
PlantPlant Posts: 105

Hi i would like to find out if the horns on the body can be turnd off,could play havok with clothing.


  • Saba TaruSaba Taru Posts: 170

    I haven't found a way to do so and may return the product because of it (there isn't even a way to use the head and body morphs separately -- a distrubing trend in character creations of late).  I love the face morph but the spikes are a PITA without a way to turn them off.

  • PlantPlant Posts: 105

    Saba Taru thanks for your reply suspected that would be the case.Agreed it would be better with seperate morphs

  • XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421

    I don't mind the body spikes, as such (though you're right about it potentially making clothing difficult), but I would have loved for them to be symmetrical. The face is fantastic and the use I would have had for it would have demanded several of them in one scene. Can't do that when a character has unique assymmetrical details, though. :/ An acceptable compromise would have been an option to turn all of them off and retain that face.

    The artist has impressive skill! But they lost out on a sale to me because of that, sadly.

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