Resetting the view frame and rotation point/center to selection? [solved!]

Hi all,
If I were to start a fresh session, load any standard DAZ genesis figure mesh (arbitrary choice, but everyone can picture it in the Hex scene window), then select a single polygon face right in the middle of the figure's face/nose, is there a magic command that I can use to set my view right to the face (e.g. from the default of ~10 feet back from the figure to give-or-take ~4 inches away from the nose), and reset the *view* rotation to be around that selected polygon face? Kind of a 'zoom to selected' *and* reset view rotation kind of feature.
I see and use the 'View Selection (Alt+#.)' icon option at the bottom, but after manually zooming in close to an area, selecting a few points/faces the use of that option throws the view back out to 6-8 'feet' from the selection area and the center of the object is the view rotation pivot.
Hard to explain, but I'd really like to be able to select areas of interest, then reset my view to encompass the selected elements with some 'headroom' on all sides, and have the view rotation axis be around those selected elements. Ideas/tricks/tips?
Edit to add a 'found fix' for the rotate-around-selection: Using the right-click with *both* the alt/ctrl keys pressed does exactly what I was looking for with respect to the view's center of rotation!.
Still looking for a good way to fill the frame with selected elements only.
cheers and tia,
For some reason, I'm having troubles picturing your goal, but maybe this video tutorial might help some? Changing the Pivot Point in Hexagon 2.5
Try the "View Detail", one to the right of the option you have found. A red square appears and you frame your selection with it, if you need to get closer just zoom in a bit more with the mouse wheel.
Thanks for considering my question - I was afraid of not being able to articulate it well-enough - sorry. The essence is to have a nice close view of something selected - that I'm working on, and when rotating the view to get a better angle, have that rotation center on the selections I'm working on, not the object as a whole. The 'Alt-Ctrl-RightClick' and then drag function actually does exactly that, so that was a good thing to know (still can't find a Hex tutorial with that tip, and can't imagine doing serious long-term work without it. I would guess most folks 'just do it' and forget how critical it is to fine-working points/edges - habit, etc.)
With that out of the way, I was left wondering how to get zoomed in to seeing the main surface with just those selected elements in the main area of the viewport - e.g. zoomed to the nose, when working on nostrils, etc. (see below).
Yeah, thank you! - that's pretty much what I figured out. So to get to that place I want to work on, and rotate about, I do what you describe: (Alt-numpad .), and then I aim my mouse at the locator (red or yellow, depending), and zoom right in with my mouse roller. Not too bad actually, and it has the nice effect of resetting my zoom/pan settings when they get wonky and don't seem to do much. I can then rotate around that tight space with the above Alt-Ctrl-Right-Click-drag action.
Maybe someone else will be glad for this tip someday!
Happy camper! Thanks all!
I've just bookmarked that link - as I've needed to do that before, and just worked around not knowing how at the time (cabinet door pivot...).
thanks for that!
Here is a link to Danny's "Quick Start" tutorials he made a while back, highly recommended :)
This is the first of 26. Perfect for newcomers to Hexagon.
Miss that update - thanks WDJ!