Fitting G3F to G8F

3dOutlaw3dOutlaw Posts: 2,470
edited January 2018 in The Commons

Today I tried to fit G3F to G8F.  Bad idea!  It ended up locking my computer, and I had to power down.

Seems to get stuck on Projection mapping the 3DU Toon Generations clone and stuff.

When you don't use a character/dna often, is there a way to remove it from a figure?  Thinking this may "lighten the load" for my G3F figure.

Post edited by 3dOutlaw on


  • 3dOutlaw3dOutlaw Posts: 2,470

    OK, so it took a really long time for that to work, and my box was froze for a while, but it finally fit to.  (I even removed the 3d Universe folder from the morphs area of G3F)

    So keep in mind if you try this, if you have a lot of character DNA, the projections step takes forever!!

  • I've set my system settings to twitch speed. This results in, from time to time, accidently dragging one figure onto another in the scene tab. Studio then proceeds to parent the figure to the other. This takes awhile, but it doesn't really freeze the program (Typically, I force stop, just because I'm usually scripting these days and I'm not going to lose anything because that happened, but when loss is a risk, I wait it out, then wait out the equal time loss of unparenting).

    This is not a true fit-to, tho. I've noticed that some aspect of G3F means that any new figure you load while she is selected tries to fit to her (except G3F, but loading a new G3F will randomly change some properties on the first one if it is selected, again something that only happens with G3F), but I've never noticed this with any other figure base.

    So I guess I'm curious why you tried to fit one to the other to begin with. That said, my experience with fitting base figs to other base figs is that it takes a while. Typically, what I do is export the figure, import the geometry, use Transfer Utility to make it figure, save that, then load the new figure and fit that to G8. (this is for making clones, btw).

    I suppose if you needed some collection of morphs on the fitted figure, from the base, you could use TU to transfer them. But that might be a pain. 

    Of course, your other option is also a pain. Find the folder of the morphs you want to "disable" in the G3F morphs folder, cut it and paste it to your desktop. Open a new studio scene, or load a new G3F and the offendingmorphs are gone because, well, they're gone. (Note if G3F is in the scene with those morphs, and you cut the folder, delete her, and load a new one, the morphs will still be there. Studio keeps a cache of the figure even if you delete it, so when you load it again, it will exactly as was when you deleted it. However, if you add a second of the same figure, it reads from the library. This behavior is tied to the figure's name, so it may or may not happen after the first. It's twitchy. But the first is always named the same base name, and if you delete that one, the next one you load will come in with the base name and use the cached data).

    Back to the point, once you have done what you need to do, cut the folder from the desktop and move it back to the morphs folder. That's the only way I know to disable morphs.

  • 3dOutlaw3dOutlaw Posts: 2,470

    This is a good method, I am going to retry using that, thanks!  :)

    Typically, what I do is export the figure, import the geometry, use Transfer Utility to make it figure, save that, then load the new figure and fit that to G8. (this is for making clones, btw).

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