Lost in Space - Robot and Dr Smith



  • richmcleanrichmclean Posts: 79
    edited June 2018

    Double Post Removed

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  • richmcleanrichmclean Posts: 79

    Thank you all for looking.    I like the Danger Danger idea and I have the arms rigged and ready.  Thanks for the idea.  I figure he needs something to "Danger Danger" about so I have added Dr Smith.  I used Facegen Pro and was very surprised how well it worked.  I did some of his outfit in Hexagon (and I should have done less in ZBrush and more in Hexagon).

    Thanks for looking.

  • richmcleanrichmclean Posts: 79
    edited June 2018

    Happy Fathers Day!!

    I was not happy with Dr Smith's outfit that I created in ZBrush so I am reworking in Hexagon and 3d-coat.  The outfit (including boots and belt) is a single mesh.  Here is a picture of the new model ready to UV.  I recently purchased Ultimate Unwrap3d Pro and I really like it but I will be doing the UV map in 3d-coat this round.  I will also use 3d-coat to paint a colorid map before taking the model into Substance Painter for texturing.  In Substance Painter, I will try to use a normal map to add the appearance of folds in the material.  After texturing, I will bring the model into Daz Studio and then transfer the rig (bones and weightmaps) from the Genesis 8 character to the outfit.  Then I expect to just have to tweak the weight map for the belt so that it does not deform when Dr Smith bends down to smell the roses.

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  • Roman_K2Roman_K2 Posts: 1,252

    Very nice outfit looks like it's coming along well, at least to my un-practised eye.

    How about a scene where Dr. Smith is looking over the robot's shoulder as it works on a PC running Hexagon. Hexagon is saying "Danger! Danger!" (accompished with a comic balloon emanating from the screen) and the late Jonathan Harris' character is saying " ?.! "

    Ha ha, KUTGW. smiley

  • richmcleanrichmclean Posts: 79
    edited June 2018

    Hey Roman_K2.  Thanks for the comment and suggestion (you obviously have a very creative mind).

    I am finding that I should have built the base mesh with a few more polygons to address the "shadow terminator" (blocky shadows) issue that I am seeing on certain areas.  Live and learn I guess.  I guess I will be taking it back into Hexagon to address the issues.  

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  • Great outfit Richmclean. Can't wait to see the finished version, good luck with the DS side of things yes

  • Roman_K2Roman_K2 Posts: 1,252

    Heh heh... one of my favorite, Easter egg-like SF scenes is the one where the space pod from 2001: A Space Odyssey is briefly seen in the corner of the dusty junkyard that Liam Neeson's character visits in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, I believe it was.

    How about a render of the bridge of the Enterprise and the robot is saying to Kirk "try Warp Factor Two"... Kirk agrees and gives the order to Mr. Sulu who says "Aye aye sir" but he (Kirk) is thinking "Cheeky bugger".

    It is possible to make one-pixel GIF animations to suggest the flashing lights in the top part of the robot. Make a series of numbered files 1-10 say giving each a slightly different timing loop, and assemble in layered HTML... a similar technique could yield very short frames in a video master file.

  • Roman_K2Roman_K2 Posts: 1,252
    edited June 2018

    I used Facegen Pro and was very surprised how well it worked.

    I actually missed that part, in your recent post. I see it's listed for a special price right now!

    Post edited by Roman_K2 on
  • richmcleanrichmclean Posts: 79
    edited June 2018

    Wee Dangerous John, thank you very much.  I am trying to figure out how to create clothes based on the examples of the great content offered by the Daz PAs.  I need to study folds and creases.  Fun stuff  :).

    Roman_K2, I will have to look for that easter egg next time I check out the phantom menace (my favorite of the prequels).  Regarding Facegen Pro, I am very happy with the purchase.  It is not a one-click solution, but it gets you very close.  I will be trying some more characters soon and will be sure to share.  I got it on sale as well (around $55).  

    Concerning animating the lights, I used the Animated Textures Pro plugin in Daz Studio and I am very happy with the results.  It can be seen in this video  

    I tried to post an animated gif here once and did not have any luck.

    Post edited by richmclean on
  • Retro LadRetro Lad Posts: 471
    edited June 2018

    I found an old model of K9, in my archive files, that I downloaded many years ago from Gerald Day's website. He had a bunch of free CG models on his websute that he made himself. I am not sure but he may have croaked. It's been many years since I first visited his website in the late 1990s. The great CG artist "croakathon" continues. Are you next, hah, hah ...

    If the free K9 model is no longer in circulation I could post my copy to my Zippy account and anyone interested could download it from there. Greald Day also made a Tardis model with a door that opens.

    The attached image is from a BBC TV adaptation of a Chekov play, and not a render. I identify with what the character is saying although I do not look as old as he does. My hair is still dark

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  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,309
    edited June 2018

    I found an old model of K9, in my archive files, that I downloaded many years ago from Gerald Day's website. He had a bunch of free CG models on his websute that he made himself. I am not sure but he may have croaked. It's been many years since I first visited his website in the late 1990s. The great CG artist "croakathon" continues. Are you next, hah, hah ...

    If the free K9 model is no longer in circulation I could post my copy to my Zippy account and anyone interested could download it from there. Greald Day also made a Tardis model with a door that opens.

    The attached image is from a BBC TV adaptation of a Chekov play, and not a render. I identify with what the character is saying although I do not look as old as he does. My hair is still dark

    There is this list as well:


    Also Gerald Day's site is still up though likely unattended by him except he's still paying up the hosting & domain services. It took 3 or 4 years for mine domain name to expire when I decided to let it lapse.




    Post edited by nonesuch00 on
  • Retro LadRetro Lad Posts: 471
    edited June 2018


    Thanks for the addresses... 

    What if Dr. Smith had been a companion for Tom Baker's Dr. Who and Sarah, or even weirder Kolchek played by Darin McGaven teamed up with Sarah,. Would Dr. Smith have become chums with The Master, or conned him too?

    Post edited by Retro Lad on
  • Roman_K2Roman_K2 Posts: 1,252
    Concerning animating the lights, I used the Animated Textures Pro plugin in Daz Studio and I am very happy with the results.

    I think I was way off the mark on the lights since the robot looks good. I thought I remembered there being twinkling lights on the top, something like this effect here (no relation, linked picked at random) only not as pronounced. No idea what the deal with the skeleton is; I had been looking around at animated tornados and dust devils... everybody and his brother, it seems has animated the skeleton doing stuff like pouring Pepsi into a Coke can... eg. makes no sense.

    My latest arbitrary restriction on file types appears to be on Android phone, which for some reason doesn't take ZIP files.

  • Retro LadRetro Lad Posts: 471

    Where is everybody? Did the "Keeper" return?

  • richmcleanrichmclean Posts: 79
    Hey Flash..... I'm on travel so not able to do much dazing lately. I did pickup terragon on sale and played with that briefly. I also grabbed carrara at a good price but have not used it yet. I like the idea of adding the night stalker into the mix. To be honest I never watched Dr who...I need to put it on the todo list. Hey roman...I do have the lights on the head moving and flashing now. Thanks. Now I need to do more animation to show it. I hope everyone is doing well.
  • Retro LadRetro Lad Posts: 471
    edited July 2018


    Carrara is good, but it has it's limitations which can be frustrating. Good luck with it.

    Post edited by Retro Lad on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 41,220

    ..yeah I remember before the revision, if you went past 1 level of smoothing it would usually crash.  Just created something with *gasp* 4 levels.

  • Retro LadRetro Lad Posts: 471
    edited July 2018

    It's so damn frustrasting for me to have to jump from this program to that because none of them can do everything at once, or some do it better than others, and so forth. I imagine that the very, very, expensive full version of 3DMax can do everything well in one software program and with all it's plugins, but I have never been rich, am not rich now, and will probably and most likely not be rich before I die and I'll end up being cremated in a cardboard box in a skid row crematorium. Ha

    So, it's a life of scrambling about with these bargain basement programs, and putting together my own Rinky Dink, Dr. Seuss "workflow" system; headaches, high blood pressure, cursing, and all. Sometimes I wish I had become an astronomer instead of following this art nonsense.

    Post edited by Retro Lad on
  • ShawnDriscollShawnDriscoll Posts: 375
    edited August 2018

    It's so damn frustrasting for me to have to jump from this program to that because none of them can do everything at once, or some do it better than others, and so forth. I imagine that the very, very, expensive full version of 3DMax can do everything well in one software program and with all it's plugins, but I have never been rich, am not rich now, and will probably and most likely not be rich before I die and I'll end up being cremated in a cardboard box in a skid row crematorium. Ha

    So, it's a life of scrambling about with these bargain basement programs, and putting together my own Rinky Dink, Dr. Seuss "workflow" system; headaches, high blood pressure, cursing, and all. Sometimes I wish I had become an astronomer instead of following this art nonsense.

    There is no one perfect compete toolkit for doing 3D modeling work. The idea is to have a toolbox full of 3D apps that each do their own one thing very well. I have Hexagon in my toolbox that I use for just mesh modeling. Nothing else.

    Post edited by ShawnDriscoll on
  • Retro LadRetro Lad Posts: 471

    There is no one perfect compete toolkit for doing 3D modeling work. The idea is to have a toolbox full of 3D apps that each do their own one thing very well. I have Hexagon in my toolbox that I use for just mesh modeling. Nothing else.

    Yeah, Yeah, I am just grumpy today because we are going through a long lasting freakish high humidity month, and today the temperature reached 106 degrees on top of the high humidity, and all I have is a swamp cooler. The water comimg out of the cold taps is very warm to hot, so even that is not a relief. I can take a shower with only the cold water tap on; can you beat that.

    Also, I am ageing and my memory is slowly getting worse, so it's starting to become harder to coordinate what I have in my toolbox and I get annoyed over it. I am weeding out the box to the bare minimum required. That helps.

    Now what was I saying ......

  • richmcleanrichmclean Posts: 79
    edited August 2018

    If you are interested in Maya or Max, Autodesk allows you to get a free educational license to learn the software.   I was self learning Maya for a while and I registered for an educational license and listed my school as online tutorials.  I have Maya installed and it is definately a great program but as a hobbyist, I find Daz Studio and Hexagon a great combination.

    BTW....since I got Terragon, I thought I would try to create an environment and also retry Dr Smith's outfit.  Here is a new pic.




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  • Retro LadRetro Lad Posts: 471
    edited August 2018


    I am a big Bryce landscape fan, or maybe a fanatic, and tend to turn my nose up like a snob to Carrara, and Terragen, and even Vue landscapes. Sorry about that.

    Thanks to this thread I have been re-watching some of the first season episodes of the original "Lost in Space" series such as the 2 part "Keeper" episodes, and the well written "Wish Upon a Star". Still fun to watch.




    Post edited by Retro Lad on
  • I am a big Bryce landscape fan, or maybe a fanatic, and tend to turn my nose up like a snob to Carrara, and Terragen, and even Vue landscapes. Sorry about that.

    I wish Bryce didn't have that '90s GUI that it uses. Otherwise, I might still be using Bryce today instead of Vue for rendering my movies in.

  • Retro LadRetro Lad Posts: 471

    Bryce is such a fanastic sotfware program and I just can't forgive DAZ3D productions for letting it die. I use Bryce less these days because of it's slow rendering times, and small memory capacity.due to it's not being updated and made 64 bit. I am using it now for a modest animation idea, but still the render time is annoying.

    I own an older version of Vue but I don't like it's ugly, boring, interface, and I loathe "node" texturing.

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