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poser 7
the dark star
Title: Visitors
Daz Studio 4.5 and Photoshop
Lava Planet
This is my first entry. It is also my first real foray into postworking an image. I did read through several tutorials, but in the end I just did what felt right to me. Special Thanks go out to Stonemason for hosting this contest. This was just the push I needed to begin my journey.
Stonemason product used: The Dark Star
also used: Genesis wearing Sixth Sense's V4 Wired with Xurge's V4 ElvenArmor Bavarian Legends bottoms due to Daz TOS.
image created using DS4.5 Pro with postwork in PSP XI
image concept created using these thoughtforms:
-- working definition used for maelstrom: powerful, often violent whirlpool sucking in objects within a given radius
-- And when you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche ~ (you may need to view the larger version to see the eyes gazing back from within the Maelstrom)
Exclusive Excerpt: |:| The MAELSTROM |:|
In a cavern, that was the mind, there lay sleeping a creation yet to be manifested. A thoughtform so intense that existing without knowing became completely unbearable. And then, there was light! From the very primordial mist of mind, out into creation sprang a world as vast in potential as it was in abundance. The very facet upon which this world was created, reflecting into the multiverse as a prism distorting the rays of light.
And so it was evident, a mind must have form if it is to experience. As time began to unfold, the multiverse continued to expand with new worlds being created for each new intensely meditated upon thoughtform. The mind needed only to shift its focus upon the intradimensional facets to reflect the experience of each world unto itself.
Now you may wonder just what thoughtform could have been so intense to create such commotion. I am here now to tell you this very story. "Who am I," you ask? I tell you that "I am UTO, The Unknowable One." For you see, it matters not what you call me. I simply am. And so, let our journey together begin.
We will now find our thoughts focused to that time before time was time...
What a cool variety of work already in this contest. I keep coming back eager to see more. :)
Entry No. 1
Lone Kiwi
Carrara 8 Pro
Photoshop Elements 11
Stonemason products used:
City Ruins
The Warehouse
Urban Sprawl 2
Throwing my hat into the ring. Using A Quiet Street, Genesis and others. Rendered in Daz Studio 4.5, a little post work in Photoshop. Nothing really special, mostly stock content.
A Walk in the woods
I have been reading a lot of Alan Dean Foster lately, and his jungles tend to be overfilled with animals, so I thought I would create my own version, overflowing with life.
Stone Masons Enchanted Forest
Noggins dragonfly
Ultimate butterfly
Songbird remix 2
Dinokonda plus
Lady Blaze
My First entry
Title: Sunken Ship
Used: The Dark Star
Rendered: DAZ 4.5 Pro
Post work: Photoshop
The images that have been posted so far are just stunning. And incredibly inspiring. Makes you imagine everything that's possible. Stonemason, you are a really clever guy, as well as incredibly talented as a PA. I am trying to brainstorm something yummy now. I have invested in a lot of your products over the years, and I've never been disappointed.
Sorry for the novice question here, but I recently had purchased the Urban Future bundle 1-4 and after installing everything, it seems that UrbanFuture 4 is the only one that shows up in my Smart Panel.
Any thoughts?
Did you look in the Runtime library under the Poser category? Because a lot of products install themselves in the runtime, since they make the assumption you're working in Poser. Even if you don't HAVE poser. But what you do is go to the file tree, look under Poser content, and then follow it into the Runtime library. You should find the other products either under Figures or Props. Probably props. Most Stonemason products are static, so they're props. If they have moving parts, they're figures. I think.
Thanks for the quick response. So I found that UrbanFuture 2, 3, 4 are where you said in the Poser Runtime but not Urban Future 1. Not sure why this one isn't showing up but I tried resetting and reimporting my metadata as well.
Huh. No idea. Ask Stonemason. I'd imagine he'd know. I will check my own library, but I move stuff around.
Check the runtime under "Figures: Stonemason" for Urban Future 1 to see if it is there. I think the others are in "Props/Stonemason". Others who have all the sets can verify, but I believe only Urban Future 4 has metadata, so it would be the only one in Smart Content.
Yes, Smart Content is a new feature in D|S4. All the other older items were released before D|S4 so none of them will have the metadata that would allow them to appear in the Smart Content tab. You'll find them in the Content Library tab, under Poser Content.
And, as Storypilot says, some things will be in Figures and some will be in Props.
it is found under Figures: stonemason - it is called UrbanScifi
My first entry...
The title of image - New Sheriff In Town
Software used to create image -
* DAZ Studio 4.5 to compose scene
* rendered in Lux via the Reality 2 plug-in
* Photoshop used for post work.
Stonemason products used in image -
MECH 2012 Enforcer
City Ruins : Vehicles
Urban Sprawl 2 The Big City
ok after working on this when i had the time i finally am ready to enter it.......
i used Poser 8 for this image then postwork in photoshop
my first entry "welcome"
Stonemason product i used for this was the enchanted forest
(this product i use so very often i most definitely have gotten my money out of it and then some lol)
Not an entry.
Nice image. I wonder how many pages this thread will be by March 15 with all the non entries, LOL.
quite a few I am guessing
I like contests :)
Here my entry.
Hour of the Thief
Used Streets of Mediteran .
Poser Pro 2012
BBQ Knight
He may be a knight in shining armour, but he should realise that there are some days when it is best not to go out in his working clothes.
Used Island Castle rendered in Bryce 5, tad of postwork to adjust contrast in PS.
For anybody interested, I thought I'd share a screen cap of this scene when it was still rendering so you can see that several elements that look like post work are actually part of the initial render.
The Lens effects (bottom left of display) - the "Bloom" is creating a glow around lights and "Glare" is producing the star effects.
With "Film Response" set to Agfachrome CT Precisa 200, the scene is given an incredibly dramatic colour richness emphasised by the night lighting.
Congrats Ippotamus,our first random winner in the challenge!
please reply to your PM to receive your prize :)
hey guys..if your posting images that are non entries,please clearly label them as such..thanks
Ya, you're just posting that to make the rest of us feel bad, LOL! Awesome render!
Title: Waiting for Dawn
Rendered in DAZ/Studio 4.5
Postwork in Photoshop CS
Stonemason products used: Dystopian MedBay and FloaterBot (freebie)
Other products used: GIS Orion, Courageous for V4 and Genesis Aging Morphs
Special Ops - Army of One
DS Pro 4.5
Poser 7
Photoshop CS6
Filterforge 3
Cinema 4d
The Ministry - StoneMason
Michael 4
Reflex Nano Suit for M4 - Xurge 3d
SAV Armor Rifle
I was going to put some bodies on the ground, but I chose not to since there's no violence tags right now, so please imagine some dead guys lying around. :)