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Yes, that worked. Thanks!
Well not really. I have a number of folders bookmarked in 4.10, and it works fine, but if I try to bookmark the same folders in 4.12, I get an error message. They share the same content library.
ETA: same problem in 4.10 if I try to add new folders at the same folder level. Must be the update that is broken.
Yes, unfortunately that's a bug in the update. It is too strict on the subfolder checking. There is a workaround for now though: create a bookmark of a subfolder of the "Environemments" folder, then do the following:
. Edit the path between the brackets and remove the subfolder.Sorry about the hassle, I will fix this with the next update.
Thanks. Actually I think just selecting the top folder in the base folder you want to bookmark may be better, as this will also make the base folder become visible so you can see where you are. With bookmarking the base folder itself it doesn't always become visible when you select it but may hide somewhere in the hidden part of the folder list. You can still edit the subfolder away so it just says "Environments" or whatever. But if the other thing gets fixed you can of course choose what you prefer.
Way back on page 2 MinktKX mentioned 5 entries form the bottom that bookmarks get lost when switching wokspaces. I have had them become corrupted and had to delete bad ones. At minimum they seem to only exist in the workspace in which they were created and don't persist when it is switched out.
Other than that I agree with all the very positive comments about the tool. It is VERY useful.
I'm new to this whole "custom action" and "Customize Daz Studio" business, so please bear with me....
I've added several bookmarks and all work as advertised. Reading this thread led me to believe I could organize these bookmarks by creating subfolders ("Animals", "Lights", "Poses and Expressions" etc) and then moving these product entries "under
the submenu titles. As one can see by the two attached snapshots, I was able to create the submenus (using 'F3') and there SEEMS to be an indication that a submenu of items exist (by the rightward arrow at the end of line), but clearly the bookmarks were not properly inserted into/under my custom submenu titles. What am I doing wrong??? Tks, Ray
Through an off-line chat with Taoz, he explained how easy it is to add these submenus. While I added the submenus via the <F3> customize menu dialog, the step I was missing is that one needs to drag the previously created bookmark "under" the appropriate menu(/sub-menu heading and voila!! Thanks Rich!!!
I also ran into problems getting the ManFriday's Content Bookmarks software to install, but found a way. I'm posting this, in case it is of help to others. The following was for a 64 bit installation.
On my system (Windows 10, 64 bit), I found that although DAZ Install Manager indicated that it was downloading the MF Contents Bookmark package, it didn't end up getting installed.
I also tried going to the DAZ3D website and looking at my order for the product. I did a manual download of 60507_MFContentBookmarksforDAZStudio45Win64bit_1.1.1.0_ds.exe . Running it as administrator, it did create an uninstall icon on my start menu, but still DID NOT extract the needed MF_contentbm.dll file.
The solution was to look at the files that the Daz Install Manager had downloaded to my PC.
In my C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\DAZ 3D\InstallManager\Downloads folder, there was a zip file named .
I opened that zip file, navigated to the 64 bit .dll file, and copied MF_contentbm.dll to C:\Programs\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\plugins\
Then I launched DAZ Studio 4.12 Pro. A quick check of Help - About Installed Plugins confirmed that ManFriday's Content Bookmarks was present and loaded.
And, indeed, I now have a Bookmarks option on the main menu. I have hundreds of packages installed, so being able to quickly jump to my favorite sections should help a lot!!! :-)
can someone tell me... what is the difference between this product and simply just rightclick and add an item to Favorites? :D
Pardon my ignorance, but I can't find the PDF user guides either for this product and MF Turbo Content. Where are they? Where can I find them? Help requested. Thanks in advance.
Thanks, barbult. Greatly appreciated.
Usually I do what barbult did and go though the website. But if you want to find it on your computer it will be wherever you have Daz Studio installed. In my case C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\docs\Plugins\Turbo Content I do not have Content Bookmarks at this time but I bet its going to be in the same docs/Plugins folder.
Inside Daz S
Inside Daz Studio, you can also press F1 and then look under "plugins" on the left, and the documentation bits for my plugins should all be there.
Didn't know about this until recently either. :-)
Thanks, ManFriday, for the info and especially for the wonderful products. I'm looking forward to buying the Mesh Grabber and the upcoming dForce Companion.
It's organized better and easier.
What do you mean? The only Make Favourite in DS without add-ons is for parameters, which is totally different from this product. There is Create Custom Action, but that applies to files not folders.
Best Plugin ManFriday! Thank you for your contribution...has to be one of the most useful tools for Daz.
I have recently encountered an issue where I get a DS error when trying to Edit the Bookmarks:
Error loading bookmarks: cannot find custom action instance for UUID
The Edit Box comes up, but the contents are are empty. I am able create bookmarks and they function, but they do not show-up in the Edit Box.
I have reinstalled the plugin. The plugin shows that it is installed and functioning in the "About Installed Plugins" window in Daz.
I am using version Pro Edition (64-bit)
My content library is nearing 1TB with about 180k folders.
Any ideas?
i'm getting something like ozone's error since yesterday's new stable release version of studio.
i've crashed the new stable release version of studio four times today by doing the following.
1 - create a new bookmark via MF Content Bookmarks' 'add bookmark' menu command.
2- attempt to edit bookmarks via MF Content Bookmarks' 'edit bookmark' menu command.
3 - studio will now pop up an apologetic window telling you that it's unable to edit the bookmark list because cannon find custom instance BLAH BLAH BLAH...and will also show you your current list of bookmarks. there aren't any. studio has eaten them all. your bookmarks file is now unusuable.
4 - click the button that offers you an exit from the dialogue. daz studio will then crash.
there've been versions of studio before that nailgunned themselves in the feet when they tried to make custom actions...looks like this is one of them.
Do either of you have multiple instances of DS running? Jardine, what version did you have previously?
hi, mike...
thanks for asking!
i do run the current beta and the current stable release simultaneously sometimes, but i don't think that was happening at the time i ran into this problem with the current stable release. i'll check later in the day and verify this.
i can tell you that i have no issues with creating custom menu items in the current beta while the current stable release is running.
if you're wondering which version i previously had the menu items issues with...i have no idea what version number that would be. this would have been a year or a year and a half ago, as nearly as i can recall.
i'll be happy try reproducing the issue and sending you a log, if that'd help. just let me know.
I am having a bit of trouble.
I have my Daz Program installed on my C: drive, and my "My Daz Library" is on my D: Drive. For the life of me I can't get the bookmarks to show up in the Daz program when launched.
I tried installing through DIM and the program's exe. Still no joy. I followed some third party advice and manually placed the dll in dazStudio4/plugins, but nada.
I am running the most current stable release
Try clicking Window - Workspace - Update and Merge Menus
Thanks for the suggestion, but it didn't work.
If anyone else has a suggestion, I'd be glad to hear it.
Did you alread try the troubleshooting tips that ManFriday posted earlier in this thread?
Have you read the included PDF user guide for tips?
1) Did I read the tips?. Yes. The tips are base off of having the dll in the \DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\plugins\MF_contentbm.dll folder. I do, but only because I dropped it in there manually... not because the installer (both DIM and the program's exe) put it there. Which means the rest of the tips are not helpful as they are based on "the installer" putting the pices in the right spot. Which is what brought about my original question, "Does having the "My Daz Library" on a different drive than the Daz Program file affect how this asset gets installed?"
2) Did I read the user guide PDF? As much as I could... your link directs to this thread.
No. My Content is on a D drive and applications on C.
In DIM, if you go to Settings > Advanced Settings > Applications, does it show the correct path for Daz Studio?