Needed: a better method of deforming shirts and tops over breasts

We need a new method for deforming shirts and tops that doesn't depend upon or follow breasts! We've all seen it: you reduce the size of a figure's breasts, and the shirt or top that is conformed to the figure follows the movement of the vertices in the breasts. There are helpers that loosen the fabric, so it isn't shrink-wrapped to the breasts, but the fabric is still oddly deformed, and it's especially obvious when you have a mapped texture.

Is it possible to make tops and shirts, including the tops of dresses, deform in a more 'tubular' fashion? Bras and swimsuits are fine - they're supposed to shrink-wrap to the breast, but looked at in its basic form, a shirt, top or the upper half of a dress are essentially a rectangle of cloth wrapped horizontally around the torso and vertically over the shoulders - sure, the fabric is trimmed so the seams are more form fitting, but the 'grid' of the faric is vertical and horizontal, not radial like breasts. When a woman has smaller breasts, the material lies closer to the skin, but it essentially only translates horizontally (making it much easier to read those nifty tee-shirts!). We need some way to deform the shirt/top/bodice that moves the points inward horizontally around the torso, not pinching them inward and upward on both sides of the chest as the vertices in the breasts pinch inward and upward.


  • You might want to search on "Fit Control" in the store.  I believe there are a lot of interesting tools available to do exactly what you're looking for.

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