New Bluejaunte character alert - Ensley HD



  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 5,775
    AllenArt said:

    @Asari, as Ensley seems to have detailed skin, I would use her for normal shots and closeups. Characters without detail I use as background characters. But thanks for the hints about vram.

    @bluejante, thanks for the info about the morphs and the breasts. When I want to buy a character, I personally like to see at least one promo shot where you can see the complete form of said character (shoulders, breastshape &size, taille, hip and legs). For a younger character a swimsuit with pattern (so you better see the shape) will do.

    Yeah new standards at DAZ, we are no longer allowed to even show shoulders of underrage characters. So the swimsuit is out I guess.


    That's just....what? Wait, what year is it? 1820?


    According to the John Milton character (played by Al Pacino) in The Devil's Advocate, the shoulders "are a woman's first line of defense." Then again, that's the devil's perspective.

  • AllenArtAllenArt Posts: 7,146
    edited April 2020

    The character looks to be between 12-14 to me. I see girls that age wearing swim suits regularly. IS the store going to ban swimsuits? Camisoles? Short sleeved shirts? When I was 12 (a helluva long time ago), I wore my 1-piece swimsuits nearly the entire summer. No one even so much as blinked.

    To say that I'm flabbergasted by the new store policy is putting it mildy. This is a U.S. company, isn't it?


    Post edited by AllenArt on
  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 5,775

    I'm not putting my shirt back on, full stop!

  • jd641jd641 Posts: 433

    bluejaunte you've done it again! The face looks incredible... but man I can't afford this right now. :( :( :( :( :(

  • bluejauntebluejaunte Posts: 1,863

    You guys are preaching to the choir here, I assure you. And they know what I think about it too. Even the pretty obvious "cannot show what I'm selling" issue aside, it gets harder and harder to find clothes too. That results in time wasted I'd rather put into the character. And I'm really sorry for minors who are apparently not even allowed to go swimming anymore because someone somewhere thinks a bathing suit is too revealing.

    I get it, we need to protect minors. But in all honesty, Ensley isn't a minor, she is a bunch of pixels. Not a single minor out there is protected if we don't show her shoulders. In fact, people who are so inclined are going to buy her and do whatever the hell they please with her anyway, so what's the point? The absolute consequence of it all would be not to sell minors or any products that could transform characters into minors at all. To sell them but to cover them up in promos until ultimately we are going to have to hide the face too, because guess what, I'm sure people sexualize faces of minors, is just kind of bewildering to me.

  • bluejauntebluejaunte Posts: 1,863

    On the other hand, to be fair, is anyone going to not buy a character because the shoulders weren't visible? Probably not. But yeah does it stop there? What about feet, hands, legs, faces... I don't know, let's hope it stops with shoulders.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 37,944

    it's only a matter of time until the purple bra and panties on the texture returns ... cheeky

    I am giving them ideas aren't I devil

  • outrider42outrider42 Posts: 3,679

    Attention Daz, you have a lot of cleaning up to do:

    I think its note worthy that the Daz Staff Picks Bundle has several products with such offending promos. That bundle was released around Christmas.

    However, I was looking over things, and I found that Teen Raven 8 has no shoulder promos. In fact, even the HD add on for her has her wearing a shirt over her clay model! So I guess even clay is not good enough, either!

    So it appears this has been something going on since at least October 2019. Bluejaunte's last teen like character, SIna, was released in July 2019, and her shoulders are shown in numerous promos. So that sets up the time frame for this terrible policy to have been implemented.

    And of course we are not blaming PAs. They are only following the rules, however stupid, completely backward, and behind the times they may be. This whole thing makes me rethink my future purchasing decisions. I may support some 3rd party PAs, but I do not think I can in good faith support Daz Originals any longer. This is the wrong direction, Daz.

  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 5,775

    If you people don't stop this seditious talk, we're going to be confined to quarters. ... oh, nevermind.

  • bluejauntebluejaunte Posts: 1,863

    Outrider, the answer PA's get when playing the "what about" game is that standards change. Even Sina had a shoulder free dress approved, that wasn't long ago at all. I imagine that the main issue is whatever is visible on the front page at the moment, more so than what is already in the store. Part of that may just be the reality that it is near impossible to clean up every promo in the store, due to the sheer number of products.

    It's somewhat understandable that standards can change, that's really fine with me. I don't have to like the new standards though. angel


  • AllenArtAllenArt Posts: 7,146
    edited April 2020

    Standards change? Sure, but when did THAT change? I'm at a loss.... I've yet to hear anyone going "OMG...did you see that little girl's shoulders are showing!!!" Just reading over what I just wrote makes me laugh. But it's not funny. It's ridiculous. And none of what I said was directed at you It's all been directed squarely at Daz.

    And, I know I'm gonna get slapped for this, but what exactly is in the mind of a person who would institute this kind of rule? I mean, it makes one wonder. o.O


    Post edited by AllenArt on
  • outrider42outrider42 Posts: 3,679
    edited April 2020

    On the other hand, to be fair, is anyone going to not buy a character because the shoulders weren't visible? Probably not. But yeah does it stop there? What about feet, hands, legs, faces... I don't know, let's hope it stops with shoulders.

    Its the principle behind the policy that could certainly effect purchasing decisions. So yes it totally can. Perhaps a lot of people are not aware of this backward policy. Perhaps others will not care, its only a shoulder, right? On its surface it just sounds like a silly thing to get upset about. And some people may falsely think its is somehow protecting real kids. But ultimately it is about taking people's rights away, because kids have rights, too. If girls can't show their shoulders, where are we headed as a society? And will it even stop at the age of 18? There are numerous states in the US that have raised the age of smoking to 21. Some have attempted to raise the age of buying a gun to 21. What if that trend continues? Will they stop allowing 18 year olds to do other things? Like join the army or vote?

    That is why we have to stop things like this in their tracks.

    This is a standard that doesn't need to change. It was fine the way it was, and that is not some old person waxing nostalgic about their heyday, this is how it should be. Besides that, WHO changed the standard? Oh, Daz did. Did somebody come up to Daz and tell them they needed to do this? Did somebody FORCE Daz to make this change? Daz is under no obligation to alter policy in such ways.

    I am sure they did it because they thought : "Oh well, its just a shoulder, who cares?" But again, this is extremely ripe for a slippery slope. If you give the small minority of people who actually want this change the inch, they WILL take the mile. They will continue to ask for more changes. You do not give in to these people. We don't need to concern ourselves with them, since this protects no one.

    Post edited by outrider42 on
  • JOdelJOdel Posts: 6,264

    Maybe someone is euphemizing "shoulders" for something more naughty.

  • Please do bear in mind that these rules may not be Daz' preference, bu somthing (they believe is) necessary to avoid issues with content filtering. Look at the issue certain product names caused a ittle while back, that certainly wasn't Daz' doing.

  • bluejauntebluejaunte Posts: 1,863
    AllenArt said:

    Standards change? Sure, but when did THAT change? I'm at a loss.... I've yet to hear anyone going "OMG...did you see that little girl's shoulders are showing!!!" Just reading over what I just wrote makes me laugh. But it's not funny. It's ridiculous. And none of what I said was directed at you It's all been directed squarely at Daz.


    I'm guessing it's a "partial nudity" thing. So maybe the closer you get to the naughty bits, the more you could define something as partial nudity? So extremities like arms and legs (not too far up though) and head are hopefully safe.

  • AsariAsari Posts: 703
    I'm a bit baffled by the fact a girl can't wear a tank top in promos when she could be 17 but once she could look like 18 she can wear all the skimpwear and chainmail bikinis that only cover the nipples. I mean those stuff is sold via this store.
  • outrider42outrider42 Posts: 3,679

    Please do bear in mind that these rules may not be Daz' preference, bu somthing (they believe is) necessary to avoid issues with content filtering. Look at the issue certain product names caused a ittle while back, that certainly wasn't Daz' doing.

    Who is filtering content based on an exposed shoulder? I want names and details. 

  • AllenArtAllenArt Posts: 7,146
    edited April 2020

    Please do bear in mind that these rules may not be Daz' preference, bu somthing (they believe is) necessary to avoid issues with content filtering. Look at the issue certain product names caused a ittle while back, that certainly wasn't Daz' doing.

    Who is filtering content based on an exposed shoulder? I want names and details. 

    Same here. LOL

    Ok, at any rate (and no matter HOW ridiculous I think the new "shoulder" rule is), this thread is about bluejaunte's character, which is exquisite, like all bluejaunte's characters are - as my runtime is an :).


    Post edited by AllenArt on
  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,106
    edited April 2020
    AllenArt said:

    Standards change? Sure, but when did THAT change? I'm at a loss.... I've yet to hear anyone going "OMG...did you see that little girl's shoulders are showing!!!" Just reading over what I just wrote makes me laugh. But it's not funny. It's ridiculous. And none of what I said was directed at you It's all been directed squarely at Daz.

    And, I know I'm gonna get slapped for this, but what exactly is in the mind of a person who would institute this kind of rule? I mean, it makes one wonder.

    In the press I've seen quite a few examples of US schools dress codes forbidding girls to wear tops with thin straps. Apparently shoulders are "distracting"...

    I personally find that totally stupid, but well, apparently that's a thing. And I can totally imagine some US companies like, say, payment processors, starting to impose the same kind of stupid rules.

    Post edited by Leana on
  • bluejauntebluejaunte Posts: 1,863
    Asari said:
    I'm a bit baffled by the fact a girl can't wear a tank top in promos when she could be 17 but once she could look like 18 she can wear all the skimpwear and chainmail bikinis that only cover the nipples. I mean those stuff is sold via this store.

    That is a whole other debate. Convincing Daz that a girl is 18 not 17 is practically impossible. When push comes to shove, things will be played safe. 

  • outrider42outrider42 Posts: 3,679

    Has Daz heard of the phrase "Get woke, go broke"?

    Just sayin. Hollywood has been discovering this is not exactly a profitable thing to push. Just do what you do, and stop trying to cater to some "filter". Your base audience that spends the most money does not need to discover you through a google search. You think I am silly sometimes, and that I over react, but your sales will decline if you continue down this path.

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,106

    Ignoring those filters is not always an option. When PayPal blocks purchase of some products because of how they're named (yes, that has happened), you either change the name (even if you find it ridiculous) or can't sell those products to customers who use PayPal.

  • AllenArtAllenArt Posts: 7,146

    A lot of arm-twisting goes on, and it works. That's why it's called arm-twisting. It shouldn't be allowed but is. No denying it.


  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 8,776
    edited April 2020

    Please do bear in mind that these rules may not be Daz' preference, bu somthing (they believe is) necessary to avoid issues with content filtering. Look at the issue certain product names caused a ittle while back, that certainly wasn't Daz' doing.

    Who is filtering content based on an exposed shoulder? I want names and details. 

    Well, let's see... where to begin

    First, at Wasatch High in Heber CIty Utah, the school officials actually altered the yearbook photos of dozens of female students to cover their shoulders. ;

    Then female reporters starting being barred from entering court houses while wearing outfits with bare shoulders, with one nationally publicized case being in Ogden, Utah.

    But hey, that was nothing, because then the U.S. House of Representatives completely banned female reporters from wearing sleeveless dresses while the Republicans were in control.

    Then there's Pennsacola, Florida, another place where high school girls aren't allowed to bare their shoulders.

    And, sadly, I could go on and on. 

    Post edited by Cybersox on
  • AsariAsari Posts: 703
    Asari said:
    I'm a bit baffled by the fact a girl can't wear a tank top in promos when she could be 17 but once she could look like 18 she can wear all the skimpwear and chainmail bikinis that only cover the nipples. I mean those stuff is sold via this store.

    That is a whole other debate. Convincing Daz that a girl is 18 not 17 is practically impossible. When push comes to shove, things will be played safe. 

    Ok, so any female character that looks remotely to be a teen can fall under this rule? I mean ... most of DAZ characters are pretty young. It's often a thin line who can be teens and who can be a young adult. Many teens in Hollywood are played by twenty something actors. And some teens look older than her real age. With every base character released you find people who think the character too old or too young so it can be difficult ... how difficult would that be in the end to define?
  • Kevin SandersonKevin Sanderson Posts: 1,643
    edited April 2020

    It may also be linked to the FTC 2020 COPPA rules that protect children and portrayals of children that caused lots of consternation over at YouTube. I remember all kinds of rules when I worked at CBS about how children could be portrayed on websites and many things were prohibited and that was a few years ago. Oh, I purchased Einsley earlier today and think BJ did a marvelouse job with details!

    Post edited by Kevin Sanderson on
  • outrider42outrider42 Posts: 3,679
    Cybersox said:

    Please do bear in mind that these rules may not be Daz' preference, bu somthing (they believe is) necessary to avoid issues with content filtering. Look at the issue certain product names caused a ittle while back, that certainly wasn't Daz' doing.

    Who is filtering content based on an exposed shoulder? I want names and details. 

    Well, let's see... where to begin

    First, at Wasatch High in Heber CIty Utah, the school officials actually altered the yearbook photos of hundreds of female students to cover their shoulders. ;

    Then female reporters starting being barred from entering court houses while wearing outfits with bare shoulders, with one nationally publicized case being in Ogden, Utah.

    But hey, that was nothing, because then the U.S. House of Representatives completely banned female reporters from wearing sleeveless dresses while the Republicans were in control.

    Then there's Pennsacola, Florida, another place where high school girls aren't allowed to bare their shoulders.

    And, sadly, I could go on and on. 

    Not a single one of these pertain to a website search, though.


    Leana said:

    Ignoring those filters is not always an option. When PayPal blocks purchase of some products because of how they're named (yes, that has happened), you either change the name (even if you find it ridiculous) or can't sell those products to customers who use PayPal.

    Paypal is an option for buying games from Steam. Steam has outright pornographic games in its store now. So no, Paypal is not the issue. If it was, then either Steam would stop using Paypal or Paypal would have forced Steam to change its policy.

  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 3,824
    edited April 2020

    @bluejaunte, I love your character and although I should have just put her on my wishlist, this thread made me think again and I made a second cart and added her and also the last three remaining characters from G8 I don't own to it. I expect to get a great deal of worth from my purchase. Thank you for taking the time for the details.

    Regarding shoulders, when I worked for an international medical corporation, one of the dress standards I had to enforce was spaghetti straps were a 'no-no' and a woman was required to ware a jacket or sweater on top. Or go home and change without pay.

    The other thing to remember, is many US-based companies are being pressed by overseas countries, to comply with their moral/religious/political standards or not sell or be on the internet in their country. 


    Post edited by memcneil70 on
  • bluejauntebluejaunte Posts: 1,863
    Asari said:
    Asari said:
    I'm a bit baffled by the fact a girl can't wear a tank top in promos when she could be 17 but once she could look like 18 she can wear all the skimpwear and chainmail bikinis that only cover the nipples. I mean those stuff is sold via this store.

    That is a whole other debate. Convincing Daz that a girl is 18 not 17 is practically impossible. When push comes to shove, things will be played safe. 


    Ok, so any female character that looks remotely to be a teen can fall under this rule? I mean ... most of DAZ characters are pretty young. It's often a thin line who can be teens and who can be a young adult. Many teens in Hollywood are played by twenty something actors. And some teens look older than her real age. With every base character released you find people who think the character too old or too young so it can be difficult ... how difficult would that be in the end to define?

    It's impossible, and hence sometimes frustrating but Daz decides not me. I could attempt to make 25 year old petite girl and because of the petiteness she looks too underage. If I give her big breasts then the most likely comment will be that the breasts look out of place for this young looking girl. I give an older looking girl tiny breasts that is no problem. I know petite girls who couldn't get into 18+ movies when they were 25 already. At least they got an ID to prove their age, I can't really defend my girl's age in any way.

    But hey, there are worse problems in the world. I'm not complaining, people at Daz are lovely to deal with, they are running successful business and I'm grateful for the opportunity. Let's not forget that all is well for the most part. smiley

  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 8,776
    Leana said:

    Ignoring those filters is not always an option. When PayPal blocks purchase of some products because of how they're named (yes, that has happened), you either change the name (even if you find it ridiculous) or can't sell those products to customers who use PayPal.

    Again, that's an argument that would carry a lot more weight if Paypal didn't still process payments for Renderotica, where the product names often leave no question as to what they are. 

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