Turning off

cclesuecclesue Posts: 420
edited July 2017 in The Commons

Can you turn off all the eyeballs (or on) of, for instance, the whole hand instead of having to turn off each finger segment separately.

I guess I didn't word that very well did I.

What I want to do is turn off (or on) the visibility of multiple items in the scenes pane using the "eyeball". It seems to me I read somewhere that it is possible to select multiple items and with one click, turn all off. For instance every thing in the head or everything in a hand.

Post edited by cclesue on


  • Singular BluesSingular Blues Posts: 737
    edited July 2017

    Turn off?

    As a guess, You mean zero the pose?

    Sort of.

    For eye balls, you need to select one, and then in the Scene tab, Ctrl+Click the other. Then right click the Parameters tab, Restore > Restore Selected Items Pose.

    For fingers, select the Hand. In the Scene tab, right click the Hand selected and choose Select > Select Children. If you wish to clear the pose of the hand, Right click the Parameters tab, Restore > Restore Selected Items Pose. If you don't want to reset the hand, Ctrl+Click the hand to deselct it, but leave the fingures selected. The Restore as perviously indicated.

    This method will work for an set of children, but the skeleton hierachy might make it tricky to get only the items you want (which is why you have to get the eyeballs one at a time. Trying to select their parent (Head) select it's children will get you some 70 bones, depending on your settings).

    This is about the best you can do here, as far as I know.

    Post edited by Singular Blues on
  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,581

    I think cclesue is looking to hide multiple objects:


    - Greg

  • cclesuecclesue Posts: 420
    edited July 2017

    See edited above


    Post edited by cclesue on
  • In that case, the answer is "Nope!"

    Can it be done? Yes, it can. Pretty easy.

    But, unless you are selecting a node and children, you need to go through each time and click each one, so you might as well toggle visible.

    If you are selecting children, then select All in the parameters tab, and type "visible" in the fiter box. That should show one "on" button. click it to off. But that's a fairly narrow case where you can actually avoid having to click each node. Nodes being nodes, it might be possible to adapt the method linked above your comment to group only those nodes you want (fingers, but not arms or something.) Not sure if that would work or cause other problems, but it's probably the option you have. Other than that, there's nothing comes to mind as a faster way to control visiblity for multiple items.

    (Though you could save visibility as a preset. If you're hiding the same thing all the time, it would be worth doing.)

  • The Visible button is the same as the eye icons.

  • morkmork Posts: 278

    If you want to hide things and their childrens, like hide the hand and all it's fingerparts (children of the hand), you can use mCasuals script.

    The script is at the very bottom, unzip it to your content library. Chose what you want to hide/unhide and run the script.

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