UV Maps . . . where are they?

I know what a UV map is, but I don't know where the files for them are in the .  

I'd like to edit some in Photoshop. 







  • SixDsSixDs Posts: 2,384
    edited February 2017

    If you are looking for blank UV maps (normally referred to as texture templates, BTW), some products include them, others not. If they are included, they can usually be found in the Templates folder of your content library. If the product doesn't have them, you can usually make do by using an existing texture map and just texturing over it, as long as you rember to save your results with a different filename to avoid overwriting the original.

    I should perhaps mention that the convention of placing the texture templates in the Templates folder directly under the content library folder is a DAZ convention. Other vendors elsewhere may put them anywhere whether they are for DAZ Studio or Poser, since their is no prescribed folder for that purpose within the Poser runtime folder heirarchy. For example, one clothing product that I have that was purchased elsewhere includes texture templates, and they are in a dedicated folder under the runtime folder called ProductName_Templates. Another product that I have simply puts the texture templates into a "Templates" folder and leaves it up to the user to decide where to put it in their content folder (or elsewhere).

    Post edited by SixDs on
  • well my prefered softwares Carrara and iClone both will export UV maps of anything loaded in them, I have always found it bizzare D|S will show you the UV map but not let you at least render it in openGL

  • Templates should be on the Product Library page for the item, if not you can either export an OBJ file and then use a modeller or mapper (Blender or UV Mapper Classic, for example) to export a template (without changing the mapping) or you can use UV Tailor inside DS http://www.daz3d.com/uv-tailor

  • oh thats why the openGL preview is disabled for render 

  • VicSVicS Posts: 1,261


    I'm importing an obj into daz that i  modeled in other cad program, does it need to be uv mapped to put colors and textures on? i couldn't find any youtube videos to help with this ,

    can anyone give me a link as to how to add texture and color to imorted objs


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