Keep Calm : There's always another Sale (Daily Sale Talk)



  • FrankTheTankFrankTheTank Posts: 1,131
    Taozen said:
    nicstt said:
    Odaa said:

    Shopping Cart Jigsaw: what happens when you discover that your shopping cart is ~$140 higher than the amount of store credit you have, and that you can get a 19% discount on gift cards, so you open the product page links to every. single. item in the cart, each in its tab, clear shopping cart, buy $145 worth of store credit for ~$117, redeem the gift card, and then go through the 20+ open tabs to reconstruct the original configuration of your cart and checkout. On the plus side, that saved me an additional $28 on top of whatever the discounts on the last two giftcards (that the existing store credit was from) were, and not all that time-consuming with a fast browser, but man....

    The more time I have to spend, the more the cost goes up as my time costs, just like anyone elses.

    In many cases one could probably save/earn more by doing say 2 hours of paid work and buy the stuff at normal price for what you earn, instead of browsing the store for 2 hours to find the best deal. This way you'll actually also contribute to the world with something valuable (whatever you produce with your work), plus the 3D artists will earn more. Win-win.

    I guess it depends how much you save. For me, if I bought my stuff at normal price since I've been a DAZ member, I would have spent over $24,000 (according to Ati's plug-in). Whereas I actually spent only $3,700. (ONLY, I know, I need help! LOL)  So working harder and paying full price instead of looking for deals? I'd have to work a lot of overtime to cover that difference of $20,000 in savings over the past year, not to mention the higher tax rate when working overtime.

    Plus its fun to browse, see new stuff, find great deals. It has its own psychological reward to score great deals, aside from the benefit of saving money. 

  • donovancolbertdonovancolbert Posts: 1,421

    I don't tell people what ATI's plug-in says my library is worth versus what I actually paid for it... because I think people would be shocked.

    ​Which is part of why this sale seemed disappointing to me, I guess. I got into DAZ at a very good time.

  • FrankTheTankFrankTheTank Posts: 1,131

    After 500 items purchased in March Madness I think I have finall finished up my MM purchases. Only 2 items left on my wishlist and that is because they still have a 'New' tag but are old enough they didn't qualify for the MM new item discount. No more purchases for awhile but I guess it is time to start a new wishlist LOL. laugh

    Holy Cow, you're a mad man. I think I purchased around 200 items. I think I'm done now until the PA sale. 

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770

    I don't tell people what ATI's plug-in says my library is worth versus what I actually paid for it... because I think people would be shocked.

    ​Which is part of why this sale seemed disappointing to me, I guess. I got into DAZ at a very good time.

    Where does the plugin say that? I'm sure if I found out, I'd probably have a heart attack! LOL

  • FrankTheTankFrankTheTank Posts: 1,131
    Llynara said:

    I don't tell people what ATI's plug-in says my library is worth versus what I actually paid for it... because I think people would be shocked.

    ​Which is part of why this sale seemed disappointing to me, I guess. I got into DAZ at a very good time.

    Where does the plugin say that? I'm sure if I found out, I'd probably have a heart attack! LOL

    Its on your order history page, I think it only shows in Chrome. I think the Firefox plug-in is still trailing behind. 

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770

    I'm on Chrome but I'm not seeing it. Didn't even know that was a thing. LOL And wow, my order history is pretty scary!

  • FrankTheTankFrankTheTank Posts: 1,131
    edited April 2017

    You need to make sure the option is checked under the options for the plug-in, it might be unchecked by default to prevent heart attacks.


    745 x 280 - 24K
    Post edited by FrankTheTank on
  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770

    Thanks, I did check that, and even followed the link to Order History. Still not there on mine. I'm pretty sure I have the latest updates for Chrome and the add on.

  • PetercatPetercat Posts: 2,321
    DSDT said:
    Llynara said:

    I don't tell people what ATI's plug-in says my library is worth versus what I actually paid for it... because I think people would be shocked.

    ​Which is part of why this sale seemed disappointing to me, I guess. I got into DAZ at a very good time.

    Where does the plugin say that? I'm sure if I found out, I'd probably have a heart attack! LOL

    Its on your order history page, I think it only shows in Chrome. I think the Firefox plug-in is still trailing behind. 

    It shows in Firefox.
    No, I'm not saying what my #s are.
    It is too depressing, and that's no joke.
    Cold turkey time, I think.

  • FrankTheTankFrankTheTank Posts: 1,131
    Petercat said:
    DSDT said:
    Llynara said:

    I don't tell people what ATI's plug-in says my library is worth versus what I actually paid for it... because I think people would be shocked.

    ​Which is part of why this sale seemed disappointing to me, I guess. I got into DAZ at a very good time.

    Where does the plugin say that? I'm sure if I found out, I'd probably have a heart attack! LOL

    Its on your order history page, I think it only shows in Chrome. I think the Firefox plug-in is still trailing behind. 

    It shows in Firefox.
    No, I'm not saying what my #s are.
    It is too depressing, and that's no joke.
    Cold turkey time, I think.

    I should have clarified, the Firefox plug-in doesn't show all 3 numbers, only 2 numbers ("current value" and "total spent"). Chrome will make you feel a little better, because the 3rd number is "Fullprice Value".

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    edited April 2017
    DSDT said:

    I guess it depends how much you save. For me, if I bought my stuff at normal price since I've been a DAZ member, I would have spent over $24,000 (according to Ati's plug-in). Whereas I actually spent only $3,700. (ONLY, I know, I need help! LOL)  So working harder and paying full price instead of looking for deals? I'd have to work a lot of overtime to cover that difference of $20,000 in savings over the past year, not to mention the higher tax rate when working overtime.

    Like you, I have an enormous value for items owned and have paid a small fraction of that, (though the overall cost was still significant.) However, I think the whole point is, if we had only purchased what we needed when we needed it, we would have spent a lot less... even if many of those items were at full price. (ETA: And spent a lot less time shopping!)

    In spite of nearly 5000 items installed, it seems I'm always short one thing or another that I need for a specific scene I want to create. And I seriously doubt if I've ever used as much as half of the items in my runtime. So many things were bought because they looked cool and I was sure I would find a use for it/them sometime. And they languish away collecting virtual dust on my hard drive.

    On the flip-side, I am helping the vendors support themselves...

    Post edited by L'Adair on
  • FrankTheTankFrankTheTank Posts: 1,131
    L'Adair said:
    DSDT said:

    I guess it depends how much you save. For me, if I bought my stuff at normal price since I've been a DAZ member, I would have spent over $24,000 (according to Ati's plug-in). Whereas I actually spent only $3,700. (ONLY, I know, I need help! LOL)  So working harder and paying full price instead of looking for deals? I'd have to work a lot of overtime to cover that difference of $20,000 in savings over the past year, not to mention the higher tax rate when working overtime.

    Like you, I have an enormous value for items owned and have paid a small fraction of that, (though the overall cost was still significant.) However, I think the whole point is, if we had only purchased what we needed when we needed it, we would have spent a lot less... even if many of those items were at full price. (ETA: And spent a lot less time shopping!)

    In spite of nearly 5000 items installed, it seems I'm always short one thing or another that I need for a specific scene I want to create. And I seriously doubt if I've ever used as much as half of the items in my runtime. So many things were bought because they looked cool and I was sure I would find a use for it/them sometime. And they languish away collecting virtual dust on my hard drive.

    On the flip-side, I am helping the vendors support themselves...

    True, I look at it this way, when I was younger I would easily spend $100 week going out on weekends causing trouble. I still spend less than I did then, without the hangovers. I call that a win!

  • Griffin AvidGriffin Avid Posts: 3,758

    OH THE PRESSURE! There's only a few hours left. 

    I am resisting the urge to look through the sales list one more time.

    Luckily I'm down to the higher ticket items...makes it easier to resist and harder to justify.

  • dreamfarmerdreamfarmer Posts: 2,128
    L'Adair said:
    DSDT said:


    On the flip-side, I am helping the vendors support themselves...

    I tell myself that a lot... I used to say that about buying artisan yarn too... at least moths can't eat my models. 

  • FrankTheTankFrankTheTank Posts: 1,131
    avxp said:

    OH THE PRESSURE! There's only a few hours left. 

    I am resisting the urge to look through the sales list one more time.

    Luckily I'm down to the higher ticket items...makes it easier to resist and harder to justify.

    Heed your own advice, "take a nap" for a few hours, your wallet will thank you.

  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281

    Hmmmm we must be getting a new female character - Ophelia 7. You can sort of see her in the promos for Pixeluna's new "Merana", released today. 

  • FrankTheTankFrankTheTank Posts: 1,131
    Ati said:
    DSDT said:

    Ok, where the heck did this come from? It shows as new in the store (not marked "new", but showing up first if you sort by new items), and I've never seen it before, but its got an old SKU 21732. has this been in the store and I just missed it?

    That's been in the store for quite some time. Not sure why it's showing up at first place when sorting by new arrivals, but it's definitely not new.


    Ok, this is strange, remember back when I mentioned this? And yet here it is as new.. again. It even has a price history going back to august. We have a rift in the matrix. There is no spoon.

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    edited April 2017
    DSDT said:
    Ati said:
    DSDT said:

    Ok, where the heck did this come from? It shows as new in the store (not marked "new", but showing up first if you sort by new items), and I've never seen it before, but its got an old SKU 21732. has this been in the store and I just missed it?

    That's been in the store for quite some time. Not sure why it's showing up at first place when sorting by new arrivals, but it's definitely not new.


    Ok, this is strange, remember back when I mentioned this? And yet here it is as new.. again. It even has a price history going back to august. We have a rift in the matrix. There is no spoon.

    DAZ did the same thing with a number of Jepe's characters when he updated them with Iray presets. According to the online readme, under Resolved Issues, it states: "2017-03-29 - Added Iray version." So I believe it's the same older product with new Iray presets.

    Post edited by L'Adair on
  • AtiAti Posts: 9,112

    LOL, I just started a new thread about this. :D I should have checked here first... :) Ah well... Still a mystery... :)

  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,804
    edited April 2017
    DSDT said:
    Taozen said:
    nicstt said:
    Odaa said:

    Shopping Cart Jigsaw: what happens when you discover that your shopping cart is ~$140 higher than the amount of store credit you have, and that you can get a 19% discount on gift cards, so you open the product page links to every. single. item in the cart, each in its tab, clear shopping cart, buy $145 worth of store credit for ~$117, redeem the gift card, and then go through the 20+ open tabs to reconstruct the original configuration of your cart and checkout. On the plus side, that saved me an additional $28 on top of whatever the discounts on the last two giftcards (that the existing store credit was from) were, and not all that time-consuming with a fast browser, but man....

    The more time I have to spend, the more the cost goes up as my time costs, just like anyone elses.

    In many cases one could probably save/earn more by doing say 2 hours of paid work and buy the stuff at normal price for what you earn, instead of browsing the store for 2 hours to find the best deal. This way you'll actually also contribute to the world with something valuable (whatever you produce with your work), plus the 3D artists will earn more. Win-win.

    I guess it depends how much you save. For me, if I bought my stuff at normal price since I've been a DAZ member, I would have spent over $24,000 (according to Ati's plug-in). Whereas I actually spent only $3,700. (ONLY, I know, I need help! LOL)  So working harder and paying full price instead of looking for deals? I'd have to work a lot of overtime to cover that difference of $20,000 in savings over the past year, not to mention the higher tax rate when working overtime.

    That's an average of 85% discount on everything you have purchased. If that's correct, most of it is probably older stuff and freebies. Most people who have been here for a long time (myself included) probably already have most of the older stuff and have paid a good price for it, as well as for the freebies that have been offered the last couple of years (I think I already owned and have paid for 95+% of them), so they won't be able to save nearly as much.

    Also remember that the list price for a lot of stuff is artificially high these days, to make up for the losses during sales. Some items cost over 50% more than a few years ago. Without the sales, list prices would have to be considerably lower, in order to sell. That said, except for a few things like poses I think the list prices here are quite low, considering how much work there generally is involved in making them, and the small number being sold of each.

    Post edited by Taoz on
  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    Ati said:

    LOL, I just started a new thread about this. :D I should have checked here first... :) Ah well... Still a mystery... :)

    Maybe that thread will draw the attention of the PA, or someone from DAZ who will know what's what. I'm only speculating.

  • Cris PalominoCris Palomino Posts: 11,151
    Gr00vus said:

    I've got 2 items from featured vendors in the cart and I'm not getting 50% off, just 40%. Is there something I'm missing?

    If you guys can screenshot your carts when you have trouble, we can try the same cart and/or flag this for the Daz team. Thanks.

  • FrankTheTankFrankTheTank Posts: 1,131
    Taozen said:
    DSDT said:
    Taozen said:
    nicstt said:
    Odaa said:

    Shopping Cart Jigsaw: what happens when you discover that your shopping cart is ~$140 higher than the amount of store credit you have, and that you can get a 19% discount on gift cards, so you open the product page links to every. single. item in the cart, each in its tab, clear shopping cart, buy $145 worth of store credit for ~$117, redeem the gift card, and then go through the 20+ open tabs to reconstruct the original configuration of your cart and checkout. On the plus side, that saved me an additional $28 on top of whatever the discounts on the last two giftcards (that the existing store credit was from) were, and not all that time-consuming with a fast browser, but man....

    The more time I have to spend, the more the cost goes up as my time costs, just like anyone elses.

    In many cases one could probably save/earn more by doing say 2 hours of paid work and buy the stuff at normal price for what you earn, instead of browsing the store for 2 hours to find the best deal. This way you'll actually also contribute to the world with something valuable (whatever you produce with your work), plus the 3D artists will earn more. Win-win.

    I guess it depends how much you save. For me, if I bought my stuff at normal price since I've been a DAZ member, I would have spent over $24,000 (according to Ati's plug-in). Whereas I actually spent only $3,700. (ONLY, I know, I need help! LOL)  So working harder and paying full price instead of looking for deals? I'd have to work a lot of overtime to cover that difference of $20,000 in savings over the past year, not to mention the higher tax rate when working overtime.

    That's an average of 85% discount on everything you have purchased. If that's correct, most of it is probably older stuff and freebies. Most people who have been here for a long time (myself included) probably already have most of the older stuff and have paid a good price for it, as well as for the freebies that have been offered the last couple of years (I think I already owned and have paid for 95+% of them), so they won't be able to save nearly as much.

    Also remember that the list price for a lot of stuff is artificially high these days, to make up for the losses during sales. Some items cost over 50% more than a few years ago. Without the sales, list prices would have to be considerably lower, in order to sell. That said, except for a few things like poses I think the list prices here are quite low, considering how much work there generally is involved in making them, and the small number being sold of each.

    Yes, I seldom buy brand new.  My average is savings is 84.9%. I've always been really good at always buying things at 70% off or more, and then on top of that always using gift cards to buy it. I've bought $2915 total in gift cards, so nearly every purchase I've made has gotten an additional 30-40% discount from GCs. (When the discounts are big on GCs, I go all in!)


  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    edited April 2017
    Odaa said:
    Odaa said:

    Shopping Cart Jigsaw: what happens when you discover that your shopping cart is ~$140 higher than the amount of store credit you have, and that you can get a 19% discount on gift cards, so you open the product page links to every. single. item in the cart, each in its tab, clear shopping cart, buy $145 worth of store credit for ~$117, redeem the gift card, and then go through the 20+ open tabs to reconstruct the original configuration of your cart and checkout. On the plus side, that saved me an additional $28 on top of whatever the discounts on the last two giftcards (that the existing store credit was from) were, and not all that time-consuming with a fast browser, but man....

    That's sort of what i do; except, instead of opening a whole buch of product pages, I move the items to my wishlist and then I can add them back ito my cart fon there.

    My wishlist is a trainwreck with like a thousand items including duplicates, so I'd never find anything in there. :)

    I periodically strip it out; i make a point of choosing 10 and definitely no more than 20 items I can leave in. Because if I had really wanted them, I'd have bought em, and as I come across them I can add 'em again; it's almost as much fun as buying, and much, much cheaper. cheeky


    After 500 items purchased in March Madness I think I have finall finished up my MM purchases. Only 2 items left on my wishlist and that is because they still have a 'New' tag but are old enough they didn't qualify for the MM new item discount. No more purchases for awhile but I guess it is time to start a new wishlist LOL. laugh

    Damn; ignoring freebies, I bought about 12 items; still have a couple hundred credit left. Although can never have too much credit, as one never knows...

    Post edited by nicstt on
  • EurocoinEurocoin Posts: 301

    I went and checked, how much have I spent here on total and it was way more than I thought. On the other hand, the total spent was less than 10% of the full price value of the items.

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770
    edited April 2017

    Ok, I unchecked the total spent and value owned in the DAZ Deals settings and then rechecked it. I then refreshed my order page and nearly had a heart attack. 

    Holy crap! I really spent THAT much? How???? Where did it come from? I know I sometimes pinch from here and there, but damn.

    And the value of my product library is...a whole freaking lot! When I said I was a 90% off gal., I wasn't kidding. I've paid 10% of the entire value, and that value is very close to six digits. And that's not even counting other 3D stores I shop at. I might faint soon.

    At least I can write some of it off for the book covers and promos. Lord have mercy!

    Post edited by Llynara on
  • donovancolbertdonovancolbert Posts: 1,421
    Llynara said:

    Ok, I unchecked the total spent and value owned in the DAZ Deals settings and then rechecked it. I then refreshed my order page and nearly had a heart attack. 

    Holy crap! I really spent THAT much? How???? Where did it come from? I know I sometimes pinch from here and there, but damn.

    And the value of my product library is...a whole freaking lot! When I said I was a 90% off gal., I wasn't kidding. I've paid 10% of the entire value, and that value is very close to six digits. And that's not even counting other 3D stores I shop at. I might faint soon.

    At least I can write some of it off for the book covers and promos. Lord have mercy!

    SIX digits of total value?!?


  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770


    I have 136 pages in my product library and my first purchase was Dec 3, 2015. I just looked in DIM and I have about 5000 items installed to a large external hard drive and another 2000 I haven't downloaded. I think I need to start shopping in my runtime! 

  • Charlie JudgeCharlie Judge Posts: 12,551

    Old habits die hard.

    Out of habit to check the new deals for March Madness  I woke up at 2:30am (12:30 DAZ time).  Nope, nothing special today.

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,682
    Llynara said:

    Ok, I unchecked the total spent and value owned in the DAZ Deals settings and then rechecked it. I then refreshed my order page and nearly had a heart attack. 

    Holy crap! I really spent THAT much? How???? Where did it come from? I know I sometimes pinch from here and there, but damn.

    And the value of my product library is...a whole freaking lot! When I said I was a 90% off gal., I wasn't kidding. I've paid 10% of the entire value, and that value is very close to six digits. And that's not even counting other 3D stores I shop at. I might faint soon.

    At least I can write some of it off for the book covers and promos. Lord have mercy!

    Well at least you are maiking some money out of the purchases to help justify the expense, at least that is how I am looking at it. I was a little shocked at how much I have spent since starting this journey in 2005, but thanks to paid work, I have made it up.

    My actual spending isn't as low as i thought, even though I look for deals like most of you. At least I can feel better about supportting the PAs now, LOL

This discussion has been closed.