Importing old runtimes

So... I have a problem with progressively old runtimes. I have some really neat old stuff that is well organized and dates back to the days of Poser 4... but in the world of Install Manager, Daz is really wanting me to go to a world where everything is cloud based (Which I can't really blame them! :) )... however, everytime I lose a hard drive (As I did this past week)  And I have to reinstall everything, it's getting weirder and weirder to get my old runtimes organized.

Now I've imported the runtimes into Daz... but they don't show anything... they show the top level folder, but there is "nothing" in them (In Daz... naturally there are all kinds of things in them if you look in Windows Explorer). 

What am I doing wrong in the import process that is making me not see my old runtime items?



  • I will add something:  I can click on the .duf file and it will load the character, which then spurs the download manager to download the files from Daz (That's cool! :D) but then I have to manually find all of the things that aren't Daz... which can be a lot...  This could take weeks to rebuild every time... that's a lot of time dedicated to a blowout of a hard drive.


    Is there a better way for me to back up personal work and then restore it later that ISN'T on the cloud?

  • Seeing the folder but no content usually means the wrong level or type is selected - for example, having a Poser-only folder selected under Daz Studio Formats, or having the Runtime selected instead of the folder that holds the Runtime in Poser formats.

  • Has this changed in the last release?  Because I'm not kidding, I was totally up to date (Perhaps 6 months or so behind? I could be as much as a year behind), but I'm trying to import my runtime directories and It doesn't matter, importing them into either "poser" side or "Daz" side gets partial results (And only about 15% partial... I mean, not even "most"...)  And it doesn't even have a pattern... I made a mockup of a pickup truck (I use Daz a lot for perspective, so I often take the old Poser primitives and throw them together to make a rough shape of something) and a pickup truck I built is there... but the modified Genesis 2 Female character is not...  G2F is installed, but my character is not.  I can go to the folder and open the .Duf file, and it will load, but naturally it can't find all of the links to the texture maps and strange geometries... Like Kozoburo hair.  I'm going to have to rebuild all of that.

    Anyway, this isn't unresolvable, I went through this last time.  It takes about 2-4 months to reconnect everything (I mean, obviously the things I use every day will be back online this week, I'll pull everything else in as I need it)... I was just hoping there was a better way to "save" things so I wouldn't have to go through this mess every time I uninstall and reinstall Daz... I can't be the only person who has a huge, old Poser library.


  • It shouldn't have chnaged if it was working before, but without knowing your content set-up and the locations of the asset and texture sfiles it's hard to troubleshoot.

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