How Do I Save a Base Character to DAZ Content Area?

I have a set of morphs for Victoria 4 that have both Poser and DAZ versions.  I modified her a long time ago with the Poser versions and saved it off (in Poser) as a new cr2.  Now that I'm using DS 4.9 more, I want to load up another instance of V4 with the DAZ morphs.  But when I export the new figure as a cr2 from DS, it strips out all the morphs (including the base morphs and Morphs++). I tried saving it as a Character Preset but that doesn't save the base character (or the morphs).  Is there anyway to do this? I have some source editors, like Poser File Editor, Dson Edit and Morph Organizer but I can't make any sense out the cr2.  I nomally only use editors for things like fixing broken path names.

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