Iray weird face bug

So I was in the process of doing a nicely framed render of a character I am proud of. It was all going well until I noticed this weird thing going on. Only visible in the render, is this strange black squiggly thing. Like a worm or some ink or something. I'm using the Apryl character materials, with the starry eyeliner being from the Absinthe character. I have never seen this before myself, though I do remember seeing other examples of this from other people, unfortunately I can't find those topics. Any way to fix something like this?

403 x 314 - 247K


  • Try moving the model and doing the render again. It never seems to reoccur. I've had it happen a handful of times and it always seems to go away if I move the actor.

  • AliPopAliPop Posts: 42

    Moving the model doesn't seem to do anything. Up, down, left, right. I even tried changing the pose a bit and it didn't help. The file I have of the character alone with nothing else, the bug doesn't happen, but when I took that file, and simply added a building and the default environment dome, then the bug appears. I tried then deleting the building, it's still there. So is it somehow the lighting?

  • Are those stars on the face a makeup overlay? It kind of looks like the problem is around that area. Also, if the environment dome is off, try turning it on and see if the black marks go away.

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