Daz 4.10 3delight help please

I had do a fresh install of my whole computer with windows 8 so I redownloaded Daz and I cannot get 3delight to render right.  When I put the AoA lights in it renders all black but if I just use the headlamp lights if renders fine what do I need to fix I can't figure it out?  Thanks so much in advance.


  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,000

    Have you reinstalled the AOA lights? Part of them ist in the DAZ main folder, so when that is erased, you'll have to reinstall the lights, and several other plugins, as well.

  • Ok I'll go try that right now not sure if I did.

  • Ok I reinstalled them but it still didn't work.  @BeeMKay 

  • Are you rendering in Iray? I heard somewhere that's the default renderer in Daz 4.10

  • beautibellabeautibella Posts: 59
    edited January 2018

    No I made sure it's 3delight because my computer doesn't have the right stuff for Iray.  I even went here http://www.ageofarmour.com/3d/tutorials/AoA_advanced_ambient_light_help.html#Known_Issues to make sure the files were there as well and they are.

    Post edited by beautibella on
  • Did you reinstall the lights via DIM?

  • No manually.

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,000
    edited January 2018

    Can you please check if in the DAZ Studio folder in your drive that holds your DAZ Studio Program (that would be usually C-Drive), you have the following files:

    996 x 387 - 71K
    978 x 195 - 32K
    Post edited by BeeMKay on
  • beautibellabeautibella Posts: 59
    edited January 2018

    for some reason I don't. 


    Post edited by beautibella on
  • Use DIM to install - there are files that need to go in the application folder, which is tricky in manual installs.

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,000

    Well, that's probably what is causing your problems.

    I'd recommend you copy the Scripts and shader folders from the ZIP to the locations in your DAZ Studio folder, and check if it works then. You'll probably have to redo that for the other two AOA light sets, too.

  • Thanks so much for all your help and time.  I redownloaded and reinstalled and I think it's all good now.  I can see the settings now but I did have to manually put some files in place.  Thanks everyone.

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