Using Daz as a BVH Editor

me.robmyersme.robmyers Posts: 0
edited December 1969 in New Users


I'm making a game, whose characters are animated via BVH files. For this I am using the Daz-friendly Carnegie-Mellon motion capture data set, together with Michael 3.

I want to use DS to organise and tweak the various animations, ultimately exporting them as a single BVH file.

Although I have spent a bit of time playing around with DS, I need some help.
Basically I want the following workflow:

1. Import some BVH file.
2. Restrict to certain frames and tweak those frames (e.g. force the shoulders and their children to have certain constant values).
3. Repeat 1-2 for other animations, appending the frames to the end of the previous animation.
4. Export as a single BVH file.

I'm having problems with tweaking e.g. I lock a joint, but the other keyframes seem to override the lock.
But more generally, it would really help me to know how a seasoned user would go about doing the above four steps.

I suspect I need to get keyMate and/or graphMate? Do I need both?

Finally, in the export BVH options you can exclude a joint (via the 'E'). Is there any way to save the choice? It doesn't seem to be saved with the map.

Any help much appreciated,


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