Migrating to new system

I'm sure this has been asked a zillion and one times (and if the search function on this forum wasn't so pathetic I probably woudn't even need to ask), but what would be the least painful means of transferring assets from current system to a new one?

They'll be on the same network but is system to system the best way to go?  Would installing a fresh copy of DS & using current account re-install all of my product library from that, or will DIM be aware of all of my past purchases allowing me to install them through it?  I've other non Daz items as well & not quite sure how to sort those out; I susppose just see what's not reinstalled.




  • You need to reinstall the application, plug-ins, and some shaders and scripts (generally older ones, which placed some of their files in the application folder).

    Otherwise you can copy your content across, and the cms database from

    %AppData%/Daz 3D/cms/ContentCluster/

    on Windows if you are using the defaults. If you isntalled via Daz Install Manager you want to copy over the Manifests folder, and the Package Archive (the Downloads folder) then you can set the install paths and application locations (where needed) and finally - if the isntall path for cotnent has changed - you can select all the old installs in the installed tab, right-click, and select Re-install Packages>All Selected to update the isntall paths (you can also skip this and just tell DIM to use the current location, not the original install location, for updates in the Isntallation tab of preferences).

  • Doc AcmeDoc Acme Posts: 1,153

    Thanks Richard.  That should get me going.


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