Art Contests?

Anybody know of any great art contests out there? I'm usually participating in the monthly challenges at and there are always some pretty awesome prizes from the likes of FoRender, Xurge, Sparkyworld, Sequestrian, and a host of artists both here and over at RDNA.. This months theme for example is Altered Universe (which I love)..
But what about everybody else? Know of any other challenges out there that an artist can really sink their teeth into?
Nobody has any?
There's a regular contest over in the General Freepository: The Freebie Challenge. As the name implies, you have to use free items in your artwork, although you're also allowed to use a few paid items. (The full rules can be found here.)
There's a different theme (and a different thread) each month - this month's is "Dog and Pony Show." There's a different set of prizes each month, too, although they usually include some gift certificates along with the limited-edition models.
Cool! Ever since they trashed the old message boards and replaced them my exploration here has been limited so I completely missed that.
New one - Stonemason's
Wow, Stonemason's contest looks awesome. 1st price is his whole catalog. That's like what, more than $1000?
Wow! That one does look awesome! I got the name madmanmike with an obsessive attention to detail; Stonemason's models are perfectly matched to that old peculiarity..
Well, I went to work on that Stonemason contest right away.. Here's my entry...
Your also missing out on this one RRRR. Its fun and running right now.
You beat me to it by two minutes, Jaderail! (I was preoccupied with copying the link to the thread!)
Marieah's kitbashing contest looks like a lot of fun too...I'm planning to give it a try:
And there's the monthly New User Contest, of course, which I'm guessing may not be the best choice for you MadManMike, but I thought it was worth mentioning: (and my understanding is, even if you're not new to 3D, you can still enter the contest if you're new to the specific program or discipline you'll be attempting)
Hey, that does look fun...
lol, yeah, I think I qualify as older than dirt.. Been around here since the introduction of V3...
I thought about that kitbash contest, but it wasn't clear enough in the rules what kits were allowable.. I kitbash every day, with Davo's products (some of which I actually bought here when they were still in the store)...
The last contest on the DAZ forums I participated in was a Dystopia one, and the contest got cancelled after the entry deadline... This was my entry then:
there is the songbird contest
I always felt the songbirds were way overpriced.. If it weren't so high I'd probably have them, but I don't think I'd really have any interest in using them as the primary figure in an image..
That said, I loved the movie Big Year...
Hey guys, there are only nine entries in the contest I linked above and some awesome prizes...
First place
Xurge ~ $50.00 GC
Sixus 1 ~ Three Items of Choice
$60.00 Voucher
Prae One Item of Choice
Angela3D ~ One Item of Choice
Ilona/MadameL One Item of Choice
Devineydesigns One Item of Choice
ShifterBro's One Item of Choice
Second place
$50.00 Voucher
Xurge ~ $15.00 GC
ChristineG ~ MilCat Cat Poses
Jean-Luc_Arjarn One Item of Choice
Sparkyworld One Item of Choice
DreamlightStudios One of Three Items of Choice
SickenlySweete One Item of Choice
Third place
Xurge ~ $35.00 GC
$20.00 Coupon
Jepe One Item of Choice
RenderCandy One Item of Choice
Muted Banshee One Item of Choice
Mstene One Item of Choice
Countessa_Jay One Item of Choice
Islandgirldesigns One Item of Choice (No Bundles, No Partnered Items)
Fourth Place
Xurge ~ $25.00 GC
$20.00 Coupon
Richabri One Item of Choice
Sequestrian One Item of Choice
Rebelmommy One Item of Choice
Fifth Place
Xurge ~ $15.00 GC
$20.00 Coupon
Midnight_Stories One Item of Choice DSV Store
Gypsyangel One Item of Choice
Draagonstorm One Item of Choice
There's still a couple of days left to get into this..