[SOLVED] Custom Clothing Help For Gen 2

Hey Guys, So I've made a custom shirt for a specific morph which I had exported. I sculpted the shirt to that morph and then followed this tutorial. When I used the transfer utility on that gen 2 morph I got horrendous results.
However, when I use the vanilla Gen 2 figure (no morphs or modifiers) the transfer utility doesn't distort the mesh. However the bones are not correctly placed. So I believe I've done this backwards where I was should have created the shirt for the base Gen2 figure and then modified it as a morph to conform to the final gen 2 morph I want to use the shirt with. Is there anyway I can use the shirt with the transfer utility without having to redo the shirt

to follow the workflow I mentioned prior? Is the distortion I'm getting a weight painting issue and if so can I use blender to rig and weight paint the shirt and then import it into daz3d?
Any help would be much appreciated!

Post edited by bahola_f092cfe5fa on


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