Novica & Serene Night's Renders, Tips, Tutorials & Product Reviews Part 1
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BRC Dark Rose For V4 And A4 on V5: Hat / Top: A Glowing YES! Easy To Fit
I am showcasing V5 clothing, and we are looking at the ease of using clothing which is V4 on a V5 model. Which clothing is just easy "bring it, leave it"- and which ones require a lot of tweaking after Auto Fit. Important- this is no reflection on how well it will work if you DO work with it. My model, Cassini, is straight V5.
This outfit ROCKS for V5. This is just the top and the hat- how FUN is that! The hat has extended sides, top- and you tilt left and right, etc. It may not be perfect from all angles, but you just tilt and solve the problem. You can always adjust your hair too- I took down the Elven curls in back (which is why I LOVE Lady Elven hair)
Whatcha think? Doing the rest of the outfit now.
Shoe issue with Genesis
This is interesting- and I'm having shoe issues constantly (Battle Maiden, SciFi Bunny) so I'll post a screenshot and let you see what we'll tackle a LIT bit- if it doesn't work, moving on.
Bada bing, bada boom.
Got Genesis in a straight up and down pose. Legs and feet straight.
Brought in the shoes. Did NOT Fit To Genesis.
Moved the feet over the shoes and used XYZ to get them DOWN INTO THE SHOES.
Hid the foot and hid the toes.
Fit To - USING AIKO. Smaller boots, better fit.
Won't work with stockings though.
Rendering now.
The forums wouldn't work for me- even though I was logged in, I was "out" of the forums! (No way to post a reply.)
Anyway, the render took seven hours and it was just going to be a test shot, but don't have time to do the lighting and re-render. Eventually will fix the color of her hand on the pillar, etc.
The shoes are tricky and I definitely wouldn't use if you want a fast V5.
This shows what you get with the Genesis Essentials that comes with DS. And I used the same wall twice, simply rotated it.
I wanted you to see this can be a very elegant outfit!
A tip:- use the lumps and bumps in the walls- note her fingers curled over the ones on the pillar.
So here is the test render. Lighting needs to be fixed, etc. Several versions (same image, varying in where it cuts off) with the full one included so you can see the boots- postwork had to be done.
Title: The Model
And the last one from BRC Dark Rose- showing you might want to consider this one for long, flowing elegant lines in a horizontal render.
I am currently testing out the Ballerina Assembly Kit, and here's only a teeny part of the choices you have! There is an amazing amount of patterns to chose from!
The shoes work on V4 and V5, and I've decided to load a V4 figure so we can do product reviews of both. Personally, I do not like the loose fit or the amount of toes showing on V5, you can not scale or change that-here's the morphs.
TIP: The Morphs Are In Actor:
fit socks hose (makes shoes looser)
sole fix toe bend (makes where the ball of your foot is, longer)
heels longer (stay thick)
heels narrow ends (makes your heel slant and more pointed)
sole thicker
and not having much luck loading the bows and buckles (trying to split left and right, can select them independently in Scene but then the XYZ options disappear so how to get them TO the shoe- and the Point At doesn't help.)
So I'd recommend the shoes with stockings but not with bare feet for V5, and for V4 either is fine. Can't recommend the bows or buckles till it's figured out, and I'm not wasting much more time on this. It But here you go for some of the patterns-
EDIT: In the photos below, you can see the loose fit near the toes on the shoe to your left as you look at it. The view of the toes is more pronounced from a top view (not shown. But you can see what I mean. No biggie to most folks probably.) The one with the buckles is V4 and you can see the toes there- and show more on V5.
You'll see the issues I was having with the shoes- I filed a support ticket. I want everyone to know when products don't work I'm like, "What am I doing wrong?" And I stick to it- I worked on this two and a half hours exploring Parameters, Scene dropdowns, Fit To options, you name it. So twasn't ME. Sigh. That said, with thousands of products to review, I'll just have to say if I encounter something like this again, it's "forget it" with solving it and I'll just ask if anyone else is having the same problem or what the correct way to do it is- and move on. So if you can help (aka, you have the product) feel free to pitch in if you have the product working. Appreciate it!
Again, beautiful patterns for shoes, many textures- worth getting for just the basic shoe (at this point.) Nice heel and sole options (to make them thicker, longer, etc.) Works on both V4 and V5.
Gloria Short Hair
Well I AM having a day.
Loads great, is nowhere to be found in Scene! (Photo 2, Look Ma, No Hair! But wait, there IS...)
No morphs, no nothing, but the hair is there! Anyway, meet Cassini's sister Giovana. She'll be your V4 tourguide through clothes, hair, and (MAYBE) shoes lol! But no boots, I'm done with those if they have heels.
If it's prop hair (.hr2) it will show up under Head if you expand V4.2 in the Scene tab.
Thanks! Learned something! What is prop hair? (and I removed the second one, I had double clicked to see if I had made an error since I didn't see it in Scene)
Instead of being a figure with multiple bones (.cr2) that fits to the character like clothing, it's just a single bone that parents to the head.
Are there any advantages/ disadvantages to the multiple bone vs single bone (prop) when it comes to hair? It doesn't affect the number of morphs apparently?
The advantage of prop hair is that it can usually easily be fit to any figure with just translation and scaling adjustment; figure hair, like clothing, is designed to fit to a specific figure. For long hair you generally need a figure, because it needs to follow the shoulders and chest as well as the head.
Gloria Short Hairstyle
Victoria 4, Victoria 3, Michael 3, Aiko 3, Hiro 3, Millennium Kids - Young Teens, Millennium Kids - Preschoolers
Tested on V4.2
And then select it in Scene, and here's your morphs. Lots to play around with!
You saw it straight out of the box, fit V4 perfectly. Here's Giovana after I did the morphs. She's so pretty! If you're looking for a fast and easy short hairstyle, Gloria is for you!
EDIT: Working to see what is making that section chunky.
EDIT: Okay, watch the WIND RIGHT because even if you raise the hair a bit, it still makes it chunky and broken off if you go in the negatives (which creates beautiful long strands, but it just gets chopped off. That parameter setting really let's you go negative too! I'll fix her and post the revised hair.
Here you go. Just watch that right wind thing and everything else about Gloria hair is GLORIUS!
First photo shows you the chunky, broken off "wind" setting. The second is the final hair that Giovana will have. She's happy- hired me as her hair stylist, lol.
And thank you fixmypcmike. (SMILEY. Since they are still broken...)
Gloria Short Hairstyle
Selene For V4
LOVE IT. Has SO many morphs. If the leg is forward, you can do the material to swing forward. Want to emphasize the derriere? No problem. Here's Giovana with the top.
And here's closeup renders of the Gloria hair and Giovana.
EDIT: Will be gone a few hours. But will be doing more Selene when I get home- full shots. Thanks for surfin' in!
Selene For Victoria 4-Standing Poses- Impressive!
For standing: Here is Giovana wearing the Selene- and you can make it billow as much as you want, swing left or right- THIS DRESS HAS THE MOST MORPHS OF ANY I'VE TRIED YET! I mean, you can adjust ANYTHING! I couldn't get the straps 100% flat, but then again, her arms are not laying flat by her sides. You can adjust the hips, the tummy, the swing forward at the bottom, the sides, billow left and right- you name it. Doing the morphs was so fast and easy too!
I kept the dress long in front, but you can adjust the length.
For standing poses- You'll love this dress- join the Platinum Club and get it for 1.99 or wishlist it!
Now for sitting poses- it'll take some work. It's not my intention to do that for all these products, just let you know what you can expect. The bottom has a swing and twist forward, here's what it looks like when a preset pose is applied. Perhaps taking her from a standing position slowly to a sitting might work. I will give that a quick try. EDIT: Nope- you'll need to tweak for the sitting poses.
Buccaneer Basic For Genesis
Now rendering:
Esha is one of the stores on sale and you have an hour left (if going by Utah time) if the sale indeed ends at midnight their time.
Take a peek at this one. I also included Egyptian Pottery.
And not shown, Moroccan Pottery too. Both the Egyptian and Moroccan are 1.99 for PC members.
Will be about 25 minutes- render (full) not spot.
EDIT: Trust me, the outfit is GORGEOUS. Shirt looks very silky, the braid is a sophisticated gold and shiny, (looks hand stitched, like embroidered) so with time running out, if you are looking for a second or third item for the sale, you'd like this one. The boots and pants are also very, very nice. My character, Cassini, was kneeling and the outfit went on without any problem.
Buccaneer Basics For Genesis
Here 'tis! If you don't get it during this sale (up to 50% off) then wishlist it if you like it. There's also a different color for the boots and the belt.
Had no problem with the boots either sitting or standing, loaded like a dream. Highly recommend.
EDIT: Tip For Posing
When you want your character to look down, use BOTH the head and the neck. If you're seeing a lot of stiffness in your characters, it's because the neck and head are not both being used.
And another shot, full length angle.
Way Of The Shinobi- Haori and Hakana
TIP: Posing Interlocked Fingers
Just a quick mention on posing if you're having difficulty with hands- if you have them resting on a surface or lap and want them intertwined:
Spread the fingers of both hands first
Lay the bottom hand down on the surface- and if it's clothing, don't be afraid to have it sink into the material. If you put your hand down on poofy pants (not hard jeans for example) you'll see your fingers sink in.)
Bring down the second hand and don't worry about overlap- just test to see if you've left enough room for the fingers. Raise the top hand and spread the fingers a bit more on the BOTTOM hand
Lower the top hand again- check, then ROTATE to another view (several, actually)
It's easy!
This is one with the right hand's fingers straight, you can also curve them if you want more of a clasp.
This is the Haori and Hakana pieces from Luthbel's Way Of The Shinobi. The boots
Ever pondered what pieces you were using? Here's how I found out- I knew they were pants. Hover over the product in the Content Library (or right click in the Smart Content and it will give you the choice of finding out the product info)
I wanted to show you just the top and pants- this makes a very classy outfit without going "warrior"
EDIT: The barrel is from the Barrel Collection- you can choose from high resolution, medium, and low. This is high.
More Way Of The Shinobi
Yes, this is the same outfit that was with the Bog Flea, but you really need to see closeups of these amazing textures. I've added a few more pieces to it and will showcase the top now. Previously, what struck me about just the two other pieces, is that they could almost be used as fancy pajamas! (I see all the warriors cringing. Deal with it, lol!) Everything about this outfit reeks of elegance and attention to detail. I will post another shot showing the leggings, etc- full length, after this one is done with the top half.
Currently rendering- the closeup without the Himo cord- it disappears into her chest and I tweaked with XYZ a bit but still didn't get the effect- it will work with collision but I don't have hours to work it doing spot renders and renders. So here is what is "okay" with the Himo cord, the next shot currently rendering does not have it but will show you the rest of the top.
Way Of The Shinobi
Isn't this gorgeous?! I have a few other outfits from Luthbel and if they are all this good, I'll be delighted!
Here's the full length. Again, not all the wardrobe there, but will give you an idea of the quality. Everything fit easily for V5.
Jasmin For Genesis Clothing And Accessories
TIP: Jasmin clothing And Bad Guy For Genesis ROCKS on Victoria 5!
Well, talk about an unlikely duo- wait until you see Jasmin tops with Bad Guy denim jeans! You'll see the following used:
The top is from the Jasmin collection, also Jasmin Bangles, Jasmin Beads. Jasmin Sandals- ALL easy fit to Genesis!
The pants are Bad Guy For Genesis
You'll see the render in about 15 minutes, it's been going for about 30 right now.
Well, it ROCKS but this particular top is very transparent! It's been photoshopped so it's family friendly- and is easy to do frankly.
To avoid having to do that, you can change the opacity in the Surface tab (I think, I've not dealt with transparent tops up to now-and this was a surprise with that dark tube top under it.)
Cute combo, eh? That bracelet has a nice pattern, and the jeans looks so real. Why waste them on just a bad dude?
Another Jasmin Top, Jasmin Skinny Jeans, Ancient Prophecies Pottery
Don't drop that vase!
These are full length pants. The sandals in the previous image (with the white top and blue jeans) go good with these pants.
Now for something I learned- and had to laugh-
When applying a Jasmin pose- well, it turned Cassini into a Jassini! (Meet my new character, Cassini with Jasmin!
INFO: Character Poses Aren't Just The Poses
I didn't know when you added a character POSE that the character got input into your existing one. If it's not supposed to do that, my studio is special. Kind of a fun character, I saved her.
Lycan Hunter And Tree
This one is taking a LONG time to render- and oh so worth it! The outfit is Lycan Hunter, and I can tell you from the 65% that is done, it's a beautiful outfit. Gorgeous colors and texture. I've got to figure out what tree it is and of course can't do that while it's rendering, but the tree will be noted when this is posted. This is sultry!
Product Description:
"... Introducing a brand new outfit for the Genesis Female Characters, featuring the new Stephanie 5 Character! The set includes a Super Sexy Suit, Boots, Bangles, Crucifix Earrings, Necklace, Side Skirts and a Back Skirt. The Skirts are fully pose-able with weight mapping and a huge set of morphs, including Drape and Wind morphs. She carries two powerful hand guns which come with a full set of hand grips for all female shapes. There are 5 material presets for the clothes including a shiny back latex. It has 8 pose presets which use both guns."
Lycan Hunter and Wood Fairy V4 (tree)
There's so many colors to choose from! This is the gold, and not all parts of the outfit are shown. The full body will be next.
TIP: Use the tree as fabric too
Well, I'll be darned. The tree is part of a CLOTHING set. Read the descriptions! I also got rocks and mushrooms, in addition to the outfit- all for 1.99 Platinum Club. Frankly, I think it looks like a cool leopard print! Anyway, for portraits, pick up the Wood Fairy and get a fun background!