Carrara 8.5 vs. Mimic Pro for Carrara

TerritanTerritan Posts: 76
edited December 1969 in Carrara Discussion

Mac OS 10.8.4, new-ish Carrara 8.5 Pro install, new download of the Mimic Pro for Carrara 8.5 (which insists that it's the Mimic Pro for Carrara 8), blah blah blah.

I got a number of permissions errors when attempting to install Mimic. And it couldn't find needed files when I tried to use it. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that the install... didn't... quite... take. Any suggestions for making this unholy marriage at least a little harmonious?


  • CarltonMartinCarltonMartin Posts: 147
    edited December 1969

    They say in the forums it's very important to have the updated Mimic version for 8.5, not the version for 8, yet support can't seem to successfully answer why the 8 version is the one in the package — instead, support told me how to install native content for Mac, which has absolutely nothing to do with why Mimic Pro for C8 is in the zip for Mimic Pro for C8.5 Mac 64-Bit.

    I don't have an answer, but you're not alone. Try asking support. Maybe they'll listen if someone else asks it in some different way.

  • TerritanTerritan Posts: 76
    edited December 1969

    They say in the forums it's very important to have the updated Mimic version for 8.5, not the version for 8, yet support can't seem to successfully answer why the 8 version is the one in the package — instead, support told me how to install native content for Mac, which has absolutely nothing to do with why Mimic Pro for C8 is in the zip for Mimic Pro for C8.5 Mac 64-Bit.

    I don't have an answer, but you're not alone. Try asking support. Maybe they'll listen if someone else asks it in some different way.

    Gosh, that sounds familiar. Almost like I had a similar problem while trying to download an updated Mimic for C7, when all the shop would serve up is the old version. Hmmm...

  • edited December 1969

    Does the current build of Mimic for Carrara 8.5 still work for a Carrara 8.1.1 install? I am just wondering, as I am in the process of a transition from Carrara 8.1.1 to 8.5, but haven't cut loose 8.1.1 yet, as I am still testing 8.5 for production use.

  • TerritanTerritan Posts: 76
    edited December 1969

    I can neither confirm nor deny Mimic working with C8.1, as I skipped from 7 straight to 8.5.

    To Daz's credit, they posted the Mimic for 8.5 installer to the DIM, and it is apparently the correct version.

    To their shame, though, on the Mac if you load a figure and want to use Mimic on it, you have to point Carrara at the DMC file for that figure, which is in a Mimic folder inside Carrara where Carrara can't look unassisted.

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