Daz to Unity 2019 blendshape issue

Hello there. Hopefully someone can help me out here.

I create characters for a little VR game. We were using Unity 2017 and did not have this issue. With Unity 2019 when I import an fbx character with 'blendshapes' or expression morphs the import is very, very slow unless the number of exported morphs is less than maybe 10. Then, when I export the character bundle in Unity the file size will be huge! Literally 3 or 4 times the size it was in 2017. I have a character that should be around 30MB when exported but ends up being 130MB just because it has a few morphs.

This is incredibly frustrating. I don't believe this is a Daz issue as such since it all works fine in 2017 but I wondered if anyone else was having the issue and if they had found a solution.

Thanks for any help you can offer, I really appreciate it.


  • Sorry, this is now fixed. There is a check box in the import settings in Unity 2019 that reads: "Legacy blend shape normals". This should be checked and then the export file size goes right back to what you would expect.


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