Clothes no longer fit properly after Actor parameters adjustments

Hi All,

I have made numerous adjustments in Parameters to Blaire character ( over the course of the last couple of months. Some of the adjustments included blending-in other Genesis 3 characters' body features. After the adjustments were made, none of the Genesis 3 clothes that I had previously purchased fit the modified Blaire character. Everything now fits like a saran wrap (both, tops and bottoms). I have tried using Fit Control and Universal Breast Helper to no avail. The clothes just don't fit. Am I missing something here? If I am, please advise. This is super frustrating. Thanks in advance.


  • Not fit as in skin poking through the clothes, or not fit as in fit too well, losing the appearance of draping? Your text sounds like the latter.

  • dtinc88dtinc88 Posts: 81

    the latter

    Not fit as in skin poking through the clothes, or not fit as in fit too well, losing the appearance of draping? Your text sounds like the latter.


  • That can be tricky to deal with - you are already trying the tools from SickleYield and Zev). Is therea a Smoothing Modifier applied to the clothes?

  • dtinc88dtinc88 Posts: 81

    That can be tricky to deal with - you are already trying the tools from SickleYield and Zev). Is therea a Smoothing Modifier applied to the clothes?

    How do I check?

  • dtinc88dtinc88 Posts: 81

    That can be tricky to deal with - you are already trying the tools from SickleYield and Zev). Is therea a Smoothing Modifier applied to the clothes?

    If I understand your question correctly, then no, neither Fit Control nor Universal Breast Helper are applied to clothing.

  • But you have tried using them?

    A Smoothing Modifier will show by having a group in Parametrs labelled Mesh Smoothing.

  • dtinc88dtinc88 Posts: 81

    Mesh Smoothing for clothing was off. I enabled Mesh Smoothing w/ Base Shape Matching and played with Smoothing Iterations and Collision Iterations. The clothes fit smoother but there is still that very pronounced saran wrap look.

  • dtinc88dtinc88 Posts: 81

    I bumped up Smoothing Iterations to 50 (from 1) in Mesh Smoothing for clothes that was previously super clingy. I have also added Smoothing Modifier to Blaire character (Edit->Figure->Geometry->Add Smoothing Modifier). Looks infinitely better now.

  • I wouldn't put a Smoothing Modifier on the character as that will tend to remove details, unless that's what you want (you can remove an unwanted modifier from Edit>Figure>Geometry>Remove Smoothing Modifier).

  • dtinc88dtinc88 Posts: 81

    ok, I'll remove it. Thanks.

    I wouldn't put a Smoothing Modifier on the character as that will tend to remove details, unless that's what you want (you can remove an unwanted modifier from Edit>Figure>Geometry>Remove Smoothing Modifier).


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