video driver crashes at 10 minutes (but DS keeps rendering)

Okay, I have a wierd and annoyiong issue.  On SOME Daz Studiuo Pro renders, right at about 10 minutes after starting the render... suddenly both monitors go totally black, and then over the next 5 or 10 seconds the display comes back up, with all the different windows showing blank white contents, which then get one by one repopulated with whatever was displayed in them.  Say, the web browser resumes displaying what it had in it.  Daz Studio's window mostly restores, but the viewport remains blank white, and some other parts that usually are blank grey (i.e. the unused space under the listed asset icons in the Content Library pane) are now blank white.  The render display window continues updating, and the render status text scrolly status thingy continues updating the details.  On the other hand, after the above has happened, when the entire render finishes, and DS would normally hand things off to the render window, where I'd then type in the name of the render to save it out... before it can get there, Windows pops up a dialog box telling me "Daz Studio Application has stopped working.  A problem caused the program to stop working corrently. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available."  I can manually go into ...\Roaming\DAZ 3D\Studio4\temp\render and grab the rendered image from there (provided I haven't launched DS again since it crashed), so it's more of an annoying inconvenience than a disaster.

This might or might not be related, but I have also experienced instances where, RIGHT AT the 2 hour mark in the render, DS crashes with the same error.  This is with the very low end, cheap video card EVGA GeForce GT520, one Win10 Pro 64bit.  I WAS going to buy a 1060 card, but of course those have gone WAY up due to those danged cryptocurrency miners.  oO

Any idea what's up with this?  I installed the newest drivers from NVIDIA for this card, thinking maybe that might fix it, but.... nope.

This happens with only SOME scenes I go to render, but not others, so I'm guessing it has to be something on the "studio set" I've placed out, or something one of the characters is wearing, or with the way the light is interacting with one or the other enclosed spaces in the scene, or.... something.  Or maybe I'm just exceeding the memory or registers of the video card.



  • Given the timing I'd suspect heat-issues, though I am surpised the 520 is still suported. Thats aid, I have had the display driver crash when DS is working hard (not necessarily on rendering - I've had it a couple of times, in older builds now, while an elaborate OptiTex item was draping).

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