DAZ 4.10 Pro - Missing parameters


I've been currently using Daz 4.10 Pro on a windows 7 pro computer. Now I've migrated on a windows 10 pro computer.

Clean install of Daz 4.10 Pro (v. 64 bits) on Windows 10.

Just add the "Genesis 8 basic female" package.

Now, if I load the "Genesis 8 female" in my scene, in my parameters tabs, under "Actor", this is what I have (attached file), on the left, there is only "Head" under "actor".

On the right, is the same thing under my Windows 7 computer (same Daz version), same scene loaded.

Any idea anyone ? Try to uninstall-reinstall Daz on windows 10, but same thing.



471 x 413 - 58K


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