genesis 3 morph location question

Ok, i have noob question about of genesis 3 (female) morp location. When i load genesis 3 female daz informs me that i have duplicate files and i can see the result from that for example in naval. I have 2 naval size morphs, like this (2),  and the naval it self looks cubic. However when i go to  data/daz 3d/genesis 3/female/morphs/daz 3d/and there is base, body, head and (also victoria7) files.  There doesn't seem to be any dublicate files.

So my question is, is there another location where might be some genesis 3 files/morphs, what activates when you load genesis 3 female base (not even any character). 


Sorry for my noobines :)



  • Help>Troubleshooting>View Log and scroll to the end (after loading the figure). You should, if you search backwards, be able to find the full error. I suspect it's not a double copy of the navel morph but rather a doubled up references in some other morph causing a Duplicate Formulas error

  • mahhenmahhen Posts: 73

    Ok, what is the easiest way to attact this problem. is there some way to remove dublicates from ficure. I have a feeling that this might be a complicated problem and i might have to get used to cubical navals :)

  • Richard gave you easiest way. Unfortunately, the only way to directly ID the cause of the duplicate formula's error is the log.

    Also, your two navels are not the source of the error. That's unrelated, and can be solved by right clicking the Parameters tab and unchecking Consolidate Properties. 

    Duplicate formulas is an error condition that means Studio must abandon loading the duplicate, so it does not show up in Studio. All you get is the error, which will ID the morph that Studio did not load in the log.

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