Daz Studio 4.12 Pro, General Release! (*UPDATED*)



  • PetercatPetercat Posts: 2,321

    I just did a 3dl render in 4.12. (I had to dig out the scene from my 4.7 days).
    It works well, and is much, much faster. Although the fact that I'm on an i7/64G instead of the old i3/16G might have something to do with that.
    Comparing the two renders, I see no difference between the old and the new.

  • Thanks, Petercat  smiley

  • f7eerf7eer Posts: 123
    Padone said:
    RayDAnt said:

    Daz Studio 4.12 in its present state of development gives realtime raytracing results if you have an RTX card.

    I see nothing in the 4.12 iray log stating that rtx cores are used for raytracing. Where did you get that info ? As I understand it rtx cores are not used yet. People here are speaking about a 25% gain in performances. But you get the same by enabling optix in 4.11 without a rtx card.


    This was released in Daz Studio Beta, announced by DAZ here


    and here


    Note that NVIDIA Driver 430.86 (or newer) is also required for this version of DAZ Studio.

    NVIDIA itself also announced DAZ Studio using RTX cores as part of NVidia iray RTX 2019.1.3 here:


  • PadonePadone Posts: 3,804
    edited September 2019

    The DS 4.12.x.x version(s) of iray have RTX support.

    Thank you Richard and @RayDAnt and @f7eer for pointing to me this great news. Especially @RayDAnt fot the comparisons between optix prime and rtx, that is impressive. For some reason I was dumb enough to skip this milestone all together. So daz studio 4.12 does use rtx for raytracing.

    Post edited by Padone on
  • So is 4.12 safe for install? Because the last time i tried it, crash after crash, not saving...plus everything mentioned here.

  • So is 4.12 safe for install? Because the last time i tried it, crash after crash, not saving...plus everything mentioned here.

    Have you tried the Public Build? That will let you give 4.12 a whirl without disturbing the Geneal Release version.

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    edited September 2019

    DOCUMENTS! DOCUMENTS , my soul to have some updated documents for timeline & IK-chain?  

    Ive been trying seriously hard to figure it out pining and unpinning characters feet to hard surfaces.  but Im stuck tying to find out what I am doing wrong. I am trying to pin & unpin a Daz Squirrels feet to a tree , the idea is to make him jump from branch to branch using easha's morphing trees and when the squirrel leaves one branch to jump on the, other the new branch bends a little from the squirrels weight. (well thats idea anyway) .

    But it like the ik-chain and foot are hard parented to the tree branch and when the animation cycle lifts the left foot for the jump on the keyframe and I unpin the ik-chain from the foot on that spot on the keyframe and forward animation with the scrubber, it still stretches out the left foot like taffy.  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!  can we have please some documents or at least a YouTube video demo of how the ik-chain is suppose to work with hard surfaces . props i can do no problem , but hard surfaces are hard to figure out

    Post edited by Ivy on
  • ZarconDeeGrissomZarconDeeGrissom Posts: 5,412
    edited September 2019

    Epic thanks to whoever fixed this, it's been broken since 4.7 or something way back lost in the mists of time.

    incrementing file names as I work is no longer as much of a PITA. This has been a thorn in the foot for a very long time. humble thanks.

    571 x 433 - 32K
    Post edited by ZarconDeeGrissom on
  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,261
    itinerant said:
    inquire said:

    Again, for the Mac version of DAZ Studio 4.12: Catalina, the new Mac OS, is, it seems, just days away from release. Will 4.12 run in Catalina? I ask because Catalina has supposedly dropped Open GL and Open CL in favor of Metal. If DAZ Studio 4.12 will not work in Catalina, will there be a vesion of DAZ Studio that will work with Catalina, that is, Metal?


    I have the latest Catalina beta installed.  The install through DIM downloaded successfully, but failed to install.  I will try the install again using the Manual download later tonight.  (Daz servers are running a bit slow right now.)

    Oh, well please let us know what happens if you try to run DAZ Studio in Catalina. Did you try running a previous version of DAZ Studio in Catalina?

  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,261

    Having an issue with Face Transfer.  I purchased the Face Transfer package and trying to figure out a way of smoothing the skin out.  Since it is nearly impossible to get a shot where there isn't some shine off a flash or light, I get these strange highlights on the face.  Is there a way to easily clean the skin tone to a uniform skin tone to get rid of it?  Attached an image for example (circled hot spots I want adjusted in the model versus having to manual fix each time in Photoshop)

    These things happens with the textures in these face morphs apps. Can you use a similar texture from a figure that you've bought?

  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,261

    While using Face Transfer, the color of the bodies versus the texture on the face are drastically different.  Is there a simple way resetting the face texture so the face and body match.  Example of problem below

    Yep, that's what happens. Use a whole new texture on the entire figure.

  • inquire said:
    itinerant said:
    inquire said:

    Again, for the Mac version of DAZ Studio 4.12: Catalina, the new Mac OS, is, it seems, just days away from release. Will 4.12 run in Catalina? I ask because Catalina has supposedly dropped Open GL and Open CL in favor of Metal. If DAZ Studio 4.12 will not work in Catalina, will there be a vesion of DAZ Studio that will work with Catalina, that is, Metal?


    I have the latest Catalina beta installed.  The install through DIM downloaded successfully, but failed to install.  I will try the install again using the Manual download later tonight.  (Daz servers are running a bit slow right now.)

    Oh, well please let us know what happens if you try to run DAZ Studio in Catalina. Did you try running a previous version of DAZ Studio in Catalina?


    I was able to install 4.12 manually rather than through DIM (in fact, it still shows up as a Product Update in Install Manager).  I have loaded some previously saved scenes and rendered them, both in 3DL and Iray.  Both renderers are faster for me.  The results of the renders also appear very similar if not identical to the previous renders.

    The only problem I have seen so far is that GenX doesn't work, but that also failed in 4.11 right after updating to MacOS Catalina beta.  I have tried some other scripts with no problems (Hair Conversion, Pose Conversion, Character Morph Conversion, 3DL to Iray texture conversion).

  • Ivy said:

    DOCUMENTS! DOCUMENTS , my soul to have some updated documents for timeline & IK-chain?  

    Ive been trying seriously hard to figure it out pining and unpinning characters feet to hard surfaces.  but Im stuck tying to find out what I am doing wrong. I am trying to pin & unpin a Daz Squirrels feet to a tree , the idea is to make him jump from branch to branch using easha's morphing trees and when the squirrel leaves one branch to jump on the, other the new branch bends a little from the squirrels weight. (well thats idea anyway) .

    But it like the ik-chain and foot are hard parented to the tree branch and when the animation cycle lifts the left foot for the jump on the keyframe and I unpin the ik-chain from the foot on that spot on the keyframe and forward animation with the scrubber, it still stretches out the left foot like taffy.  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!  can we have please some documents or at least a YouTube video demo of how the ik-chain is suppose to work with hard surfaces . props i can do no problem , but hard surfaces are hard to figure out

    I haven't tried with non-human figures but when I set the pelvis as IK root for foot instead of thigh, it works. I don't know how that squirrel is rigged, but maybe try setting the root higher? The IK chain worked flawlessly when it was first introduced in the Beta version and then came one update and messed it up. It hasn't been fixed since. I did open a ticket on Friday and hopefully I'll get some update on that this week.
  • gabriel.delacruzgabriel.delacruz Posts: 82
    edited September 2019


    Just to tease everyone. I just gave Daz Studio a try on a prety interesting system.

    Fully interactive viewport speed on a GV100 . I dont say realtime cause the animations wont play raytraced. But after a few tweacks it is as fast as it gets. No waiting, no noise after I realease the mouse (some bits here and there, but  can count like 2 or 3 dots). Comparing renderers is somehow not doable, but it does feel faster than my comercial GPU renderer of choice (dont wanna mention the name).

    Iray is not bad at all. Well done Nvidia..

    Think about it, from all the paid software I tried, the so called "hobbyist" gives a pretty decent wow. Well done Daz.. Iray certainly works. Nice viewport implementation.

    Very surprised by the test.

    A bit of a waste to use this GPU to play with sexy 3d dolls, but fun to try indeed. Will certaily import some MDDs, maybe I could test Daz Studio as render engine.

    The future looks good.


    Post edited by gabriel.delacruz on
  • Is every one using the Nvidia Studio driver with RTX cards or the standard Nvidia driver? As I have not seen any comments made about this driver.

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165
    edited September 2019
    Ivy said:

    DOCUMENTS! DOCUMENTS , my soul to have some updated documents for timeline & IK-chain?  

    Ive been trying seriously hard to figure it out pining and unpinning characters feet to hard surfaces.  but Im stuck tying to find out what I am doing wrong. I am trying to pin & unpin a Daz Squirrels feet to a tree , the idea is to make him jump from branch to branch using easha's morphing trees and when the squirrel leaves one branch to jump on the, other the new branch bends a little from the squirrels weight. (well thats idea anyway) .

    But it like the ik-chain and foot are hard parented to the tree branch and when the animation cycle lifts the left foot for the jump on the keyframe and I unpin the ik-chain from the foot on that spot on the keyframe and forward animation with the scrubber, it still stretches out the left foot like taffy.  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!  can we have please some documents or at least a YouTube video demo of how the ik-chain is suppose to work with hard surfaces . props i can do no problem , but hard surfaces are hard to figure out


    I haven't tried with non-human figures but when I set the pelvis as IK root for foot instead of thigh, it works. I don't know how that squirrel is rigged, but maybe try setting the root higher? The IK chain worked flawlessly when it was first introduced in the Beta version and then came one update and messed it up. It hasn't been fixed since. I did open a ticket on Friday and hopefully I'll get some update on that this week.

    Thank you for your reply.

    I have tried moving the IK to the hip and then i tried it again on the thigh. but for some reason that part of the body that is pinned streaches out, like its parented and with it unpinned it still does it. its really confusing? this s a screen shot of the scene  I am stuck at I wish we have some documents

    1919 x 1052 - 301K
    Post edited by Ivy on
  • f7eerf7eer Posts: 123
    41cessna said:

    Is every one using the Nvidia Studio driver with RTX cards or the standard Nvidia driver? As I have not seen any comments made about this driver.

    I use the Game Ready driver.

    Current Game Ready driver: 436.30
    Current Studio driver: 431.86

    Both of which are later than the 430.86 required by the current versions of DAZ Studio.

  • RayDAntRayDAnt Posts: 1,147
    41cessna said:

    Is every one using the Nvidia Studio driver with RTX cards or the standard Nvidia driver? As I have not seen any comments made about this driver.

    See this post.

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,165

    IK-chain Documents please

  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,261
    itinerant said:
    inquire said:
    itinerant said:
    inquire said:

    Again, for the Mac version of DAZ Studio 4.12: Catalina, the new Mac OS, is, it seems, just days away from release. Will 4.12 run in Catalina? I ask because Catalina has supposedly dropped Open GL and Open CL in favor of Metal. If DAZ Studio 4.12 will not work in Catalina, will there be a vesion of DAZ Studio that will work with Catalina, that is, Metal?


    I have the latest Catalina beta installed.  The install through DIM downloaded successfully, but failed to install.  I will try the install again using the Manual download later tonight.  (Daz servers are running a bit slow right now.)

    Oh, well please let us know what happens if you try to run DAZ Studio in Catalina. Did you try running a previous version of DAZ Studio in Catalina?


    I was able to install 4.12 manually rather than through DIM (in fact, it still shows up as a Product Update in Install Manager).  I have loaded some previously saved scenes and rendered them, both in 3DL and Iray.  Both renderers are faster for me.  The results of the renders also appear very similar if not identical to the previous renders.

    The only problem I have seen so far is that GenX doesn't work, but that also failed in 4.11 right after updating to MacOS Catalina beta.  I have tried some other scripts with no problems (Hair Conversion, Pose Conversion, Character Morph Conversion, 3DL to Iray texture conversion).

    Oh, my GOSH! You're a LIFE SAVER! I thought that DAZ Studio would not run in Catalina. Well, this is joyful news. About the GenX having failed: yes, in another thread on the X-Transfer product that is being developed, people are pointing out that GenX will eventually stop working as DAZ Studio is changed and refined. That idea is also in the Character Converter threads, for example: https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/340346/released-character-converter-from-genesis-3-female-to-genesis-8-female-now-conv-jcms-commercial#latest

    The X-Transfer thread is here: https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/341526/xtransfer-commercial#latest

    So, it's not surprising that you find that GenX has stopped working. At least, that's the way I see it.

    I'm guessing that you are going to update to the full release version of Catalina, once it is released: Please tell us (me and any other Mac Users) if there is any problem running DAZ Studio in the release version of Catalina.

  • AngellsAngells Posts: 114

    Installed the new update, but when I tried to render a Genesis 8 Female , right after the install it said no render engine. WHAT? No render engine , so now what?


  • Trying to install 4.12 but it just sits at content management part, I have let it run for up to b8 hours and it dose not finish. I have tryed 7 times and has hung up at the same part every time.

  • Angells said:

    Installed the new update, but when I tried to render a Genesis 8 Female , right after the install it said no render engine. WHAT? No render engine , so now what?


    Look on the Render Settings pane and see which if any Engines are listed. Also look on the Advanced tab for which devices are listed.

  • 41cessna said:

    Trying to install 4.12 but it just sits at content management part, I have let it run for up to b8 hours and it dose not finish. I have tryed 7 times and has hung up at the same part every time.

    Do you have another version installed? Please post a screenshot so we can see what it says.

  • AngellsAngells Posts: 114
    Angells said:

    Installed the new update, but when I tried to render a Genesis 8 Female , right after the install it said no render engine. WHAT? No render engine , so now what?


    Look on the Render Settings pane and see which if any Engines are listed. Also look on the Advanced tab for which devices are listed.

    Looked and for some reason my graphic card is not listed. It was listed in the prior version before the update. It only lists cpu now. How do I get it to recognize my graphic card?



  • Angells said:
    Angells said:

    Installed the new update, but when I tried to render a Genesis 8 Female , right after the install it said no render engine. WHAT? No render engine , so now what?


    Look on the Render Settings pane and see which if any Engines are listed. Also look on the Advanced tab for which devices are listed.

    Looked and for some reason my graphic card is not listed. It was listed in the prior version before the update. It only lists cpu now. How do I get it to recognize my graphic card?



    Check that the NVIDIA driver is up to date. If it is, try restarting the computer.

  • AngellsAngells Posts: 114
    edited October 2019
    Angells said:
    Angells said:

    Installed the new update, but when I tried to render a Genesis 8 Female , right after the install it said no render engine. WHAT? No render engine , so now what?


    Look on the Render Settings pane and see which if any Engines are listed. Also look on the Advanced tab for which devices are listed.

    Looked and for some reason my graphic card is not listed. It was listed in the prior version before the update. It only lists cpu now. How do I get it to recognize my graphic card?



    Check that the NVIDIA driver is up to date. If it is, try restarting the computer

    My gaming driver was updated today, I went and updated my studio driver now

    . Will reboot and try it again. Thanks. Well that didn't work either. How can I uninstall this version. since it won't recognize my NV GTX1650 even with the new drives. My CPU is an AMD Radeon CPU is it just rcognizing the graphics on that?

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • AngellsAngells Posts: 114
    edited October 2019

    I installed Daz 4.12, to use Face Transfer.
    With 4.12, when I render, it does not use my GPU, how to set ???
    I do not have the money to buy a new graphics card.

    Windows 7. Processor i7 - GPU Asus dual-gtx 1060 6gb - 32gb RAM
    Thank you in advance for helping me. Ed

    I'm having the same problem, I am on a Asus dual , windows 10 pro gtx 1650 16 gig ram.


    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • DoctorJellybeanDoctorJellybean Posts: 8,726
    edited October 2019
    Angells said:

    I installed Daz 4.12, to use Face Transfer.
    With 4.12, when I render, it does not use my GPU, how to set ???
    I do not have the money to buy a new graphics card.

    Windows 7. Processor i7 - GPU Asus dual-gtx 1060 6gb - 32gb RAM
    Thank you in advance for helping me. Ed

    I'm having the same problem, I am on a Asus dual , windows 10 pro gtx 1650 16 gig ram.



    Please start DAZ Studio, click on Help then Troubleshooting and finally About Your Videi Card. Please post a screenshot of the popup window.

    Also, try not to post new replies inside your previous quotes, as it makes it a bit difficult to see the reply.

    Edited to fix quoting

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • AngellsAngells Posts: 114
    edited October 2019
    Angells said:
    Angells said:
    Angells said:

    Installed the new update, but when I tried to render a Genesis 8 Female , right after the install it said no render engine. WHAT? No render engine , so now what?


    Look on the Render Settings pane and see which if any Engines are listed. Also look on the Advanced tab for which devices are listed.

    Looked and for some reason my graphic card is not listed. It was listed in the prior version before the update. It only lists cpu now. How do I get it to recognize my graphic card?



    Check that the NVIDIA driver is up to date. If it is, try restarting the computer

    My gaming driver was updated today, I went and updated my studio driver now

    . Will reboot and try it again. Thanks.

    Well that didn't work either. How can I uninstall this version. since it won't recognize my NV GTX1650 even with the new drives. My CPU is an AMD Radeon CPU is it just rcognizing the graphics on that? I can't render anything because it says I have no renderer. Not even with the CPU.

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
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