Daz Install Manager (DIM), Now Available!

Daz SoftwareDaz Software Posts: 35
edited June 2019 in The Commons

Daz 3D is pleased to announce the next public version of Daz Install Manager


  • Version:
  • Date: June 24, 2019


What is new in this version?

The version makes improvements to, or fixes issues discovered since, the General Release. More detail on specific fixes/changes/improvements can be found in the Change Log, which can be viewed online within the Documentation Center portion of our site. All new downloads of DAZ Install Manager will be of this version.


Highlights: (June 24, 2019)

  • First-Time User
    • First-time users are now prompted for whether or not they would like to view/change download/installation paths prior to starting the automated download/install queue
  • Download/Install Behavior
    • Download of packages that provide CMS functionality are now prioritized over all others
      • Except application updates
      • Installation of packages that do not provide CMS functionality are now delayed until after packages in the download or install queues that do
        • If the CMS is to be installed, it should be installed prior to any other package that may cause addition/manipulation of data in the database
    • Installation of packages that install like a plugin are now delayed if packages that install like software are in the download queue
      • This change addresses an issue where packages that install like a plugin would fail to install (or appear as though they had failed) because a package for software that it is a plugin to had not been installed first
      • This issue stems from a deeper issue where because plugin packages are typically much smaller in size than software packages, despite both being in the queue and the software package starting before plugin packages, the plugin packages downloaded much faster and were therefore installed before the software package downloads could complete
  • General
    • When loading the settings for a given account, if the path of the Package Archive and the path of the Manifest Archive are set to the same value, a message informing the user of the detected conflict is now displayed
    • Added a CMS Connection Status button to the header of the main window
      • Indicates CMS connection state and provides the ability to stop/start the CMS
    • Help
      • Clicking the Help button in a window now opens a URL that is more specific to the window containing the button that was clicked
    • Fixed an issue with CSV Export dialog options; usage of the checked state for the "Include Package Signature (GUID)" and "Include Package Size" options where swapped
    • Added Filter By SKU/Ranges/
      • 60,000 -69,999
  • Ready to Download Page
    • Added "Delete Partial Package(s)" menu and options to the context menu for incomplete package downloads
      • Deletes partial download files from the package archive
    • The checked state of the “Display Hidden” option is now persistent between sessions
  • Ready to Install Page
    • Added a "Display Hidden" option
      • This option functions in the same fashion as the similarly named option on the Ready to Download page, except it applies to packages that have been downloaded
      • Checked state is persistent between sessions
      • A package's hidden state is universal, hiding a package on the Ready to Download page does not change if the package is then downloaded and likewise hiding a package on the Ready to Install page does not change if the package is then deleted
    • Added "Hide Package(s)" and "Unhide Package(s)" menus and options to the context menu for packages
  • Installed Page
    • The "Installed Files" list (accessed from "Show Installed Files..." on the context menu, or option menu, of an installed package) now displays the full path for a given installed file in a popup when the cursor is hovered over a hyperlink if the "General Tool Tips" setting is enabled
  • Settings Dialog
    • General
      • Added a simplified version of the Settings dialog (primarily, for display to first-time users)
        • Users are provided the ability to select a "Base Directory"
          • Causes the paths of the Package Archive, Thumbnail Archive, Manifest Archive, Content Database Base, Content Base Path, 64-bit Software Base and 32-bit Software Base to become sub-paths of the chosen directory
          • Selecting "Current" restores the currently assigned paths
          • Selecting "Default" restores the default paths
          • Selecting "Browse.." prompts for a base path and if permissions of the selected path allow the user to read/write, constructs sub-paths to the selected path
        • Paths that already exist on disk are hyperlinked - clicking a hyperlink causes the path to be opened in the OS file browser
        • Accessible by holding the Ctrl/Cmd modifier while clicking the Settings icon in the main window
      • The Downloads > Package Archive setting and the Installation > Manifest Archive setting are now prevented from being set to the same path using their respective browse buttons; the user is alerted to the conflict and the value is not changed
      • All non-list-based settings for paths/values now provide a "Restore Default" action in their respective context menus
      • Added the ability to "Restore Current" from the context menu of various settings
      • Fixed an issue where canceling the Settings dialog after having changed whether or not "General Tool Tips" and/or "Product Info Tips" are displayed did not restore the previous state
    • Installation
      • Added a "Restore Default" action to the context menu for the "64-bit Software Base" setting
      • Added a "Restore Default" action to the context menu for the "32-bit Software Base" setting
      • Fixed an issue where changing the "Manifest Archive" path would not automatically cause user data to be refreshed upon accepting the dialog
      • Added a setting for defining the "Content Database Base" path
      • Added a setting for defining the "Content Database Port"
      • Converted the "Allow Shortcuts" setting to use drop-down menu instead of check boxes
      • Converted the "Content Updates" setting to use drop-down menus instead of radio buttons
      • Moved the "Current" content path setting from below the shortcut list, to above it
    • Applications
      • Added support for Maya 2019 application version
      • Added support for ZBrush 2019 application version
      • Fixed support for ZBrush 2018 application version
        • Removed 32-bit option
        • 64-bit only
      • Added support for Lightwave 2019 application version


How do I get the latest version?

If you have previously installed the Install Manager application and the computer it is installed on is connected to the internet, you can simply launch the application and log into your account. Once connected, you will be notified that an update has been detected and you will be prompted to "Update" or "Work Offline". Click the "Update" button and the application will take care of the rest.

Optionally, you can locate, download and install the application from the Product Library [once you are logged into your account] by entering "Install Manager" into the text field near the top left of the page and clicking the "Filter" button, or by clicking one of the following links:

If this is your first time downloading and/or installing Install Manager, simply follow this link, click the "download free now" button on the page and then run the downloaded installer.

*Note: If you experience a crash during the uninstaller phase of the update, it is recommended that you download the installer from the Product Library (see above) and run it manually.


Is there any documentation?

Yes, documentation is located here. Clicking the "Help" button in the top right corner of the application main window will launch your [default] browser to the same location.

Post edited by rbtwhiz on


  • DavidGBDavidGB Posts: 565

    So, STILL no setting to install the Filters to anywhere but Users/Public Documents/DAZ 3D/InstallManager? Really? Everything else can have a defined location other than what was the default - Packages archive, Manifest archive, thumbnail archive, even the cms database now ... but still just with Users/Public Documents//DAZ 3D/InstallManager for the Filters? Come ON. I do not have ANYTHING in Public/Documents, and that is not changing, so I'm going to have to dig them out and move the new ones to where I moved the old ones to with the workaround last time. Seriously, after all this time you leave just ONE thing that can't be put where the user wants it through the program and needs deep filer diving to sort it out. Sheesh.

  • WonderlandWonderland Posts: 6,780

    About 70% of items fail to download, and I have to keep trying until finally they do. One item took 5 tries, then it finally and magically downloaded. This behavior is new, have 5G fast internet...

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,951

    Is there any way to delete just the installers of installed items?  For example Anita Hair is about 1.2 gb installed but is only 607.72 MB for the zip file.  I do not have a ton of space on my harddrive for both the installed files and the installer zips.

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,236
    edited July 2019

    Is there any way to delete just the installers of installed items?  For example Anita Hair is about 1.2 gb installed but is only 607.72 MB for the zip file.  I do not have a ton of space on my harddrive for both the installed files and the installer zips.

    If you don;t want to keep any of the installers, you can instruct DIM to delete the zip after installing (there's check box  near the bottom of the "Ready to Install" tab if I remember rightly). Personally I backup all the zips to an external hard drive then manually remove the largest ones. DIM only needs them again if you uninstall and want to reinstall without re-downloading - that's where the external copy comes in handy!

    ETA: I just use Windows Explorer to browse to the location where my downloads are, sort by size and delete from the top until I've cleared enough space to keep me and my PC happy.

    Post edited by MelanieL on
  • You can delete the zip after isntalaltion, from the Installedf tab in DIM right-click the product entry or the click triangle button to its right>Delete Package

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,825
    edited July 2019

    ..OK running into an issue with logging into the DIM.

    Getting the error:

    Unable to log into specified account.- Verify the email and/or password and try again

    I received a new bank card at the beginning of the month with my new address on it and a new verification number. I already updated the information (address and security number) on my account page and have been able to purchase items from the store with no issue. So how does one go about updating that for the DIM as I can find no mechanism to do so?

    Neither my email or password was changed.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • kyoto kid said:

    ..OK running into an issue with logging into the DIM.

    Getting the error:

    Unable to log into specified account.- Verify the email and/or password and try again

    I received a new bank card at the beginning of the month with my new address on it and a new verification number. I already updated the information (address and security number) on my account page and have been able to purchase items from the store with no issue. So how does one go about updating that for the DIM as I can find no mechanism to do so?

    Neither my email or password was changed.

    All DIM needs is your password and email, to log into your account. It cares nothing for, and has no access to, anything relating to payments. Are you accessing the forums now on the same device as you run DIM on?

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,825

    ..yes, and that's just the thing. The DIM already has my email and password, the latter which I changed many months ago.  After I did that, I was still able to login via the DIM with no difficulty, so something else went south here. When I clicked on the tools Icon (gear in the upper right) all that popped up was a window that asked me if I wanted to delete or add a new account, no other options like view the sign in data. I even blanked out the field and re-entered the password, yet the error message still popped up

  • You could try adding a new account, with the same details, in case the old one is corrupt in some way.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,825

    ..i.if my account was corrupted I couldn't get on the site at all. Absolutely nothing changed in my sign in data since it was still working. This is a very recent occurrence.

  • kyoto kid said:

    ..i.if my account was corrupted I couldn't get on the site at all. Absolutely nothing changed in my sign in data since it was still working. This is a very recent occurrence.

    I meant the settings stored locally in DIM - %AppData%/Daz 3d/installmanager/useraccounts/

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,825

    ..well I just submitted a support ticket about this I'll see what that does.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,825
    edited August 2019
    kyoto kid said:

    ..i.if my account was corrupted I couldn't get on the site at all. Absolutely nothing changed in my sign in data since it was still working. This is a very recent occurrence.

    I meant the settings stored locally in DIM - %AppData%/Daz 3d/installmanager/useraccounts/

    ...reviewed the logfile I think I I know what may have caused it.  I recently set my system to en_GB as I have written in Queens English for most of my life (long story) as well as the use the 24 hour clock and European date format as I got tired of manually setting different applications and such to match.  Apparently the DIM looks at this as being my actual physical location and that is likely why it stopped recognising the login as in the address I have on file in my profile is US.  Not sure how to get around this as I'd like to keep the system setting the way it is.


    Switched the system locale back to locale =  US but the error still appears. so that doesn't seem to be the issue.

    This is what I see in the Logfie:

    Network Error during authentication.Unable to login customer during authentication.


    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • ErrilhlErrilhl Posts: 20

    Latest DIM, I get a constant "Download Failed" on all items.

    Had to reinstall Windows, but kept the user files, hence reinstalling DIM came up with it with the complete asset-library installed, including the programs (DAZ 4.11 and so on) - deleted those, to be able to re-download, but... get the "Download Failed", and this in the log file:

    WARNING: SSL Error: 11 - The issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be foundWARNING: SSL Error: 17 - The root CA certificate is not trusted for this purposeWARNING: Network Error while downloading to file "": SSL handshake failedWARNING: SSL Error: 11 - The issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be foundWARNING: SSL Error: 17 - The root CA certificate is not trusted for this purposeWARNING: Network Error while downloading to file "": SSL handshake failedWARNING: SSL Error: 11 - The issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be foundWARNING: SSL Error: 17 - The root CA certificate is not trusted for this purposeWARNING: Network Error while downloading to file "": SSL handshake failed

    Tested what I can think of, but nothing seems to work. I can download directly from DAZ no issue.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,825
    edited August 2019

    ...I'd do that myself I could remember exactly what I added purchased after I last used the DIM and just install them in local mode but afraid I may duplicate items i already installed. which would just waste time.

    The last thing I want to do is total uninstall and clean install again as I'd get everything I already installed back in the Ready to Download tab.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • kyoto kid said:
    kyoto kid said:

    ..i.if my account was corrupted I couldn't get on the site at all. Absolutely nothing changed in my sign in data since it was still working. This is a very recent occurrence.

    I meant the settings stored locally in DIM - %AppData%/Daz 3d/installmanager/useraccounts/

    ...reviewed the logfile I think I I know what may have caused it.  I recently set my system to en_GB as I have written in Queens English for most of my life (long story) as well as the use the 24 hour clock and European date format as I got tired of manually setting different applications and such to match.  Apparently the DIM looks at this as being my actual physical location and that is likely why it stopped recognising the login as in the address I have on file in my profile is US.  Not sure how to get around this as I'd like to keep the system setting the way it is.


    Switched the system locale back to locale =  US but the error still appears. so that doesn't seem to be the issue.

    This is what I see in the Logfie:

    Network Error during authentication.Unable to login customer during authentication.


    DIM doesn't care about or access your address, all it does is log in to your account using the supplied credentials.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,825
    edited August 2019

    ...well none of those have changed ever since I first installed the DIM 6 years ago, so I don't understand why suddenly the lockout.  My account name, my sign on are all exactly the same as I use for the Daz3D site so there should not be an issue.

    What I also learned was a new update was released, supposedly in late June which I never saw the auto notification for (most likely due to the the foul up with the sign in protocol that still defies explanation). I have a fair number of products basically sitting in limbo, some which I need for projects  This is definitely a failure in the software, not my sign in or password.  It also has nothing to do with any AV software I use or firewall settings as none of those have changed since the DIM was still working the way it should.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • kyoto kid said:

    ...well none of those have changed ever since I first installed the DIM 6 years ago, so I don't understand why suddenly the lockout.  My account name, my sign on are all exactly the same as I use for the Daz3D site so there should not be an issue.

    What I also learned was a new update was released, supposedly in late June which I never saw the auto notification for (most likely due to the the foul up with the sign in protocol that still defies explanation). I have a fair number of products basically sitting in limbo, some which I need for projects  This is definitely a failure in the software, not my sign in or password.  It also has nothing to do with any AV software I use or firewall settings as none of those have changed since the DIM was still working the way it should.

    Have you yet tried creating a new account, with the same details, and seeing if that will log in?

    As an aside, your security software will haev updated itself if it's any good - certainly signatures, and quite possibly the applications themselves.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,825
    edited August 2019

    ...I checked my AV's status yesterday and the DIM is still "whitelisted".

    There is also this Javascript file Isee on my desktop which I never noticed before:

    IsntallManagerFileRegister.json.  Never seen this on the desktop before and not sure how it got there as I have nothing that points the DIM ti download/install to the Desktop.

    install manager file.png
    180 x 87 - 4K
    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • When I try to install the mac 64bit version I get this message: 

    • The "IM00050875_InstallManagerMac64.zip" file is invalid. It does not contain a manifest, or is corrupt. The product cannot be installed.

    I am using an iMac 2019 uner Mojave. Daz Studio and DIM both seem to be incpmpatible wit this MacOS.

  • Sounds more like a bad download - if it was application incompatibility it would say so.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,825

    ...OK believe it or not I managed to find what was causing the logon issue.  Apparently the the account .ini file was not in the proper folder.  When I copied the account .ini file into the account .ini folder and restarted the DIM, the update message popped up and installed ver.  So no having to create a new account, or no having to do a manual install and clean install to get everything working. Persistence and investigation paid off..

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,825
    edited August 2019

    ...welI take some of it back. Seems it made a mess of my library structure.  I now have a second "Library" folder inside the main Daz one with it's own folder tree, and a "Daz Studio" folder (also with it's own folder tree) in the Poser Content one.  Some content folders are also empty.

    Crikey, I don't want to uninstall and reinstall everything get to get items where they belong as that will likely result in path errors to projects I am working on.

    CMS also isn't working.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,825
    edited August 2019

    ...OK been wondering why my system has been so unresponsive the last couple days.  Looked at my the Computer directory and noticed the available space on my C: drive is down by between 60 - 70 GB.  So I opened the DIM and checked a few of the latest installs which showed with the installation went to C:/Users/Public/Documents/... as the path.  This is why there were two Daz Library and two Poser Runtime folders.  I have no idea how this occurred as I specified the installation path for content to go to D:/Daz3D/LIbrary before I installed all the products..  The configuration settings interface looks as it if it has been changed somewhat as there are a few more options I never saw before.  Also since this was an update and not a clean install, it should have remembered my settings  as it did after previous updates.

    I now have to spend most of my evening uninstalling about 450 items, go into system maintenance tools to clear the registry as well as any extraneous leftover files, and then try to reinstall everything to the proper location

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • kyoto kid said:

    ...OK been wondering why my system has been so unresponsive the last couple days.  Looked at my the Computer directory and noticed the available space on my C: drive is down by between 60 - 70 GB.  So I opened the DIM and checked a few of the latest installs which showed with the installation went to C:/Users/Public/Documents/... as the path.  This is why there were two Daz Library and two Poser Runtime folders.  I have no idea how this occurred as I specified the installation path for content to go to D:/Daz3D/LIbrary before I installed all the products..  The configuration settings interface looks as it if it has been changed somewhat as there are a few more options I never saw before.  Also since this was an update and not a clean install, it should have remembered my settings  as it did after previous updates.

    I now have to spend most of my evening uninstalling about 450 items, go into system maintenance tools to clear the registry as well as any extraneous leftover files, and then try to reinstall everything to the proper location

    Why would you need to edit the registry?

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,825

    ...not edit, just clear remnants of junk files that may remain. This often occurs when a large number of items are uninstalled, deleted, or moved.

    The troubling part about this was the update process did not preserve my settings as in the past and the interface was changed adding a couple more "features" including one not easily noticed which I had to check in order for the install manager to route content to the path I specified.  In the past if you entered a different path, it automatically routed to it.  

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,825

    ...been getting a lot of "Download Failed" errors with this version.

  • eljanlionheart81eljanlionheart81 Posts: 9
    edited September 2019

    I just re-installed windows 7 ( I know it's going to die in support from Microsoft soon) and I'm getting Download Failed on everything. Not one file has downloaded. All because of trying to fix the CMS connection issue.
    Very inconvenient.

    I guess I can see if an older version of DIM will work?

    Post edited by eljanlionheart81 on
  • I just re-installed windows 7 ( I know it's going to die in support from Microsoft soon) and I'm getting Download Failed on everything. Not one file has downloaded. All because of the stupid CMS connection issue.
    Very inconvenient.

    What does the CMS have to do with downloads failing? That's more likely to be related to security software, the CMS doesn't come in until the actual installation from the zip.

    I guess I can see if an older version of DIM will work?

    No, only the current version is allowed to connect to the store. Of course you can, in any version, manually download most things (not the betas), place tyhem in the Downloads folder, and use DIM to install in off-line mode.

  • Well I couldn't get the CMS to connect properly (at all) so I figured some files were corrupt.
    So I decided to re-install windows and now having the downloading problem.

    I ended up having a new issue trying to solve another.

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