Morphs for g3f's teeth


I'm facing an odd problem with g3f's teeth. As you can see in the attachment, the tooth set for V4 has the front two at an equal height with the rest while g3f's has them higher than the others. I can think of two ways to make g3f's teeth like v4's:

1) export v4's teeth to g3f (how??)
2) use a separate morph product for g3f (which???)

Deactivating 'mouth realism' on g3f didn't help.

Any ideas how to achieve this?

1022 x 582 - 155K


  • You can't tansfer the base shape to a diffrent figure, so you would need a new morph. I'm not aware of a pre-existing product or freebie that will do this - it might be fairly simple to do using a weight-mapped dForm to affect only the gums, dragging them down a bit.

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