Skin Glitch After undoing Delete

tkztkz Posts: 149

I was deleting a preset for a pose from my content library, and accidently deleted my figure... hit delete on the keyboard. When I cntr-z'd the error, M7 came back with some sort of weirdness on his skin...

Is there a fix that doesn't involve deleting the figure and readding it? I have a lot of frames in the file...

Screen Shot 2017-07-25 at 12.04.59 PM.png
750 x 919 - 395K


  • TottallouTottallou Posts: 555

    That looks as if the Gamma Value somewhere on the torso has got changed

    With standards Mats - My M7 has Gamma 0 for everything but Glossy, Normal, & Top Coat map

    Check each Torso zone image gamma in the Image Editor View for anything thats out of place and make changes - From testing I beleive that the Base Color image is set to 1 on your M7 as I can get a similar effect by making that change.

    If its not the Gamma you can compare the torso to another part of the body by selecting both in Surface view and looking for any values with a <?> symbol

    1018 x 499 - 78K
    1222 x 446 - 68K
  • tkztkz Posts: 149

    Thanks @Tottallou , I'll have a closer look momentarily... 

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191

    If you aren't sure if it's a surface setting issue, you can always try just reapplying the skin on your character.  You don't have to delete the character, just find the skin under materials under the character's name.  That should set the surface back to how it originally loaded.

  • VisuimagVisuimag Posts: 552

    If you aren't sure if it's a surface setting issue, you can always try just reapplying the skin on your character.  You don't have to delete the character, just find the skin under materials under the character's name.  That should set the surface back to how it originally loaded.

    I've had a similar problem before and re-applying the MATs hasn't always worked. 

  • If anyone else has this issue I believe this is the Golden Palace Shell or possibly another shell causing the problem. If you have this issue and are using golden palace or another shell then try to remove it before losing hope.

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