a GC option to go directly to my store credit?

MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

i get nervous spending more than a few dollars on a GC, cuz it sometimes gets swallowed by spam filters.  and doesn't seem to be a way to request what the number was,

a gc option to go directly to store credit would be nice.


  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,570

    I think the option to buy store credit would be nice, especailly since the gift card system has been buggy for quite a while now.

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 13,556

    When you cash in your certificate it goes to store credit

  • frank0314 said:

    When you cash in your certificate it goes to store credit

    Yes, but the problem is with some people who (for whatever reason, such as ISP not talking to each other) don't ever receive the Gift Card code.

  • frank0314 said:

    When you cash in your certificate it goes to store credit

    MistyRara is concerned that an email failure will prevent receipt of the GC redemption code.


  • If a GC vanishes open a Sales Support ticket - they should be able to help you, I believe.

  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,323

    Regardless of the workarounds, I think MistyRara's request is a perfectly reasonable one. Given that probably 99% of people that buy gift cards will gift it to themselves, the concept of not being able to buy the credit directly seems rather antiquated.

  • Agreed. A go to store credit option would be great.

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 25,855

    Amazon has an option to reload one's own gift card balance.  Maybe Daz can too?

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