(Sung) "Sliding feet have got no rhythm ..."

mavantemavante Posts: 734

...and they are likely to cause me to go into apoplexy.

I have tried everything I know to get a character to go from a bent over pose (customized from commercial) to a full standing pose (commercial) but keep one foot, the right one, exactly where it is in space. It all works beautifully, beautifully—except the ##$%^&#W feet slide! I just want one of them—ONE!—the right foot, to stay on the floor exactly where I have it.

I have tried everything. Everything. And it still slides.

I have tried using Command (on Mac) when double-clicking the pose I'm trying to get to, and turning off all translations. The feet slide away a few "inches," and then back.

I have used Pose Mixer, locking that foot and "All Translations on Hip" and applying the pose—including using Command-double-clicking on the target pose and not. The feet slide away a few "inches" and then back.

I have used Daz's "Pin" on the foot, in and out of combination with the above. Guess what the foot does. Anybody need a hint at this point?

The weird thing is that the "sliding" doesn't seem to make any key frames for that right foot in the timeline, or I would select them and make them linear. I even tried manually adding keyframes for the right foot only at the beggining pose and the target ending pose, and making them linear. The foot slides. I thought I had seen it all, but this is yet another new one.

Can anybody tell me how to deal with this? (I mean other than going to see a therapist.) Is there any way to stop this infernal sliding? Please.

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  • RobinsonRobinson Posts: 751
    edited April 2020

    I've been to that therapist and she told me to use a different piece of software to do animation... and then.... I discovered an extremely industrious lunatic called mCasual.  He has dozens, probably hundreds of Daz scripts on his google site.  No, I'm not kidding.  Here are the ones you need for your problem:

    mcjAutoLimb2015 https://sites.google.com/site/mcasualsdazscripts6/mcjautolimb2015

    mcjKeepOrient https://sites.google.com/site/mcasualsdazscripts/mcjkeeporient

    I just noticed he updated autolimb last year to include keeporient, so I think I'll update mine too.  Anyway what you do is you select the hand or foot you want to keep still and double-click autolimb.  It'll stabilise the translation of the joint by modifying the parent bones.  Be aware that it takes account of the limits you've set on the bones.  For standing, non-contorted positions, this doesn't need much (any) modification.  For other poses, like "press ups", you might need to change them (he did a tutorial for that too, by the way).  Once you've done that you'll then run mckeeporient.  That will rotate the foot or hand to keep it in place.

    Those two tools together (or if he's integrated the second into the first) will help enormously.  The only issue you'll have is it'll put keys in all intermediate frames, which you may not want if you're doing pose-to-pose animation.  That can't be helped (you can delete the keys and start again I suppose if you don't like the result).

    Let us know how you get on.

    [Edit: some other scripts he has I find really useful, worth downloading whilst you're browsing his site]:

    mcjReverseAnim (useful for loops)

    Post edited by Robinson on
  • mavantemavante Posts: 734
    Robinson said:

    I've been to that therapist and she told me to use a different piece of software to do animation... and then.... I discovered an extremely industrious lunatic called mCasual.  He has dozens, probably hundreds of Daz scripts on his google site.  No, I'm not kidding.  Here are the ones you need for your problem:

    mcjAutoLimb2015 https://sites.google.com/site/mcasualsdazscripts6/mcjautolimb2015

    mcjKeepOrient https://sites.google.com/site/mcasualsdazscripts/mcjkeeporient

    [HEADSMACK] Doh! Of course! I have been to mCasual's website numerous times (a year and more ago), and I believe I even have both of those scripts installed. Why do I never, ever remember them? I will definitely try this. Thank you very much.

    (As an aside, and this is just a rumor that I can't prove: Therapists can't do animation. Well, at least yours didn't try to give you a drug to "make you feel better about" sliding feet.)


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