Creating Expressions Without Effecting Head Gear? [SOLVED]

Nyghtfall3DNyghtfall3D Posts: 765
edited June 2017 in The Commons

I've got an idea for a scene using the Andromeda suit that comes with the V8 Pro Bundle, but I can't dial in any expressions or head morphs without distorting the suit's helmet.  Is there a way to do that?

Post edited by Nyghtfall3D on


  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    there is a way to do it.  you can set something not be a morph follower.  

    forget how though exactly.  

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,582

    You should  be able to show hidden properties on the helmet and then turn off de expressions

  • kaotkblisskaotkbliss Posts: 2,914

    Or load the helmet as a prop (load it without the figure selected) and don't fit to the character and just parent to the character's head

  • I hope this is a related question; I don't want to hijack the thread. But when I parent things like primitives to part of a figure and then pose the figure, primitives never follow properly. Sometimes props too, like I think the western gear lariat. Even hair sometimes. Is there a fix for that? Thank you for the question, Nygthfall; I was having this problem too with some helmets. "Soldier 2005" I think it was...

  • How do you mean not follow properly?

  • kaotkblisskaotkbliss Posts: 2,914

    and are you parenting it to the figure or the body part you want it to follow? Such as a hat or helmet would be parented to the figure's head while a gun or knife would be parented to the figure's hand.

  • grrr... wouldn't you know? Now I can't reproduce the error to save my life. So much for screen shots. It drives me crazy! But I might also be learning that if I parent an object directly to a hip - as opposed to parenting it to a belt parented to a hip or group of similar objects parented to the hip - it's much less likely to go crazy when posing. But I swear this happens all the time lol... honest!  I'll add a cylinder to a scene, so I can make it into a chest symbol or pendant. I'll parent it to the chest or neck as appropriate. I apply a pose preset from a vendor, and poof! The cylinder is now buried inside the chest or floating in space, oriented completely otherwise than the body part it aligned with perfectly a minute ago...


    Oh well. I'll start my own thread when it happens again next time. Sorry, folks...

  • Nyghtfall3DNyghtfall3D Posts: 765

    Or load the helmet as a prop (load it without the figure selected) and don't fit to the character and just parent to the character's head

    That worked.  Thank you.

    Here's what I used it for: Transporter Accident: Lost in Space

  • Nicely done, Nyghtfall. Space is the ultimate hostile environment - the prospect of getting stranded there really affects me viscerally!

  • Nyghtfall3DNyghtfall3D Posts: 765

    Nicely done, Nyghtfall. Space is the ultimate hostile environment - the prospect of getting stranded there really affects me viscerally!

    Thank you.  After fixing the helmet, figuring out how to express sheer terror through nothing but the eyes proved the biggest challenge.  Lots of dial-spinning was involved, using several different morphs that I don't usually touch.

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