tutorial Jaderail?


  • almahiedraalmahiedra Posts: 1,353
    edited December 1969

    RAMWolff said:
    OK.. good news and bad news...

    After months of waiting for the right time I had the time finally to call up Microsoft and have them help me get my computer Admin permissions fixed. It really came down to making a new account in the computer and moving everything over to it and low and behold all my Admin privileges were restored (for now, they told me just installing a program that is not on MS's list of OK programs can ruin someones Admin privileges, which seems lame to me but I guess that's how it is...) So after I FINALLY got upgraded to Windows 8.1 I went through the system and found that MOST of my programs still worked as expected, even ZBrush and Photoshop which are two programs that give me hell when system stuff happens.... Nope, this time it was DAZ Studio... Yup. I got almost all of it restored to where I like it but

    I have NO Smart Content. I've tried the easy way. I thought at first perhaps the CMS wasn't running as I couldn't find it in the task manager list but in the Services list it is listed as running and set to Automatic so I guess that answered that question.. but I'm still without Smart Content. SO... wondering if I still have to uninstall DAZ Studio and do the file deletion thing as in the tutorial I dug up below:

    This procedures removes all the current database files and then recreates the database by re-importing. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS WILL DESTROY ANY METADATA FOR USER CREATED CONTENT. User-created files will not be deleted, but the index info for them will be deleted. They will remain in the Content Library Pane, if created there, but will not show up and will not be able to show up in the Smart Content Pane. If you have not created any of your own presets or do not care whether custom (user-created) presets show up in the Smart Content Pane, then this will not be a problem for you. This procedure does *not* require you to re-install your purchased content. 1) First, turn off (quit) DAZ Studio 4.5. Pro. 2) Uninstall DAZ Studio 4.5 Pro using the uninstaller for it. 3) Uninstall the DAZ Content Management Service using the uninstaller for it. 4) Then browse to the folder with the database files. This is the default path for the database files for DCMS. If you chose a different path for it during installation, then browse to that folder: MAC
    MacHD:Library:DAZ 3D:Content Management Service:databases
    C:\Programdata\DAZ 3D\Content Management Service\databases By default the ‘programdata’ folder is invisible in Windows. You can open it by going to the ‘start’ or run window, typing ‘%programdata%’ without the quotes and then pressing ‘Enter’ on the keyboard. In the ‘databases’ folder, you will find these files: ContentDB.blb
    master.vdb Delete or trash the above files. 5) Install the latest release version of DAZ Studio 4.5 ( at the time of this writing). This also re-installs the Content Management Service. 6) Launch Studio. The Content Management Service should work now. This assumes that the issue was a corrupted or broken database. This method doesn’t resolve issues caused by interference from third-party software or Windows security settings. 7) Studio should re-import the metadata automatically when you re-launch it. You can also manually direct Studio to re-import the metadata in 'Content DB Maintenance...' --> Re-Import Metadata --> Accept. 8) Check to verify that the Smart Content Pane is working correctly. If the above method doesn't work, you can move the database files back to their original location and save yourself the time of having Studio re-create the data. Only move them back if the above method doesn't work. If it does work, then you know that information in those database files was corrupted and prevented DCMS from working correctly.

    If not I need the new improved version of this. I really hope I don't have to uninstall DS and go through all that but if I do, I do.

    Let me know


    I just needed this!!! gracias gracias

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    RAMWolff said:
    Where do I move them? You talking about moving or deleting and letting it rebuild like in the tutorial Jaderail?


    Yes just move them and rebuild the Database, if it works nothing lost and your back in business, if it does not you still have your files to put back.
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,245
    edited December 1969

    Well I took the low road. I uninstalled the post%$&#@ packages and DAZ Studio.. I then removed the old databases and reinstalled DAZ Studio with out the other two packages so I have the older CMS running now. Reimported in the Data and I'm back in business.

    Nope, spoke too soon. Reloaded DAZ Studio to refresh it all and now the Smart Content pane is empty again. This is really such a bother. WHAT EVER! lol

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    RAMWolff said:
    Well I took the low road. I uninstalled the post%$&#@ packages and DAZ Studio.. I then removed the old databases and reinstalled DAZ Studio with out the other two packages so I have the older CMS running now. Reimported in the Data and I'm back in business.

    Nope, spoke too soon. Reloaded DAZ Studio to refresh it all and now the Smart Content pane is empty again. This is really such a bother. WHAT EVER! lol

    Have you checked that the CMS is staying Running with DAZ Studio open? Sounds like it is shutting down on your second open for no reason I can think of.
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,245
    edited December 1969

    I guess I can look at that.... Thanks!

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,245
    edited December 1969

    It was running...

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,245
    edited December 1969

    Ran the import again and it seems to have worked again. I exported out the data but I have NO IDEA where the hell the program exported it to. It would be nice if DAZ would have it bring up a browser window so we could decide where the backup lands not in some mystery place. I mean really DAZ, come on! I'm off to bed. Had enough of this!

  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,178
    edited December 1969

    RAMWolff said:
    Ran the import again and it seems to have worked again. I exported out the data but I have NO IDEA where the hell the program exported it to. It would be nice if DAZ would have it bring up a browser window so we could decide where the backup lands not in some mystery place. I mean really DAZ, come on! I'm off to bed. Had enough of this!

    The export file is UserData_1.dsx and is always written to the Runtime\Support directory in the first DAZ Studio format directory defined to Studio.

    Yah. Bedtime here also. :-)

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 1969

    And "userdata_1.dsx" record only about your orignal meta-data , not means it export all data in database.

    most of products sold by daz have each "product name".dsx file.
    they are all installed in the ../your ds contents root /runtime/support/
    as same as your export original userdata.

    These dsx file are written by xml , then we can open them by text editor.
    and people (not programmer) can read or check what is recorded in each product xml file.

    I do not remember but usually ds try to import all products meta-data stored in runtime/support
    when CMS first connect to daz studio , after that import new installed product dsx only.

    About valentina DB,, you may simply copy all database then paste in another directory
    with date or NO to keep good status records when you get bad dream or distrust the DB^^;

    if DB will corrupt again just exchange them .

    822 x 539 - 80K
  • DAZ_SpookyDAZ_Spooky Posts: 3,100
    edited May 2014

    Sooooo after installing this new package, everything just looks mucked up. Is there a way to install the older version until you guys fix the bugs in this? I'll attach a picture so you guys can see what my dashboard looks like, as well as leave a link to it on my photobucket (in case you can't see it for whatever reason)


    the panels are completely white as if the files are no longer present, and everything looks like it's in basic coding. I really wish there were more options for when you guys release these updates =(

    Run the update menus script in Scripts/Utilities or reload a default layout. That should clear it up. Unless you installed DAZ Studio while it was still open. In which case an uninstall and re-install is required to fix it.
    Post edited by DAZ_Spooky on
  • StratDragonStratDragon Posts: 3,251
    edited May 2014

    the past few builds have alternated where any folder with an underscore will show up on in your list of runtime or content folders, as of this release anything with a "_foldername" will show up at the end of the list, previously it showed at the top, several builds back it showed up at the bottom and before that I think it was exclusively showing at the top as the Windows and MacOS naming conventions put it.

    e.g. Last build: (

    /Scenes/_my Daz scenes
    /Scenes/my Daz scens

    this build (
    /Scenes/my Daz scenes
    /Scenes/_my Daz scenes

    I think this affects folder names with an exclamation "!" as well.

    Post edited by StratDragon on
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,245
    edited December 1969

    namffuak said:
    RAMWolff said:
    Ran the import again and it seems to have worked again. I exported out the data but I have NO IDEA where the hell the program exported it to. It would be nice if DAZ would have it bring up a browser window so we could decide where the backup lands not in some mystery place. I mean really DAZ, come on! I'm off to bed. Had enough of this!

    The export file is UserData_1.dsx and is always written to the Runtime\Support directory in the first DAZ Studio format directory defined to Studio.

    Yah. Bedtime here also. :-)

    So your saying this directory with it's 6,573 files is the actual backup? Holy Moly!

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,245
    edited December 1969

    Well fingers crossed and a fresh boot this AM and loaded DS and the Smart Content remained this time. So THAT'S good. So I go ahead and reinstall the newer manager it will automatically take the reins? If not DAZ needs to make a small tutorial with a link so we can all stop asking the same question about how to do it. Makes EVERYONE'S life a little easier and less annoying! Thanks

  • twitchewtwitchew Posts: 124
    edited December 1969

    Yes, a nice tutorial on the conversion tool and Postgres. I was lucky that I could just uninstall the Postgress server and have my smart content (and search) back. I am running windows 8.1 and thought that windows was to blame.

    RAMWolff said:
    Well fingers crossed and a fresh boot this AM and loaded DS and the Smart Content remained this time. So THAT'S good. So I go ahead and reinstall the newer manager it will automatically take the reins? If not DAZ needs to make a small tutorial with a link so we can all stop asking the same question about how to do it. Makes EVERYONE'S life a little easier and less annoying! Thanks
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,245
    edited December 1969

    Yea, a page or two back I mentioned that I had upgraded to WIndows 8.1 and it reset allot of my programs but strangely enough Photoshop and ZBrush survived. Not sure how that happened but DAZ Studio on the other hand was back to ground zero. Luckily I had backups of all my interface tweaks and just browsed to where those were stored and reapplied them but then the Smart Content thing happened. At least it's up and running again albeit it's the older CMS but at least it's running.... so until I get a tutorial I'm going to hold off.... if I don't get one I'll just stay with the older CMS...

  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,178
    edited December 1969

    RAMWolff said:
    namffuak said:
    RAMWolff said:
    Ran the import again and it seems to have worked again. I exported out the data but I have NO IDEA where the hell the program exported it to. It would be nice if DAZ would have it bring up a browser window so we could decide where the backup lands not in some mystery place. I mean really DAZ, come on! I'm off to bed. Had enough of this!

    The export file is UserData_1.dsx and is always written to the Runtime\Support directory in the first DAZ Studio format directory defined to Studio.

    Yah. Bedtime here also. :-)

    So your saying this directory with it's 6,573 files is the actual backup? Holy Moly!

    Well - yes, in a way.

    DAZ has taken the approach to just rebuild the database in the event of problems, rather than do custom backup and restore utilities for the database. So there is a .dsx file and icon here for every product installed by DIM - either the smart content .dsx that ships with the product or a version whacked together by DIM on install. Re-importing these files rebuilds the database - for everything DAZ has supplied.

    That leaves user changes - categorization and smart content creation. When you run the 'export user data' process all your database changes get pulled together and written as UserData_1.dsx (same file name every time) in this directory. And that is why you have the option on a re-import to check the box for user data overrides product data - to keep your changes.

    If you have multiple paths for content there will be a Runtime\Support directory in each for the products installed to that path. But your user data will always be written to the first defined path.

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,245
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for the info. I am disappointed that my Super Suit set I made for Genesis and Genesis 02 Female (no longer available) data was no saved to some file as I thought it would be so it's not listed under the Wardrobe category nor under the Unassigned category. SIGH.... gotta redo that AGAIN!

  • namffuaknamffuak Posts: 4,178
    edited December 1969

    RAMWolff said:
    Thanks for the info. I am disappointed that my Super Suit set I made for Genesis and Genesis 02 Female (no longer available) data was no saved to some file as I thought it would be so it's not listed under the Wardrobe category nor under the Unassigned category. SIGH.... gotta redo that AGAIN!

    Sorry to hear that! There is a process, documented in the DAZ Studio wiki somewhere (I keep meaning to bookmark it and never do) that explains how to create and save the metadata for a specific product or project -- its the way DAZ actually creates the smart content metadata.

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,245
    edited December 1969

    Yup, I followed that same tutorial. Didn't save it out. Saved out and kept my Chameleon Boy for Genesis but not Wildfire nor the Super Suit sets!

  • DZ_jaredDZ_jared Posts: 1,316
    edited December 1969

    Just a heads up, in about an hour you will see an update to DAZ Studio. This is not a new build of Studio (it will still be but it is a new package that fixes an auto-serialization issue that many users were experiencing.

    Everyone should apply this update when they see it in DIM.

    As a reminder make sure you close all instances of the DAZ Studio application before applying the update.

  • bhillgot_minebhillgot_mine Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Sooooo after installing this new package, everything just looks mucked up. Is there a way to install the older version until you guys fix the bugs in this? I'll attach a picture so you guys can see what my dashboard looks like, as well as leave a link to it on my photobucket (in case you can't see it for whatever reason)


    the panels are completely white as if the files are no longer present, and everything looks like it's in basic coding. I really wish there were more options for when you guys release these updates =(

    Run the update menus script in Scripts/Utilities or reload a default layout. That should clear it up. Unless you installed DAZ Studio while it was still open. In which case an uninstall and re-install is required to fix it.

    lol I already fixed it with my aweshum programming skills. My only problem is that my smart content isn't there anymore, as well as everything in the content pane.

  • bhillgot_minebhillgot_mine Posts: 0
    edited May 2014

    I think this is still rather beta as a lot of people are experiencing problems. If DAZ could leave a 2 min video tutorial whenever they release these things, it would be great. It seems there are always tutorials for new content, but never the install packages themselves. Either that or leave the program source open for anybody to edit, so people that actually know more can redesign it in a different/better way.


    So I was able to get my content library working again without rescripting or forcing 3rd party extensions, but my smart content remains empty. Gonna try that reset method listed a couple pages back

    Post edited by bhillgot_mine on
  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,997
    edited December 1969

    DAZ_jared said:
    Just a heads up, in about an hour you will see an update to DAZ Studio. This is not a new build of Studio (it will still be but it is a new package that fixes an auto-serialization issue that many users were experiencing.

    Everyone should apply this update when they see it in DIM.

    As a reminder make sure you close all instances of the DAZ Studio application before applying the update.

    Just to clarify (just in case I am being too eager!) will this actually be a new download of the base Daz Studio as I do not use DIM to install DS will it be available via the product page?
  • rbtwhizrbtwhiz Posts: 2,288
    edited May 2014

    The update is only for the DAZ Studio application package(s), within Install Manager; not plugins*, not PostgreSQL, not conversion scripts, not default content... just the application. Standalone installers are not affected; as they do not include the mentioned auto-serialization functionality. This update is primarily targeted at new users, or new installations by existing users - to remove steps from the serialization/registration process. Existing users should apply the update so that they will continue to be made aware of any future updates through Install Manager. This update is only to the package(s) themselves... the application is unchanged; the version reported will continue to indicate

    *Dynamic Clothing Control plugin owners will need to uninstall and then reinstall that plugin after the update has been installed. You should not need to re-download the plugin unless you have the 'Delete Package Once Installed' option enabled in Install Manager.


    Post edited by rbtwhiz on
  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,997
    edited December 1969

    rbtwhiz said:
    The update is only for the DAZ Studio application package(s), within Install Manager; not plugins*, not PostgreSQL, not conversion scripts, not default content... just the application. Standalone installers are not affected; as they do not include the mentioned auto-serialization functionality. This update is primarily targeted at new users, or new installations by existing users - to remove steps from the serialization/registration process. Existing users should apply the update so that they will continue to be made aware of any future updates through Install Manager. This update is only to the package(s) themselves... the application is unchanged; the version reported will continue to indicate

    *Dynamic Clothing Control plugin owners will need to uninstall and then reinstall that plugin after the update has been installed. You should not need to re-download the plugin unless you have the 'Delete Package Once Installed' option enabled in Install Manager.


    Thanks for the clarification, Rob! I always like it when I have nothing to do :)
  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 1969

    So,,,now I fortunately have no problem with current beta and postgre,, but anyway,, I need to up-date,,^^;?
    OK I do you say it need.

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited May 2014

    Then,,about meta-data,, I hope some official person can clear teach me,
    the difference.

    a ) modify meta-data of Assets (eg I sometimes needed to apply compaitblity with correctly)
    in content library>" product", then export the product-data to overwrite origian.

    b) modify meta-data of Assets ( apply compatibility with)
    in conent library>category section (or daz contents section (poser content etc)).

    I understand about data-base records ,there seems no difference.
    when I add compatiblity with one assets, it should be changed.
    and I can see in prodcut, or category, or daz contents,, in DBeditmode.

    but case a)
    if I modify product-data, and export ,overwrite it, when daz up-date the product and meta-data
    my modify should be overwritten,, then I lost my modification?
    even though I export user_data after export the product data?

    then if I hope to keep my modify,, I may need to export and keep the product data as diffrent name?

    and case b)
    I modify meta-data not in " product" category,,,about same assets,
    when I export user-data,, the modification should be saved in user_data ,
    but not overwrite original product data installed in runtime/support?

    I believe,, the difference is really important,, when modify or add new compatibility etc about
    assets goruped in product.

    if the assets do not grouped in "product" meta-data, there is no problem,,
    maybe just export user data,, I can protect it. so that tach me clear please.

    Post edited by kitakoredaz on
  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,245
    edited May 2014

    Question... I accidentally made some categories in Smart Content that are not part of the "Default" main and I'd like to remove them. How does one do that? I tried removing them in the Content DB Editor but when I right click and Delete Selected Categories or Delete Selected Categories from Selected Files but when I click the Accept button it SEEMS to be updating things but then the unwanted category is still there in the Smart Content line up! :-(

    778 x 669 - 89K
    Post edited by RAMWolff on
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