Apparently the DAZ Install Manager is about ready



  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    What would be good is if when DIM was checking for new product to download it checked all the subfolders you have in your download folder.

  • MiloMilo Posts: 511
    edited December 1969

    ghevey said:
    Now they just need to include Bryce and Carrara content for completeness.

    That and the rest of their own products. Don't get me wrong I like the idea of DIM

    I put in a ticket and stopped adding to it back in Feb (granted it was end of Feb so we are about 1.70 months past) for items. I stopped adding though I did point to the list of all bundles and make a suggestion that they go through that list as I just randomly picked about 6 and nearly all were not there (I listed the individual items). I also just noticed they are not in the product library either. Some of the items got added many did not.

    Something else The mill horse bundle comes with the foal. If you go to the product library you get the Mill Horse bundle as a single file, but if you go to DIM its individual files apparently from what I can tell. No Foal either. (or the textures) How can I tell if I am getting what I need. I am so frustrated by this process right now. I got a new machine and thought it would be a good time to do a new install since I have about 15+ gigs of items I haven't installed yet but downloaded.

    I have used some 3d library programs (before daz changed system) to keep track of what I had purchased and it grabbed the images it was easy to find what I had. They needed more polish and some features but at least I could at a glance see what I needed quickly without having to go online and were complete at far as what I had purchased except for the bundles which had just gotten resolved when the change happened.

    I really would like to work but it appears for now I am going to have to move my entire library from my previous machine.
    I just would like this to be more complete and work and be functional in a way that people who use it might expect vs what a marketing person might sell.

  • Cliff BowmanCliff Bowman Posts: 1,677
    edited December 1969

    RonS said:
    I'm really happy for those who find this product so suited to their needs, I guess some folks just love chaotic and arbitrary file systems - - but, why make fun of those who prefer organization to chaos?

    hmmm, I'm not SURE who this is aimed at, as that certainly wasn't MY intent - especially since I happaned to agree with a goodly portion of your reservations. I was deliberately polite...

    your ignorance of what might be possible is monumental.

    Apparently, a restriction that you don't feel to be compelled by :(

    I apologise if my post, intending to help someone who seemed to have not quite "got" the DIM, was in any way inappropriate.


  • MiloMilo Posts: 511
    edited December 1969

    Hello jestmart,

    I am confused about the multiple download folders thingy. Do you mean if we could just pick like 2 dl folders at a time to dl to or for different figures and stuff? I am kind of slow I tried looking a the link you provided,but because I don't have login for it I could not view it :-(.

    jestmart said:
    The content folder is only an issue if you are manually installing files directly from the OS or from another zip utility. When installing from DIM the content folder is ignored, if it wasn't it would be a problem for Studio 4.x users too. Would also like to see multiple download libraries and made a feature request for it.

    This is what my DIM DL Folder looks like:

    So you setup a seperate download directory on you HD for various type of content prob to match your runtimes as well?

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449
    edited December 1969

    I can see no way to add extra download folders like you can with the install folders in DIM. My download all get dumped into that one folder and it looks nothing like islandgurl31, of course I didn't use the default download location so maybe that makes a difference.

  • islandgurl31islandgurl31 Posts: 250
    edited April 2013

    I moved copied the DIM Folder to my external and set it up just like I did before the DIM came along. I am meticulous on how my stuff is has to be in order.

    What I do is before downloading I click on the i for the readme while my download folder is open and copy and paste the info I want and the pic...then I go to that folder in the download manager part where it has where you check that boxes you (e.g. DS 4.5 only content...etc.). Will get a screen grab to show what I am talking about :-).Will edit this post when I have it.

    Edit: Here is my setup :-)

    1440 x 900 - 310K
    1440 x 900 - 116K
    631 x 689 - 140K
    Post edited by islandgurl31 on
  • evendosumerioevendosumerio Posts: 9
    edited December 1969

    How do I know the version of product downloaded by/used for DAZ Install Manager? I didn't see any version number in DIM zip file like what they did with the original exe file.
    Please help!

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    evendo said:
    How do I know the version of product downloaded by/used for DAZ Install Manager? I didn't see any version number in DIM zip file like what they did with the original exe file.
    Please help!

    You can right click on any files in the Installed area, and view the Installer files and the Installed files, but I don;t think it gives a version number for content.

    The DIM will automatically install the latest version (if necessary) every time you run it. They will appear in the Ready To Download tab as Product Updates, and they will install to the correct library (the one you installed the original to) if you check the box at the bottom of the Ready To Install tab.

    I am confident that I can rely on the DIM to always alert me to updates, it is a much better system than we have ever had. I can't find anywhere that lists the current version number of installed items, but that doesn't mean that it isn't there ;)

    If you feel that the version number needs to be included, you could request that in the Bug Tracker as a Feature for the next version of DIM.
  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    Hovering your mouse over one of the items in Install Manager gives the Installer Date.

  • daveleitzdaveleitz Posts: 459
    edited December 1969

    I finally broke my piggy bank and bought a new computer with a decent processor. I'm downloading everything right now through the DIM. If this works out well, which I hope it does, I'm going to be sooo happy that I didn't have to wear out my mouse clicking through individual installers! :)

  • evendosumerioevendosumerio Posts: 9
    edited December 1969

    It seems the DIM still doesn't support for Bryce contents! As I don't have chance to use Carrara and Hexagon, I can't make any comment, but at least Bryce contents still doesn't support to be installed via DIM!

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    evendo said:
    It seems the DIM still doesn't support for Bryce contents! As I don't have chance to use Carrara and Hexagon, I can't make any comment, but at least Bryce contents still doesn't support to be installed via DIM!

    That's correct, currently it only supports DS/Poser content, because they allow external content folders. According to the ChangeLog, they are currently working on supporting software installation, plugins, and Carrara and Bryce content (and from the looks of it, Photoshop brushes and other kinds of content).

  • evendosumerioevendosumerio Posts: 9
    edited December 1969

    I've download the DAZ Studio 4.6 via Web, it's a problem that DIM seems doesn't understand the zip file of Starter Essentials Pack included in the new DAZ package. What should I do? I don't want to re-download again via DIM...

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,336
    edited December 1969

    The servers have been under stress the last couple days. Keep trying to download it through DIM

  • evendosumerioevendosumerio Posts: 9
    edited May 2013

    Frank0314 said:
    The servers have been under stress the last couple days. Keep trying to download it through DIM

    I checked, and I think the file is OK. I just don't know how to make DIM "understand" the file and install it. Is it related to "another file" that comes with the Zip file when I download via DIM? I see that DIM always download a Zip file and another file comes with it (like a signature/license file) but it's a sole Zip file only when download with Web service via "Product Library" in "My account"!

    Post edited by evendosumerio on
  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,336
    edited May 2013

    once its in ready to install all you have to do is install it to the recommended place. Most likely that will be C:\Users\Public\Documents\My DAZ 3D Library, unless you have a custom directory you are installing to.

    Post edited by frank0314 on
  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    If you download the DIM zip from the Product Library, just put it in the DIM downloads folder and click refresh in DIM, and it will put it in Ready to Install.

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    If you download the DIM zip from the Product Library, just put it in the DIM downloads folder and click refresh in DIM, and it will put it in Ready to Install.

    Does DIM know that without having the .dsx file?
    And will it know when there are updates?

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,497
    edited December 1969

    Kerya said:
    If you download the DIM zip from the Product Library, just put it in the DIM downloads folder and click refresh in DIM, and it will put it in Ready to Install.

    Does DIM know that without having the .dsx file?
    And will it know when there are updates?
    I followed Mike's suggestion for a few files - next time I opened the DIM (and signed on through it) a set of "new" .dsx files appeared in the download library for the .zip's I copied in, so I guess the DIM handles this. Those products haven't got updates yet though, so too soon to tell whether they'll show.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    The manifest.dsx inside the zip is what DIM needs to install the product and know if it's been updated. The .dsx that comes outside of the zip has the tags and the order number, but DIM can install and check for updates without it, and DIM will download the .dsx file when it's available.

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    Ahhh! The dsx inside is the one it needs. Thanks!

  • edited December 1969

    Long time since I bought anything from DAZ but I'm a bit nonplussed, not to say also a little bit angry, about this install manager contraption

    Haven't time to go through everything in this and other threads so can I ask for a bit of quick help?

    My set up is that I run Poser Installations on D: drive, with 24 differently categorised Runtimes, built up since first using Poser4. I have just bought 3 or 4 current products and want to install these as appropriate to my working environment, in the runtimes best suited for each

    I have installed the downloader on a customised basis, to the max I seem to be able to customise it, to my d: drive, D:\program files, rather naively assuming that content would be downloaded there, and that I could then install it where I wanted it

    Instead, I have now got folders called Daz3d and My Daz3d Library appearing in my C:\ drive, in the Public Documents folder complete with a new runtime there

    Is that right? - ie is that a cast in stone default that I can't vary? or have i screwed up the installer installation somehow?

    If it is set firm, it's a real problem as 1) I have limited space on my C drive, and even worse, hence the anger, who on earth do these people think they are to dump stuff willy nilly into what are my PUBLICLY shared documents without first asking my permission?

    I can see the downloaded zips and can get them copied elsewhere to drag the stuff out where I want it, albeit it looks like having to be at least a three stage unzip, zip runtime only, unzip to target runtime process, which seems an utter waste of time

    That's especially so as I seem to now be unable to download the purchased files at all from my account without using this wretched manager? Again, am I doing something wrong, ie is there any way of just downloading the zipped content somehow, or the file in a farm of self installer that I have control over the target destination, or am I forced into using this thing and then fiddling about with the extracted data?

    Any quick answers to these queries would be appreciated

  • edited December 1969

    OK, I can probably now answer one part of my query myself, so probably there is no real problem as I'll just deal with the pain of sorting the rest myself! :-)

    I have now found how to download just the zips themselves. The first product I had purchased was a 3 part bundle, and the main link from the order only provides the 'download and install' option. And that demands their installer

    However, if I click on the thumbnail to each individual product, THEN i can download the zip for each separately So that's OK and leaves me the control I want.. LOL

    But I will be wiping this Install Manager thing straightaway. I really can't believe that anyone could be as crass as dump anything into someone else's 'public' content, without as much as a 'by your leave', and end up thinking that's somehow clever.

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    First: without DIM - go to "My account" (upper right corner of each page)
    In the grey bar below the Sales Banner click on "Product Library"
    It is sorted by Purchase date, but you can change that to the left above the names of the products. Or you can use the search field - just some letters of the name are enough.

    Second: you can tell DIM where to install things:

  • KeryaKerya Posts: 10,943
    edited December 1969

    OK, I was a bit too late ... LOL

  • edited December 1969

    Thanks. Much appreciate your taking the time to answer

    I think I'll stick by the old fashioned way meantime, though. Then I'm certain that what I want will happen. These transitions can be too wearing. I remember going from DOS to Win95. PnP was more like Press and Pray, than your being able to be sure it was going to do what you thought you had told it to :-)

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449
    edited December 1969

    First thing to do with any new program is check and adjust any preference settings. The little 'cog' icon (apparently the new international symbol for preference many new programs are using) will open the preference. There are tabs for accounts, download filters an download location, installation location(s), and an application tab. The application tab is primarily for setting the install location of affiliated apps so DIM knows where to install plug-ins and add-ons. The only thing that can't be changed is the location of DIM's support files in the public documents. DAZ does need address this in all of their programs as so many new computers are shipping with SSDs as the primary drive.

  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,980
    edited October 2013

    If you use WinRAR it's fairly simple to install the zips manually:

    It will remember your different runtime folders in the dropdown box.

    Post edited by Taoz on
  • MiloMilo Posts: 511
    edited December 1969

    Long time since I bought anything from DAZ but I'm a bit nonplussed, not to say also a little bit angry, about this install manager contraption

    Haven't time to go through everything in this and other threads so can I ask for a bit of quick help?

    My set up is that I run Poser Installations on D: drive, with 24 differently categorised Runtimes, built up since first using Poser4. I have just bought 3 or 4 current products and want to install these as appropriate to my working environment, in the runtimes best suited for each

    I have installed the downloader on a customised basis, to the max I seem to be able to customise it, to my d: drive, D:\program files, rather naively assuming that content would be downloaded there, and that I could then install it where I wanted it

    Instead, I have now got folders called Daz3d and My Daz3d Library appearing in my C:\ drive, in the Public Documents folder complete with a new runtime there

    Is that right? - ie is that a cast in stone default that I can't vary? or have i screwed up the installer installation somehow?

    If it is set firm, it's a real problem as 1) I have limited space on my C drive, and even worse, hence the anger, who on earth do these people think they are to dump stuff willy nilly into what are my PUBLICLY shared documents without first asking my permission?

    I can see the downloaded zips and can get them copied elsewhere to drag the stuff out where I want it, albeit it looks like having to be at least a three stage unzip, zip runtime only, unzip to target runtime process, which seems an utter waste of time

    That's especially so as I seem to now be unable to download the purchased files at all from my account without using this wretched manager? Again, am I doing something wrong, ie is there any way of just downloading the zipped content somehow, or the file in a farm of self installer that I have control over the target destination, or am I forced into using this thing and then fiddling about with the extracted data?

    Any quick answers to these queries would be appreciated

    Its not set in stone. You can setup every one of your runtimes in DIM then just use the drop down menu (click show details in the bottom right corner) and then select those items you want into that runtime name. You don't have to use any of the default ones it comes setup with. It will also maintain updates to where you installed them to when the products are updated etc.

    You can change where the downloads are stored (not installed but just their holding place) at by clicking the cog and going to downloads.

    Hope this helps.

  • evendosumerioevendosumerio Posts: 9
    edited December 1969

    Hovering your mouse over one of the items in Install Manager gives the Installer Date.

    Yeah, I see.
    But is the version number is make the product become easier to recognise? Especially when you buy a lot of stuff but still didn't use some of them and it's updated...

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