converting V4.2 to duf, all her morphs?

MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

converting V4.2 to duf,  all her morphs?

the only thing i can think to do is to inject every single morph before saving her to my library.
but, seems kind of ridiculous. all her morph packs like she freak, all her custom character morphs.

is there like a batch utility to bring in her exp morphs?
pz2s to dsf?

i brought the Wyvern2.0 into duf last night.  all the morphs went to a folder called import.
was kinda hoping i could create subfolders in the parameters or shape pane and drag the shaping sliders where i wanted them.  
what makes all those aliases?
can't be all manually made from typing out text?


brought mil sub dragon into duf few weeks ago.  all the morphs seem to work fine in DS.
loaded him into carrara.
the only morph i tested was the spikes,
so i thought he was good to.
last night found most of the morphs aren't working in carrara, like the muscular morph.
i can't understand that, would think it would be all or nothing.

i know people are scoffing, why not use the poser version.
well, i would like to understand how to set up the morphs to work properly in both apps, ds and carrara.
only think i think i understand is the aliases show the morphs in subfolder categories.
i had plans to delete all the aliases, didn't think i needed those in carrara, but found some pose presets don't work without the aliases.  i guess isn't such a big deal, could keyframe directly from the rotations, another but coming, but sometimes presets or ctrl sliders call in jcms.  


  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    how come V4 has all those magnet deformers, M4 has none?

  • Because Daz was able to get Michael 4 to work using just morph adjustments, not DForms.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    all those magnets for her clothes fits?  

    prolly won't need those in a duf, could use the auto smooth, or the auto smooth secret hidden magnets 

    Victoria 3 generation doesn't have deformers.

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    The magnets where an attempt to make it so clothes maker wouldn't need to add certain JCMs to their clothing, the magnet would be applied to the clothing instead.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    before i had morphing clothes, i used the lyrra magnet sets to add Vicki's character morphs to clothes.  
    had to convert all those to morphs, cause if the magnet didn't find a match or something, would do weird things.

    stepping back from my V4 to duf project a moment.  what am i really wanting to accomplish here

    most of my V4 content uses the morphs++, Aiko4 or Girl4. lot of faeries heart And i want Shefreak.
    Stardust and Dark Matter top of the list.
    deciding, which outfits i'll actually use, import those to duf, then the smoothing should work on 'em. 
    some of those jcms are bend fixes. 
    subdivision  (RUSH songheart)

    anyone else doing a convert?  mebbe we could share trial and tribulations.

    figure out these weight map brushes. wouldn't do the whole figure, don't think,
    just the under arms and bends between thigh and hip joint.

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