[Released] Mirror Geometry for Genesis 3 [Commercial]

Mirror Hair and Clothing with the new Mirror Geometry for Genesis 3! https://www.daz3d.com/mirror-geometry-for-genesis-3
This powerful script quickly and easily creates mirror images of hair and clothing that are virtually indistinguishable from the original items. Mirror items support the same bone hierarchy, morphs (including JCMs), DFormers, rigid follow nodes, and more. Even hierarchical material presets will work with your new mirrored items!
The RSE Mirror Geometry for Genesis 3 from Esha and RiverSoft Art can:
- Mirror Clothing and dForce Clothing
- Mirror Hair
Note: dForce hair and strand-based hair are not supported
The RSE Mirror Geometry for Genesis 3 is also a merchant resource! If you are the creator of the original items, you can easily create mirrored versions for your sets and sell them!

Hello, I can't find a thread on the Mirror Geometry for G8F, so I'll ask for help here.
Mirror Geometry doesn't seem to play well with the clothing converter for G3F to G8F. When I try to mirror a converted item, it goes through all the steps, but the resulting item isn't really mirrored. This is an esha clothing item, so since the Mirror Geometry has her name on it, maybe she can help.
I used Casual Tourist for Genesis 3 Female(s). I converted the individual wardrobe and accessory assets with Clothing Converter from Genesis 3 Female to Genesis 8 Female. It worked great!. Then I mirrored the Jacket with Mirror Geometry. When it finished, I loaded the mirrored jacket on G8F, but it was not mirrored. Instead, the hips were flared out.
Here is the converted jacket on G8F
Here is the mirrored converted jacket on G8F
Oh dear, it gets even worse if I pose Genesis 8. Here I used pose control Arms Up on G8F. This is what happened to the mirrored jacket.
I will ask esha and get back to you.
Hello barbult!
This is weird and I don't know why it is happening, but for some reason it doesn't mirror converted items well. But it works fine if you mirror the item for G3 first and convert the mirrored item to G8 afterwards. So it seems to be a matter of doing things in a specific order.
Thanks for testing, esha, I don't have the Mirror Geometry for G3 (only for G8), so I can't try mirroring first and then converting. Unless there is some workaround to get the Mirror Geometry for G8 to work on G3 clothes.
Unfortunately not. Sorry.
@esha @RiverSoftArt I overcame the problems with Mirror Geometry after using the G3 to G8 converter by performing Transfer Rigging (Figure Space) on the mirrored item and resaving it. I tried this successfully with the Casual Tourist Jacket and an asymmetrical I13 shirt. (The final item still has the issue of the shoulder and arms not fitting perfectly, especially when raised, but that is a conversion issue, not a mirror issue, I believe. The non-mirrored conversion has the same shoulder/arm problem. Autofit has the same shoulder/arm problem.)
Oh awesome! And thank you for sharing that with everyone.
Yes, the shoulder/arm problem is a conversion problem. G8 has her arms in A pose, not in T pose like G3, so the fabric gets crunched up in the armpits and the weight transfer doesn't work as it should.
Good to know you found a conversion method that works!
I'm having an issue with the G8 version, I'm getting an error that says "the loaded geometry doesn't match the geometry that it's updating. Vertex and facet count must be the same." The conversion it pumps out is then not actually mirrored.
Edit: After testing with another hairstyle, it seems that this is specific to, at least for my purposes, the Messy Pixie Cut hair that just came out.
I don't have that one yet.
I have the G8 version, but something seems to have gone wrong. The dress doesn't move no matter what I do. This dress isn't anything unusual... if has the standard bones and doesn't add any extra ones for shaping. I used the directions from the manual, so I'm not sure what went wrong.
Hmmm. Which dress is this? Could you post the log from when you mirrored? I will also ask @esha.
To quote RiverSoftArt: "Hmmm." That's certainly interesting.
Forgive me if I ask a stupid question, but how does the original, un-mirrored dress behave? If it's dForce it might not even follow any movement unless you run a sim.
Oh, and is Genesis 8 selected in the Fit To dropdown? Just recently I had a case where the clothing did not automatically fit to the figure, I had to set that manually.
This is the dress: https://www.daz3d.com/dforce-rebel-princess-for-genesis-8-females
The only thing that jumps out at me is this:
020-07-11 08:11:46.899 DEBUG: Swapping G:/DAZ 3D/Content/data/GolaM/Rebel Princess/Rebel Princess Skirt M/Morphs/GolaM/Base/pJCMFootDwn_75_L.dsf and G:/DAZ 3D/Content/data/GolaM/Rebel Princess/Rebel Princess Skirt M/Morphs/GolaM/Base/pJCMFootDwn_75_R.dsf
2020-07-11 08:11:46.907 DEBUG: Swapping G:/DAZ 3D/Content/data/GolaM/Rebel Princess/Rebel Princess Skirt M/Morphs/GolaM/Base/pJCMFootUp_40_L.dsf and G:/DAZ 3D/Content/data/GolaM/Rebel Princess/Rebel Princess Skirt M/Morphs/GolaM/Base/pJCMFootUp_40_R.dsf
2020-07-11 08:11:46.912 DEBUG: Renaming G:/DAZ 3D/Content/data/GolaM/Rebel Princess/Rebel Princess Skirt M/Morphs/GolaM/Base/pJCMShinBend_155_L.dsf to G:/DAZ 3D/Content/data/GolaM/Rebel Princess/Rebel Princess Skirt M/Morphs/GolaM/Base/pJCMShinBend_155_R.dsf
2020-07-11 08:11:46.917 DEBUG: Error renaming G:/DAZ 3D/Content/data/GolaM/Rebel Princess/Rebel Princess Skirt M/Morphs/GolaM/Base/pJCMShinBend_155_L.dsf to G:/DAZ 3D/Content/data/GolaM/Rebel Princess/Rebel Princess Skirt M/Morphs/GolaM/Base/pJCMShinBend_155_R.dsf
2020-07-11 08:11:46.920 DEBUG: Renaming G:/DAZ 3D/Content/data/GolaM/Rebel Princess/Rebel Princess Skirt M/Morphs/GolaM/Base/pJCMShinBend_90_L.dsf to G:/DAZ 3D/Content/data/GolaM/Rebel Princess/Rebel Princess Skirt M/Morphs/GolaM/Base/pJCMShinBend_90_R.dsf
2020-07-11 08:11:46.925 DEBUG: Error renaming G:/DAZ 3D/Content/data/GolaM/Rebel Princess/Rebel Princess Skirt M/Morphs/GolaM/Base/pJCMShinBend_90_L.dsf to G:/DAZ 3D/Content/data/GolaM/Rebel Princess/Rebel Princess Skirt M/Morphs/GolaM/Base/pJCMShinBend_90_R.dsf
2020-07-11 08:11:46.927 DEBUG: Swapping G:/DAZ 3D/Content/data/GolaM/Rebel Princess/Rebel Princess Skirt M/Morphs/GolaM/Base/pJCMThighBack_35_L.dsf and G:/DAZ 3D/Content/data/GolaM/Rebel Princess/Rebel Princess Skirt M/Morphs/GolaM/Base/pJCMThighBack_35_R.dsf
2020-07-11 08:11:46.934 DEBUG: Swapping G:/DAZ 3D/Content/data/GolaM/Rebel Princess/Rebel Princess Skirt M/Morphs/GolaM/Base/pJCMThighFwd_115_L.dsf and G:/DAZ 3D/Content/data/GolaM/Rebel Princess/Rebel Princess Skirt M/Morphs/GolaM/Base/pJCMThighFwd_115_R.dsf
2020-07-11 08:11:46.937 DEBUG: Renaming G:/DAZ 3D/Content/data/GolaM/Rebel Princess/Rebel Princess Skirt M/Morphs/GolaM/Base/pJCMThighFwd_57_L.dsf to G:/DAZ 3D/Content/data/GolaM/Rebel Princess/Rebel Princess Skirt M/Morphs/GolaM/Base/pJCMThighFwd_57_R.dsf
2020-07-11 08:11:46.943 DEBUG: Error renaming G:/DAZ 3D/Content/data/GolaM/Rebel Princess/Rebel Princess Skirt M/Morphs/GolaM/Base/pJCMThighFwd_57_L.dsf to G:/DAZ 3D/Content/data/GolaM/Rebel Princess/Rebel Princess Skirt M/Morphs/GolaM/Base/pJCMThighFwd_57_R.dsf
2020-07-11 08:11:46.945 DEBUG: Swapping G:/DAZ 3D/Content/data/GolaM/Rebel Princess/Rebel Princess Skirt M/Morphs/GolaM/Base/pJCMThighSide_85_L.dsf and G:/DAZ 3D/Content/data/GolaM/Rebel Princess/Rebel Princess Skirt M/Morphs/GolaM/Base/pJCMThighSide_85_R.dsf
I don't know WHY the rename failed though. These may be what engages the skirt movement. You could try renaming the files listed, e.g.,
renaming G:/DAZ 3D/Content/data/GolaM/Rebel Princess/Rebel Princess Skirt M/Morphs/GolaM/Base/pJCMThighFwd_57_L.dsf to G:/DAZ 3D/Content/data/GolaM/Rebel Princess/Rebel Princess Skirt M/Morphs/GolaM/Base/pJCMThighFwd_57_R.dsf
He go the same as Sheer Anymous: the loaded geometry doesn't match the geometry that it's updating. Vertex and facet count must be the same." The conversion it pumps out is then not actually mirrored.
Tried it twice on a different way. Here are all my screens. All the steps.
Have you tried it on a normal item? Sexy bodysuit may be a geoshell and that probably doesn't work.
RiverSoftArt Geoshell? How can I see that? It looks like a normal cl piece.
By the last 3 choices, which one must i choose?
RiverSoftArt Sorry tried it four times anew. Made new print screens to. I don't get it working.
This time i tried a glove, hand feathers and arm bands.
Result or empty folders or the same fault warning again: the loaded geometry doesn't match the geometry that it's updating. Vertex and facet count must be the same."
see screens. I have from all steps i took when needed.
That is a really weird issue.
There are several reasons why you can get that error message about vertex and facet count:
a) Sub-D is applied when it shouldn't be
b) something is hidden that should be visible
c) something is visible that should be hidden
As far as I know the script checks for these things ( @RiverSoftArt can you confirm that?). Of course something may be set up in a non-standard way so the script doesn't recognize it, but seeing that you're having issues with so many items and not just a few exceptions, I'm starting to think the problem might be elsewhere.
Do you have any of my clothing products for G8? I would like to run a conversion on some items we both have, so we can try it on both ends and maybe identify the problem.
I really need to see a Daz Log of the script working. After running the script, go to Help->Troubleshooting->View Log File... copy from the test editor the lines that belong to the script and paste them here.
RiverSoftArt esha Y
Owning items from you yes i do.
Ok so i must try again, but with a Esha item for G8F. Shall i try with one one these?
I tried Esha Pareo pack - neck which went perfect.
After that i tried LEIA OUTFIT - armband again. - which gave the faulty message again. - but in the end the atmband was there.
2 logs:
22:16:52 GMT+0200 (West-Europa (zomertijd)): Adding Files...
22:16:52 GMT+0200 (West-Europa (zomertijd)): Adding "Follower/Wardrobe/Unknown" file: Z:\0 0 0 DAZ3D LIB\My DAZ 3D Library\People\Genesis 8 Female\Clothing\Pareo Pack\PP Pareo Neck.duf
22:17:25 GMT+0200 (West-Europa (zomertijd)): Executing Script
22:17:25 GMT+0200 (West-Europa (zomertijd)): Selecting Preset: Z:\0 0 0 DAZ3D LIB\My DAZ 3D Library\People\Genesis 8 Female\Clothing\Pareo Pack\PP Pareo Neck.duf
22:17:25 GMT+0200 (West-Europa (zomertijd)): Converting item from Z:\0 0 0 DAZ3D LIB\My DAZ 3D Library\People\Genesis 8 Female\Clothing\Pareo Pack\PP Pareo Neck.duf to Z:/0 0 0 DAZ3D LIB/My DAZ 3D Library/People/Genesis 8/- RiverSoftA G8MF OUTPUT/Pareo Pack/PP Pareo Neck M.duf
22:17:26 GMT+0200 (West-Europa (zomertijd)): Pareo Neck is of type Follower/Wardrobe/Skirt
22:17:26 GMT+0200 (West-Europa (zomertijd)): Directory does not exist: Z:/0 0 0 DAZ3D LIB/My DAZ 3D Library/People/Genesis 8/- RiverSoftA G8MF OUTPUT/Pareo Pack
22:18:21 GMT+0200 (West-Europa (zomertijd)): Copy Icons from Z:\0 0 0 DAZ3D LIB\My DAZ 3D Library\People\Genesis 8 Female\Clothing\Pareo Pack\PP Pareo Neck.duf to Z:/0 0 0 DAZ3D LIB/My DAZ 3D Library/People/Genesis 8/- RiverSoftA G8MF OUTPUT/Pareo Pack/PP Pareo Neck M.duf
22:18:21 GMT+0200 (West-Europa (zomertijd)): Copy Categories from Z:\0 0 0 DAZ3D LIB\My DAZ 3D Library\People\Genesis 8 Female\Clothing\Pareo Pack\PP Pareo Neck.duf to Z:/0 0 0 DAZ3D LIB/My DAZ 3D Library/People/Genesis 8/- RiverSoftA G8MF OUTPUT/Pareo Pack/PP Pareo Neck M.duf
22:18:22 GMT+0200 (West-Europa (zomertijd)): Cannot find assets for old preset /People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/Pareo Pack/PP Pareo Neck.duf
22:18:39 GMT+0200 (West-Europa (zomertijd)): Execution Complete.
22:34:48 GMT+0200 (West-Europa (zomertijd)): Adding Files...
22:34:48 GMT+0200 (West-Europa (zomertijd)): Adding "Follower/Wardrobe/Unknown" file: Z:\0 0 0 DAZ3D LIB\My DAZ 3D Library\People\Genesis 8 Female\Clothing\Eleia Outfit\Eleia Armband.duf
22:35:15 GMT+0200 (West-Europa (zomertijd)): Executing Script
22:35:15 GMT+0200 (West-Europa (zomertijd)): Selecting Preset: Z:\0 0 0 DAZ3D LIB\My DAZ 3D Library\People\Genesis 8 Female\Clothing\Eleia Outfit\Eleia Armband.duf
22:35:15 GMT+0200 (West-Europa (zomertijd)): Converting item from Z:\0 0 0 DAZ3D LIB\My DAZ 3D Library\People\Genesis 8 Female\Clothing\Eleia Outfit\Eleia Armband.duf to Z:/0 0 0 DAZ3D LIB/My DAZ 3D Library/People/Genesis 8/- RiverSoftA G8MF OUTPUT/Eleia Outfit/Eleia Armband M.duf
22:35:15 GMT+0200 (West-Europa (zomertijd)): E Armband is of type Follower/Accessory/Arm/Right/Upper
22:35:15 GMT+0200 (West-Europa (zomertijd)): Directory does not exist: Z:/0 0 0 DAZ3D LIB/My DAZ 3D Library/People/Genesis 8/- RiverSoftA G8MF OUTPUT/Eleia Outfit
22:35:56 GMT+0200 (West-Europa (zomertijd)): Copy Icons from Z:\0 0 0 DAZ3D LIB\My DAZ 3D Library\People\Genesis 8 Female\Clothing\Eleia Outfit\Eleia Armband.duf to Z:/0 0 0 DAZ3D LIB/My DAZ 3D Library/People/Genesis 8/- RiverSoftA G8MF OUTPUT/Eleia Outfit/Eleia Armband M.duf
22:35:56 GMT+0200 (West-Europa (zomertijd)): Copy Categories from Z:\0 0 0 DAZ3D LIB\My DAZ 3D Library\People\Genesis 8 Female\Clothing\Eleia Outfit\Eleia Armband.duf to Z:/0 0 0 DAZ3D LIB/My DAZ 3D Library/People/Genesis 8/- RiverSoftA G8MF OUTPUT/Eleia Outfit/Eleia Armband M.duf
22:35:56 GMT+0200 (West-Europa (zomertijd)): Cannot find assets for old preset /People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/Eleia Outfit/Eleia Armband.duf
22:35:58 GMT+0200 (West-Europa (zomertijd)): Execution Complete.
Hmm there is nothing in the log about the faulty message:
the loaded geometry doesn't match the geometry that it's updating. Vertex and facet count must be the same."
But in the end i got this time my armband . Yay!
The only error message with consequences is the "Cannot Find Assets for old preset" message. However, this just means that the categories are not being copied from the old preset to the new mirrored preset. It should not affect creating the item. (To fix the error, you need to ensure that the root directories where /People/Genesis 8 Female/Clothing/Pareo Pack/PP Pareo Neck.duf is are in this dialog:
hmm I try to ind more 1 sided items and try some more. Post it here when i get failures/ problems/
For now thank you. Don'know why i got these errors. I don't think i did something wrong.
I have been running into a problem in mirroring hair items for Genesis 8 Female
The script appears to start running fine, but never finishes.
After closing the script there is a message that an error has occurred & to see log. The log seems to be having a problem with some sort of SAVE_DELAY setting.
Not sure how to proceed with fixing this issue. Log message follows:
2023-12-18 22:58:12.274 [DEBUG] :: Compatibility Base
2023-12-18 22:58:12.275 [DEBUG] :: Compatibility Base
2023-12-18 22:58:12.275 [DEBUG] :: Executing Asset IO Manager Save With Options, which can crash sometimes, for file D:/DAZ_Poser/DAZ 3D/Studio4/_mirrored/WF Janey Hair/Janey Hair Genesis 8 Female M.duf
2023-12-18 22:58:12.275 [DEBUG] :: *** If you have a crash converting a hair, you can try making SAVE_DELAY longer than 3 seconds (defined in data/RiverSoft Art/Common/RSG9HairConstants.dsa
2023-12-18 22:58:12.275 [DEBUG] :: END Conversion of D:\DAZ_Poser\DAZ 3D\Studio4\People\Genesis 8 Female\Hair\WF Janey Hair\Janey Hair Genesis 8 Female.duf
2023-12-18 22:58:12.275 [DEBUG] :: RemoveExtraSkeletons Genesis 8 Female
2023-12-18 22:58:12.284 [INFO] :: Stop following: Genesis 8 Female << Janey Hair Genesis 8 Female
2023-12-18 22:58:12.378 [INFO] :: Following stopped: Genesis 8 Female << Janey Hair Genesis 8 Female
2023-12-18 22:58:14.577 [INFO] :: Stop following: Genesis 8 Female << Genesis 8 Female Eyelashes
2023-12-18 22:58:14.670 [INFO] :: Following stopped: Genesis 8 Female << Genesis 8 Female Eyelashes
2023-12-18 22:58:20.586 [DEBUG] :: Execution Complete.
2023-12-18 22:58:38.447 [WARNING] :: Script Error: Line 1959
2023-12-18 22:58:38.447 [WARNING] :: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: SAVE_DELAY
2023-12-18 22:58:38.447 [WARNING] :: Stack Trace:
<anonymous>()@D:/DAZ_Poser/DAZ 3D/Studio4/data/RiverSoft Art/Common/RSMirrorGeoFunctions.dse:1959
2023-12-18 22:58:38.454 [INFO] :: Error in script execution: D:/DAZ_Poser/DAZ 3D/Studio4/Scripts/RiverSoft Art/Mirror Geometry/RSE Mirror Geometry for Genesis 8 Female.dse
UPDATE: the issue appears to have something to do with Daz Studio's 4.22 version. Thankfully, I have a copy of version 4.16.1 still installed & was able to mirror this same hair successfully in it.
It is because you haven't updated your G8 version. For G9, we introduced a SAVE_DELAY variable that is used in saving. You need to update to the latest G8 version so it has the same variable.