The "Powered by Hot Pockets" Complaint Thread



  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    reek de garleeq  wouldnt want to be sitting in front of me  lol

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,852

    I want to watch tv but I also need to take a shower and I am getting sleepy.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,707

    ...yeah same here.

    Was an OK day but then the clouds began showing up really fast (with quite a bit of wind)  after and there was water from the sky.  Must have  been a fast moving front.

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,893

    Complaint: I live in a part of the world that seems to only ever get any real snow right before spring is supposed to arrive. It's always been this way, and there's no use complaining.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,300
    edited February 2020

    Snow complaint:  Continued snowing through the night.  Woke up this morning to white roads and another 9 inches on top of the earlier  7 + 3.  Now totaling snow deeper than my snowshovel is wide.frown  Neighbors in the other half of the house only got about 1/4 of the way up the driveway when they came home last night.surprise  Landlord can't plow the driveway if a car's blocking the way.indecision

    Old age complaint:  OMG, when did it happen?  I've turned into a modern ancient person.frown  I spent 7 hours yesterday doing a jigsaw puzzle on the computer.   I'm surprised that I didn't get a blood clot in my legs that killed me when I finally got up.  Just one more piece, where is it, it's got to be here, it's a red & black, left handed. Mickey with a right twisting dong on the bottom.  F'k, it's got to be here, just 5 more minutes... Ooh, there's that upside-down weird piece that I was looking for an hour ago, now where did I need that?...  (Yes, I finished it.  At 12:30 AMyes)

    Life complaint:  I still need to walk to the Post Office before noon today. sad  And the snow's so deep I need to wear my godawful painful boots.

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • Mystiarra said:

    i changed my 401k contribution to 15% leaves a lot less to spend on daz stuff

    Everybody should do that by the time they're 25.

    Complaint:  Old age.  Bah, humbug.  I've spent several hours over the last two days trying to resolve my bank checkbook, my bank checking summary, and my personal financial spreadsheet.  I finally got the two bank records to agree on a number but I wasn't sure it was the right number.  Also, after much weeping and gnashing of teeth, my spreadsheet finally resolved to being off by exactly 2 x $57.96 where $57.96 was a Paypal transaction where I had received money into my Paypal account and then I transferred that amount into my checking account.  Simple, right?  Arghhh.sad  My spreadsheet had been setup to automatically deduct outgoing Paypal payments from my credit card.  I also manually entered the transfer from Paypal into my checking account, but I put in the wrong sign (- instead of +) and I also put it into the savings deposit fields instead of the checking deposit fields.  I had wrong numbers all over the place and because of the confusion with Paypal and thinking that I had mistakenly pulled the money from Paypal's website twice by being impatient and mashing the transfer button again I was all confused.  Add that to doing this in the morning before the coffee has woken everything up, and my brain is prone to wandering, and the fact that I had recently reorganized my spreadsheet to accomodate more paypal fields and wasn't sure the new spreadsheet algorithms were 100% accurate again.  I was tearing my hair out.  Arghhhh.crying

    Non-complaint:  But another sleepless night of worrying about my clumsy bookkeeping I resolved to figure it out this morning.  And yes Virginia, there is a happing ending.  I methodically examined my entries and compared the algorithm of the old spreadsheet with the new and when all the values were put into the right fields, the numbers all matched.  Checkbook, Bank Statement, and Spreadsheet.  Go Figure!surprise  Science is wonderful.  Ageing biology sucks!devil

    This seems like an awful lot of work.  Tell us again why you don't use Quicken or Mint?

    DanaTA said:
    kyoto kid said:

    ..well that means pretty much the three West Coast states (very expensive), Colorado or Illinois (somewhat to fairly expensive), and Nevada (pretty much means Vegas, depressing, and very hot in the summer).

    Don't forget Massachusetts!  Problem is, no matter where, it's still illegal on the Federal level.


    And it can force you to lose your 2nd amendment rights if you do it, even if your use is only for medicinal purposes.  This is why many former military members don't get help for their mental or physiological issues.  They will not give up their ability to protect themselves and their families.  Truely a catch-22.

    Gordig said:

    Can anyone find a way to mathematically quantify how strong a goat is? I need this for not-at-all-ridiculous reasons.

    Where is our MacGyver when we need him?  This one would be right up his alley!

    kyoto kid said:

    ..oh and a buppy friend of mine. named Neo.

    So we see now who's really the boss in your house.  It's always the (ahem!) "person" who has all the remotes!  But what is the razor for?

    kyoto kid said:

    ...ugh almost 02:00 and still awake because of a dog that is barking, yelping, howling, and whining (which began after 23:00) as someone in a flat further down on the same floor apparently locked it out on the balcony and left for the night. This has occurred several times now, usually late at night and into the early morning hours but tonight is the worst as it began shortly after 23:00 just before I was about to turn in for the night. I already reported it to management once. Tonight, finally having enough of not being able to get to sleep I called building security to look into the matter (as management advised me to do if it happened again). but apparently the owner (or owners) are not home as the dog is still out there yapping and howling away loudly even after security came up to check the situation out.   

    Even though my windows are closed and the blinds drawn it sounds almost as if it is right outside my flat as it's barking is echoing off the other building across the street.

    There is supposed to be a 22:00 noise curfew as there a lot of older residents living here. This only began a couple months ago.

    Apologies for all the edits as am very tired a little angry, and a bit frustrated  I should have been asleep hours ago.

    I hope I never have to move back into an apartment situation.  Doing everything I can to avoid that ever happening!

    Mystiarra said:

    i guess more people don't retire abroad cuz of the crazy visa fees. >.<

    somethin happening to the stocks my 401k dropped over 40 bux.  wahhh

    Only $40?  Unless that is a high percentage of your savings, you got off easy.  You lost about 1/somethingthousanth of what I lost this week.  As a percentage of my net worth, yes; it hurt.  But in the long run, this shouldn't affect my retirement too badly, assuming that I actually go and do that one day.  And really, I'm not worried, because this too (Coronavirus) shall pass.

    Mystiarra said:

    this whole retirement thing cuzzinv the agida heartburn.

    does living on ss qualify for food stamps?  they call it something else now.

    Foodstamps as a strategy for moving to a better climate or living environment?  That will do nothing for you but to add stress to your life.

    kyoto kid said:

    ..ugh going on only about five an a half hours of sleep as I got up around 9 after that dog kept barking an howling until nearly 03:30.   Guess the owners finally came home, (or was so exhausted after barking for almost 4 hours straight) as it finally stopped, but I was too tired and a bit angry at having been kept up so late (early).  Better to go through proper channels.

    Yes it is better to go through proper channels.  But I'll bet it won't work unless you have a few neighbors show up WITH you.  Pitchforks and torches are optional, but quite effective.


    Complaint: I live in a part of the world that seems to only ever get any real snow right before spring is supposed to arrive. It's always been this way, and there's no use complaining.

    You can complain here.  This is the complaint thread!

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,300
    edited February 2020
    Mystiarra said:


    Complaint:  Old age.  Bah, humbug.  I've spent several hours over the last two days trying to resolve my bank checkbook, my bank checking summary, and my personal financial spreadsheet.  I finally got the two bank records to agree on a number but I wasn't sure it was the right number.  Also, after much weeping and gnashing of teeth, my spreadsheet finally resolved to being off by exactly 2 x $57.96 where $57.96 was a Paypal transaction where I had received money into my Paypal account and then I transferred that amount into my checking account.  Simple, right?  Arghhh.sad  My spreadsheet had been setup to automatically deduct outgoing Paypal payments from my credit card.  I also manually entered the transfer from Paypal into my checking account, but I put in the wrong sign (- instead of +) and I also put it into the savings deposit fields instead of the checking deposit fields.  I had wrong numbers all over the place and because of the confusion with Paypal and thinking that I had mistakenly pulled the money from Paypal's website twice by being impatient and mashing the transfer button again I was all confused.  Add that to doing this in the morning before the coffee has woken everything up, and my brain is prone to wandering, and the fact that I had recently reorganized my spreadsheet to accomodate more paypal fields and wasn't sure the new spreadsheet algorithms were 100% accurate again.  I was tearing my hair out.  Arghhhh.crying

    Non-complaint:  But another sleepless night of worrying about my clumsy bookkeeping I resolved to figure it out this morning.  And yes Virginia, there is a happing ending.  I methodically examined my entries and compared the algorithm of the old spreadsheet with the new and when all the values were put into the right fields, the numbers all matched.  Checkbook, Bank Statement, and Spreadsheet.  Go Figure!surprise  Science is wonderful.  Ageing biology sucks!devil

    This seems like an awful lot of work.  Tell us again why you don't use Quicken or Mint?

    DanaTA said:
    kyoto kid said:


    I didn't tell you the first time.  But since you ask...  I've tried out-of-the-box finance watchdog programs.  Hated them.  Too much work to initially setup and customize.   Then after time some products disappeared or changed radically, had to go through conversion pain to new product.   More complicated than I needed.  Data entry was clumsy and  inconvenient.  Information was too spread out.  One size doesn't fit all. indecision  So, I stopped bothering with them.

    Then when I retired I had to live on less, much less.  So, I really needed to know where my pennies went.  I was retired and I had time to finally learn how to use a spreadsheet (I use OpenOffice: "Calc" similar to old MS "Excel")  I started out simple with a one month, one page list of credit card info, cash info, bank checking, bank savings and other savings.  I even have a summary field for total coinage dropped into or taken out of my "coinbox".  Then I improved the spreadsheet for a couple years as I learned how to link & calculate fields, learned how to make a 12 page year document with yearly summary of details and averages & budget planing, and learned how to link previous year balances to the new year document.  And while I had a car I also had a page for gasoline cost and gas mileage graphs.  In theory, I know, to the penny, how much I have, and where it is at all times.  And where it's going to be a little into the future. yes

    My spreadsheet is my morning wake-up while smelling the coffee exercise.  It is my warm-fuzzy.  I check my credit card on-line balances for malicious surprises, I count my cash in wallet, I check my bank balances for malicious activity.  After the initial 2 or 3 year of improvements my spreadsheet hasn't changed much in the 9 years I've been developing it.  I still have every number I need daily, on one sheet facing me in the morning.  I know how much money will be in the bank after all my credit cards are paid off (they almost always are).  I know how far in the red I've put myself when buying big ticket items.  I know which of my expenditures are over or under budget for the month or year.  I know my total liquidity.  I know my total available credit.  I know exactly how my spreadsheet is designed and behaves.  My spreadsheet has saved me more than once from letting old habits of careless spending resurface.  Nobody's going to change the design of how it works except me.smiley 

    Yes, I had a rough patch for a few days because I made a significant change to the layout of the fields to accomodate new spending habits but the confusion was mostly my sloppiness in dealing with Paypal's website, and my inattention to my spreadsheet redesign (I got complacent.blush)  If I can maintain enough mental acutity to keep my spreadsheet accurately, and keep my bank accounts and credit card summaries all in balance, then I feel I'm still doing OK.smiley

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,707

    ...I first worked with Excel to make role play game aids.  One of the games I'm involved with is a near future cyber world setting which involves designing cyberdecks to hack systems with.  The design process, while nice for customising your deck, is a total pain in the bum to deal with manually.  So I ended up developing a deck design spreadsheet with embedded formulas & all where I just had to plug in the results of all the dice rolls involved and then let it crunch all the numbers to give me how long and how much it cost. I then went on to create spreadsheets to help with managing a game session as well.

    Learned enough about how Excel worked through all this, that I applied it to creating spreadsheets to capture time and cost data at my day job.  I ended up streamlining the billing process from the old manual system of record keeping that was used to where it took a only a couple days at the turn of the month instead of a week and half on average to prepare a billing packet for a client. It was also easier to update throughout the month as well so I didn't have to deal with a mountain of data to process at the end of every month.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,707
    edited February 2020

    ..ugh, woke up to gut grumblies this morning.  Had to cancel out of my Saturday game session as a long trip on transit and having to make life or death decisions for my character doesn't sound all that pleasing right now. 

    Getting old is no fun as some here can attest to.

    Need to lay down for a bit.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    first thing i do every morning is ask siri for the weather and ask her what day it is

    then check my lotto numbers

    then water my plants, before they mentally project their thirst at me

    then coffee enters my morning ritual, before i read the day's complaintssmiley

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited February 2020

    my day job is gonna split their stock into 3, dunno if that is good for me?
    they merging with Raytheon.  never heard of raytheon before

    eeeek no

    United Technologies Corp

    NYSE: UTX · February 28, 7:57 PM EST


    ▼ 1.59 (1.20%)

    After Hours132.00▲ 1.41 (1.08%)


    is over my head stuff

    Post edited by Mistara on
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,300
    edited February 2020

    Argh.  double post


    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,300
    edited February 2020

    Raytheon. yes  Among all the bazillions of super high-tech stuff they've always done, they were making computers back in the '70s.  I (at the time) was one of the few Raytheon computer experts outside of the factory.  Got my hands dirty, poking around in the schematics, rewiring the motherboard (wirewrap board), debugging the real-time operating system.  Writing hard drive drivers.  Writing floating-point simulators.  Great little machines that took up half a room.  classed as "Mini-computers" at the time.

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,852

    I think I have been charged for Amazon music unlimited via iTunes.  My Amazon music on my iPad (and also on my firetv) are not showing that I paid for amazon music unlimited.  Called Apple with only help as in trying to see if I can get a refund.  Still on chat with Amazon.

    All this is draining on me so I might not take a walk.  I want to take a walk but I do not have the energy.

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,852

    I think I fgured out how to get the amazon music activated to my amazon account.

    I think I have been charged for Amazon music unlimited via iTunes.  My Amazon music on my iPad (and also on my firetv) are not showing that I paid for amazon music unlimited.  Called Apple with only help as in trying to see if I can get a refund.  Still on chat with Amazon.

    All this is draining on me so I might not take a walk.  I want to take a walk but I do not have the energy.

    Now listening to Frozen 2

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    Raytheon. yes  Among all the bazillions of super high-tech stuff they've always done, they were making computers back in the '70s.  I (at the time) was one of the few Raytheon computer experts outside of the factory.  Got my hands dirty, poking around in the schematics, rewiring the motherboard (wirewrap board), debugging the real-time operating system.  Writing hard drive drivers.  Writing floating-point simulators.  Great little machines that took up half a room.  classed as "Mini-computers" at the time.

    calculators were huge mongus in my high school days

    back when terminator robots seemed far fetched science fiction.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,707

    ...I still have my old four function Texas Instruments calculator (with the red LED numbers) and it still works. Yeah doesn't fit in the shirt pocket very well and needs a 9 volt battery. 

    Sold the HP programmable one I had when I was in college when finances were tight.

    I also still have my old Slide Rule from my high school days.

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,852

    Bummer the item I want to get with my pc coupon will not use the whole pc coupon.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,300
    edited March 2020
    kyoto kid said:

    ...I still have my old four function Texas Instruments calculator (with the red LED numbers) and it still works. Yeah doesn't fit in the shirt pocket very well and needs a 9 volt battery. 

    Sold the HP programmable one I had when I was in college when finances were tight.

    I also still have my old Slide Rule from my high school days.

    Yeah, I had one of those,  Unfortunately it died a few years ago.​  It's gone. sad HOWEVER, at the same time and in the same style case and electronics & display, was the "TI-Programmer" calculator that would do the basic four functions plus OR, AND, XOR and NOT, in binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal! cool  Great for browsing through reams of coredump printouts, tracing assembly language machine code. yes  I still have mine, and it still works.  So, I'm not completely out of luck.

    Ooh, ooh, found one on eBay.  Perhaps I should sell mine?


    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    i'm up to grimm season 2  is getting intense

    not much to gnosh, makin pbj on cracked pepper water crackerscheeky

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    ughhh  remember when Vee was eating the poor defenseless hamster?

    gross, this lawywe character just ate a poor defenseless frog, ribbet  ick ick ick

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,300
    edited March 2020

    Non-complaint:  I made it to the post office today and picked up my latest round of computer parts and other ordered goodies. 

    Complaint:  To get to the post office I shoveled 9 inches of snow from the porch & steps and part way into the driveway to get to a point where I could slide past the neighbor's car and into the car tire tracks behind it in the 19 inches covering the ground to get down to the road and walk on the slushy road-shoulder to get to the first block where the town stops plowing the sidewalk so that I can get off the street.  Then with wind & snow in 20F temperatures blowing into my face I slogged through the storm 3.5 blocks to the post office.  I had to stop about every hundred feet and catch my breath for a moment.  I tried to sit on the bench in front of the grocery store but it was coated with ice which I discovered after I'd brushed the foot of snow from it.  So, I slogged on to the post office up the hill the last block and a half, picked up three large packages.  Now loaded with big packages and mail stuffed into two plastic bags, I headed home.  Typically I'll stop in the grocery store on the way back but today I just wanted to get home as quick as possible and besides I couldn't have carried any groceries with me anyway.

    Non-complaint:  Yay!  My boxes contained a new external 6GB hard drive, and a new internal 1TB M.2 NVMe SSD for my DAZzing machine.  I've been having geekish fun opening my computer, pulling wires around, unscrewing things and generally being nerdy.  Now in the process of playing musical data space as I rearrange DAZ data and system archives into more useful and logical arrangements while at the same time retiring some old, small, hard drives to permanent off-line archival duty.  Great fun.  Oh, the other things in my boxes were so exciting... t-shirts and Folgers instant coffee which I can't get at the local grocery store.

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,707
    edited March 2020's the one I have:

    I even still have the original box it came in with the instructions on the back.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,707

    Non-complaint:  I made it to the post office today and picked up my latest round of computer parts and other ordered goodies. 

    Complaint:  To get to the post office I shoveled 9 inches of snow from the porch & steps and part way into the driveway to get to a point where I could slide past the neighbor's car and into the car tire tracks behind it in the 19 inches covering the ground to get down to the road and walk on the slushy road-shoulder to get to the first block where the town stops plowing the sidewalk so that I can get off the street.  Then with wind & snow in 20F temperatures blowing into my face I slogged through the storm 3.5 blocks to the post office.  I had to stop about every hundred feet and catch my breath for a moment.  I tried to sit on the bench in front of the grocery store but it was coated with ice which I discovered after I'd brushed the foot of snow from it.  So, I slogged on to the post office up the hill the last block and a half, picked up three large packages.  Now loaded with big packages and mail stuffed into two plastic bags, I headed home.  Typically I'll stop in the grocery store on the way back but today I just wanted to get home as quick as possible and besides I couldn't have carried any groceries with me anyway.

    Non-complaint:  Yay!  My boxes contained a new external 6GB hard drive, and a new internal 1TB M.2 NVMe SSD for my DAZzing machine.  I've been having geekish fun opening my computer, pulling wires around, unscrewing things and generally being nerdy.  Now in the process of playing musical data space as I rearrange DAZ data and system archives into more useful and logical arrangements while at the same time retiring some old, small, hard drives to permanent off-line archival duty.  Great fun.  Oh, the other things in my boxes were so exciting... t-shirts and Folgers instant coffee which I can't get at the local grocery store.

    ...sounds like a perilous journey (would be for me), but for a good cause. 

    Congratulations on the new toys and resupply of coffee.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,300
    edited March 2020

    High tech back in the '70s.  And not cheap.  Great that it's still working for you.

    About sliderules.  Yeah, I have all mine too.  Stuck away in a box that after I'm gone will be discovered by people who have no idea what they are or how to use them.  I've got a small plastic circular rule, a metal large Picket circular,  A basic foot long metal Picket standard size rule.  A wide metal Picket super rule with double & triple length square & cube root scales instead of the standard length scales.  Heck, I can't remember all the special things it could calculate.  I think I still have a 6 inch cheap plastic rule too.  And I have a special hybrid ruler/protractor/circular sliderule for calculating antenna radiation patterns.  I think it was called a "Spirule", but I can't find any pictures of them.  Strange beast, it dealt with complex hyperbolic calculations.  And with successive values from operations on the rule you could plot out an antenna's radiation pattern on graph paper.  I believe it could also calculate power transmission line losses, also part of the classes I had from the same professor.  I think my professor's name was "Reed" and I believe he laid claim to inventing the rule to go along with his "Antennas" book that we had to use in his class.  It was the late '60s and the beginning of the computer era and he absolutely forbade us from using computers to plot out our antenna homework.  We had to use his magic sliderule and graph paper. frown  Perhaps it's why I lost interest in antenna theory.

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    oh wow  Texas Instruments blast from the past

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    starting to be extremely worried for Tjohn

    been too long 

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,021
    Gordig said:

    Can anyone find a way to mathematically quantify how strong a goat is? I need this for not-at-all-ridiculous reasons.

    In the past, there was a common method of calculating an animal's strength developed by Albrecht Swinegroper.

    Although few scientists today still calculate an animal's strength using Swinegroper's formula, there is some use in knowing the history of the method.

    Albrecht Swinegroper was a 17th century german scientist and pioneer in potato art who would routinely measure various animal's ability to arm wrestle his adopted gorilla whom he named "Gertrude". 
    Back in those days there were no batteries to use in the various devices that also didn't exist yet, so people needed to know, for example how many rats it would take to run a massage chair, how many Syrian Hamsters were required to power a blender or if penguins were even a good labor source... Before the days of the Penguin Labor Union, this was a serious consideration and people needed a quick chart they could carry in their rump pouches (17th century name for a wallet)... So Swinegroper got his gorilla to arm wrestle various animals and developed a formula based on how quickly the gorilla won, how much sweat he could collect and how far the animal flew when it lost.

    Since the gorilla was fond of throwing chickens at Swinegroper's guests, the formula was based on the average adult male gorilla weighing 400 lbs (181.437 mwu) dressed in light summer frock, wearing high heels, throwing a chicken with a weight of 2 pounds (.907 mwu), for 20 feet (6.09 metric length units) with one 1/10th of a shot glass of sweat collected. Up until James Watt invented horsepower at 7:26 am on June 12, 1768, the Gorilla Armkraft unit (or Gorilla Arm Power in english) was the de facto unit of energy measurement.

    Swinegroper later experimented with various prosthetic arm rigs so assorted animals could actually arm wrestle the gorilla, due to the fact the gorilla often broke a heel throwing larger animals. The rig was also good at allowing certain animals like chinchillas and pigs to arm wrestle more effectively and for a brief period of time actually spawned a whole sport that attracted many fans with huge crowds requiring large stadiums to be built.

    (Above) An early sketch by Swinegroper for the arm wrestling rig. Courtesy of the Munich Swinegroper collection)

    Given that neither a goat nor a horse is good at arm wrestling, and the Gorilla Arm wrestling standard is pretty stupid, we would either have to find a formula to convert Gorilla Arm Power to a weight ratio that translates well to centaur or pan specifications, which is difficult since they are mostly imaginary, thus without Gorillas in the equation we are force to rely on either Duckpower or Horsepower and adjust for the goats lack of wings (in most cases)...

    An average Horse weighs 1200.00261 pounds, or 544.3120278761 Metricial Weight Units... or in the slang kids use today "Killergrams".

    The average fat naked farm goat without high heels, weighs about 150 lbs (how the hell is "pounds" abbreviated "lbs"?)... or 68.0389 mwu (kg).

    Since goats are easy to statically charge by rubbing them vigorously with nylon pantyhose, we can use electrical engineering standards.

    One goat rubbed for twenty minutes generates one kilowatt of power. 

    It takes 746 horsepower to generate one kilowatts of power...

    It would then take 1.492x10^9 * 8 = 1.1936*10^10 goats to generate 2 gigawatts, the standard amount of power to operate one Dance-Dance Revolution arcade machine... 

    So the answer is... it would take a lot of goats being rubbed vigorously for several hours to power a video arcade like Dave and Busters for any meaningful amount of time.

    I'm not really good at math and very easily distracted, so...

    If it takes eight fat goats to equal one horsepower, then it would take 3,400 goats to power a 1970 Plymouth Hemi Cuda with the 3 speed automatic and 2,236 hamsters trained to act in unison to drive it... I couldn't calculate for a manual transmission because hamsters only drive automatics and like I said before, I'm really bad at math.

    Since the original question was about how to quantify the strength of a goat, the only true way would be to actually build a modern version of Swinegroper's arm wrestling rig and actually wrestle the goat yourself or hire a gorilla.

    I hope this was helpful.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    Sundshine is a lie.  Is freezin

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    On the question of vacuum tubes?  

    vacuum is the absense of air?

    how did they capture nothing in tubes?

This discussion has been closed.