Denoiser not working in newest 4.11?

Sorry if this has been mentioned elsewhere, I just haven't come across it yet. The denoiser doesn't appear to be working in the most recent DAZ Studio 4.11, I updated yesterday and just finished a bunch of test renders. When overlayed in Photoshop, the one with the Denoiser enabled and activated looks EXACTLY like the one where it was disabled, right down to individual noise pixels. Before this update, the denoiser would kick in very early and you could clearly see it was on.
Could someone else confirm this? Thanks.
Post edited by SnowSultan on
My quick test on Win 10 with nVidia P4000 shows the denoiser working. The defailt is to start denoising at iteration 8. If you run high enough convergance, then a "denoised" render and and a regular render can ultimately look identical because the one without denoising converged to an image that was free of noise at the pixel level. When denoising helps a lot is that you don't need to have as high a convergence setting to get noise-free renders, thus lowering render times.
A good way to check a render is to have a scene that's going to take a few hundred iterations to converge. Start it without the denoiser turned on and see how it starts pixelated and gets steadily less pixilated as it converges.
Then start the same render again with the denoiser turned on. After iteration 8 (or whatever start iteration you set, you'll the see the image render, but instead of pixelated, it might seem slightly blured or smeared. With successive iterations it will seem to get sharper.
That's strange then because I sat right in front of the screen for 14 minutes and watched the entire render process and the denoising didn't kick in at 8 iterations or any other later time. Something else isn't right on this end then. Can I ask what your other Filtering settings were?
It should be working. You can even set it at iteration 1 and see it clearly active during pre-render trying to make sense of just a few pixels (it's like watching a live Bob Ross waterpainting).
It only works if you have a nVidia card.
I didn’t change any other filter settings except “Post Denoiser Available” and “Post Denoiser Enable” which I set to “on”. I’d double check the Nvidia driver if it’s not kicking in, because you should likely see a difference in the early iterations of the render. It more pronounced In dimly lit scenes.
And it only works if you are using that nVidia card. If the scene was too big and ended up using CPU, denoiser won't work.
Sooo, I am still not entirely sure what my current render settings are doing. If I typically run at 15000 max samples, 15000 - 20000 Max time, render quality 3 and converged ratio of 100%, what conversion ratio should I be able to set with denoiser on? Of course, I have no particular reason for running those settings. They are numbers that I just pulled out of the air because I thoguht the end result was nice. Id love to speed up my renders and still get good quality.
The only reason to set convergence to 100% is when you want other parameters (eg: max samples) to determine the end time. 100% will never be reached.
The denoiser works for me as well.
It only works if you have an nVidia card AND if the entire scene is being rendered by the video card. If your render drops to CPU, the denoiser doesn't work.
I'll upgrade my nVidia driver and try later. I know what to look for, I've used the denoiser many times in previous versions. Thanks for the confirmation.
I had a hiccup where the denoiser stopped working before the most recent patch, I haven't tested in the 4.11 release, but its working again for me in the beta.
something weird I've noticed on my computer is that the denoiser works perfectly for me if I have Iray view enabled in the viewport when I start the render. If I don't, it seems hit or miss of the denoiser will kick in.
I think it's working again here after updating my drivers, although things seem different from before. Now it can give fairly subtle results early on, while in previous versions, it would always be REALLY obvious when it was applied. I tried it on two scenes, one very simple (where it was really obvious) and another more complex one (where it was a lot less noticable).
Grinch, that's odd too because if I try to render with an active Iray preview window going, everything slows down a lot.
Slightly related, but would anyone care to share their settings for Nominal Luminance, Noise Degrain Filtering, Radius, and Blur Difference? I've read the wiki about what they do, but I don't really see much difference when comparing renders with them set to various values. Thanks again.
Can confirm the denpoiser is buggy. I'm using a 1080ti and some renders fail to initate the denoiser. Nothing to do with the ammount of memory in the scene, nor does it pop up in the log stating there was an error due to memory like it did in the previous beta build. I have the lates driver installed. In one scene it works, in another, for whatever reason, it doesn't.
I have only used one version of Studio 4.11 (build
I have tried many combinations of variables listed here, (and other places).
Using the latest Nvidia drivers, rendering simple and more complex scenes, and the denoiser has never worked for me.
I did a little more poking around in my own setup.
My problem seems yo be my crappy vid card (only 2 gigs).
Like AllenArt said :
"It only works if you have an nVidia card AND if the entire scene is being rendered by the video card. If your render drops to CPU, the denoiser doesn't work."
I checked my advanced Tab under render settings and only left GPU checked (CPU unchecked).
I assumed that it would only use the GPU , but after checking my log it seems if you don't have enough resources on your vid card it is going to use the CPU even if you have it unchecked.
So I made a super simple scene of just a sphere and a plane, and the denoiser worked.
When I heard Daz was going to have a denoiser in the new version of studio, I assumed it would be like Octanes denoiser, which works no matter how crappy your vid card is.
Oh well.
Interesting. I had a problem where it was working some of the time too, maybe that explains it.
Same going on with me--I have two boxes--the denoiser works on one, not on the other. Driving me batty. will try installing a new driver...
Denoiser works fine in the viewport, and in the render.
Denoiser can easily boost a 2 hours render down to 30 minutes or even less. Denoise algorithms evolved a lot those last few years especially thanks to NVidia's AI deeplearning algorithms.
Try and configure your DAZ Iray Settings the way I do it (cross-posted this one on 3 threads, but I think it's useful enough information, hope that's fine)
If you want a very pixel precise, crispy result, DO NOT activate the post-denoiser. It's equivalent to a photoshop Denoise filter and you really don't want to do that (if you ever need to) from the render window.
Results this way are definitely excellent / fast / not blurred at all. I work on scenes that often have at least 1 light + the HDR dome lighting + about 8 emissive objects.
I usually use an external batch process to denoise after rendering using the Intel based denoiser.
There are several options mentioned in these threads:
I open the original and denoiser version as layers in post processing and combine them.
I have a do you get the denoiser inside daz to activate? I ask this because I'm trying to add a second rendering computer. The first one I have is good and have it all specced to how I want it with the options inside Daz. I'm using 2 1080ti cards. It works great. The second machine, I'm using 1 1650ti, but all of the settings in my original rendering computer is replicated in the new machine....but the new machine won't allow denoiser to activate at all. Was wondering if anyone else here came across this or if it's just something I'm doing wrong or something I don't know?
Added: I saved a .duf file from the original render machine and put it onto the new one. I open that up and stage it and I do my preview before rendering, the denoiser works for that file. I copied the settings I had in this file to one I created from scratch on the newer machine and it doesn't work at all.....I'm beside myself right now with this.
Thanks in advance
The denoiser requires additional video memory of its own. Your 1080ti setup has more video memory than your 1650 does. It's possible that you're over the limit of what you can both render and denoise on the 1650.
Can you run the denoiser with an empty scene?
I was wrong on the was a 1050ti....but yeah, pretty much was over the limit of what I could do. I was able to get it working with the same environment I was trying my testing with but with a different model.