Mac and NVidia

I’m on a Mac (Early 2008) running OS 10.11.6 with a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 2048 MB Graphics card. I have downloaded the latest CUDA and Nvidia drivers for this card and continue to have issues using the graphics in IRay renders. I can render using the computer memory but using the GPU I have problems with screen graphics breaking up. I have tried both the Mac drivers that came with the OS and the newest Nvidia drivers. Usually I can get one or two renders before things go haywire but eventually DS 4.9 crashes and this necessitates a system restart to clear what ever happened as DS will not reopen without it.

I have purposely held off upgrading to the new iOS as my system is getting bit long in the tooth and worry if I won’t have problems there.

Any ideas?

I hate to go to doing all my renders the slooowww way.


  • JamesJABJamesJAB Posts: 1,760

    Screen Graphics Breaking Up?
    can you give a more detailed description, or post a screenshot of what you are seeing on screen?
    If I had to guess, I'd say your graphics card may be about ready to give up.

    Nvidia did release Mac drivers for it's GTX 10xx cards earlier this year Here is the direct nvidia link to dowload them for if you decide it's time for a new card. (provided you are on a desktop mac and not a laptop or all in one)
    btw, the 4GB GTX 1050 ti is quite a bit faster rendering than your GTX 680

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