For those using 4.8 and the Public Beta

They moved the Beta to General Release status.  That means that if you run the two side by side and do the update, it will overwrite your 4.8 installation.  Just a heads up for those that want to keep their earlier versions


  • VisuimagVisuimag Posts: 551

    Really? I can still run both just fine.

  • I'm not sure what you mean - it has been a long time since the release build was 4.8.x.x. The whole point of a beta is to allow people to try it, find bugs, and when Daz is happy with it the release build is updated (and if need be the beta is updated to match, should the release be a slightly later build to accomodate a final round of adjustment). Nothing has changed in how the process works for soem time - at least the lifetime of 4.9.x.x

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