Measure Metrics

sergioponsonsergioponson Posts: 2
edited January 2019 in Daz Studio Discussion

Hi everyone, I wanted to ask if any of you are using the Measure Metrics script.
I hope I have posted the request in the right place.
No problem for the installation but I noticed that using default settings (the one with all the plans) does not work as it should in the sense if we want to change the value for example of the parameter "11.UnderBust Circunference" does not work.
I've also tried to change other parameters but it does not work.
It works fine only by changing the parameters of 01-02-06-10-12-13.
From what I understand by changing all the values we can have a Mesh with the measures we want or I misunderstood the operation.
You have some ideas how to solve the problem.
I hope I explained myself.
Thank you

Post edited by Richard Haseltine on


  • Moved to Daz Studio Discussion since it's a question about using a script, rather than writing scripts.

    In order to change a measurement you need to use the other tab to tell the script which property to adjust - given the number of different morph sets out there it doesn't come with every one predefined. You pick the node (usually the figure for a morph, but you might need to select a bone to use scale for example) and then the proeprty on the node; once that is done you should be able to check the measure in the main tab and adjust its value.

  • Hi Richard.
    I apologize for posting the message in a wrong discussion.

    Thank you for your answer. I do not understand.
    I should change the value in the panel "Windows"> "Panes"> "Measure Metrics", from this panel I can not change the value at point "11. UnderBust Circumference" I can only remove and create a new one.

    The steps I usually do are:
    1) I select Genesis
    2) Utilities> Measure Metrics> Measure Genesis 8 Female
    3) Figures Metrics
    4) Configuration
    5) 11.UnderBust Circunference> Genesis 8 Female
    6) I choose the scale property (Xscale)
    7) save Configuration
    8) "Measurements" panel return
    9) put the check on the box and change the value
    10) I press on "Accept"
    doing all this operation I see no change in the figure.

    You can check, or I'm wrong.
    Thank you

  • I'm not suer that x scale is an ideal choice (is that okn the chest bone?) but the method looks right. Unfortunately I am rebuilding my content folders after a HD started to fail so my ability to test is limited.

  • sergioponsonsergioponson Posts: 2
    edited January 2019

    OK understood. Today I rehearse and I hope to find a solution.
    Can I ask you when you find time if you can explain me better what should I do? Unfortunately, my English is not very good and DAZ still know him very little but I work there every day.
    Supplies for your support


    Post edited by sergioponson on
  • The thing about Measure Metrics that has always bugged me is that it offers you an enormous amount of information, measures a host of figure dimensions. But only allows you to adjust a small subset of them, regardless of which version of the script you load. I was initially excited by the apparent utility of the script, but while I still use it with virtually every character I build I find myself feeling cheated somehow. Why give me all those other measurements and not allow me to adjust them?

  • The thing about Measure Metrics that has always bugged me is that it offers you an enormous amount of information, measures a host of figure dimensions. But only allows you to adjust a small subset of them, regardless of which version of the script you load. I was initially excited by the apparent utility of the script, but while I still use it with virtually every character I build I find myself feeling cheated somehow. Why give me all those other measurements and not allow me to adjust them?

    You can adjust them, by specifying which morph or property to use, and you can then save your set-up for future use.

    There is documentation for Measure Metrics and, lined near the bottom of the page, Figure Metrics

  • Richard Haseltine said:

    The thing about Measure Metrics that has always bugged me is that it offers you an enormous amount of information, measures a host of figure dimensions. But only allows you to adjust a small subset of them, regardless of which version of the script you load. I was initially excited by the apparent utility of the script, but while I still use it with virtually every character I build I find myself feeling cheated somehow. Why give me all those other measurements and not allow me to adjust them?

    You can adjust them, by specifying which morph or property to use, and you can then save your set-up for future use.

    There is documentation for Measure Metrics and, lined near the bottom of the page, Figure Metrics



    So what morph do you use? Can you recommenda a complete set so i can use them all ?

  • Use for what? Each measure neds its own associated morph, ideally one that will not conflict with other measures you want adjusted though that isn't always possible. So the answer would depend on what you were trying to achieve - it certainly isn't desirable or practical to hav a morph for every property in  every use, and the ideal morph to use will likely be situation-dependent.

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