Error when using Line Render 9000



I'm testing this product aiming to get something alike toons, but there seems to be something in the installment missing, because I'm only getting a regular 3dlight image, and the render ends with an error message: An error occured while reading the file, see log file for more details.

And the log file is as usual Chinese to me, saying this:

Saved image: C:\A-Linda\Arbetskataloger\Art\works\_01_Toon 2-tone cam.tif
Finished Rendering
Total Rendering Time: 1 minutes 27.53 seconds
WARNING: Script Error: Line
WARNING: Scripted renderer '' not found!
WARNING: Stack Trace:
Error in script execution: F:/LINDA/DAZ other/Scripts/LineRender9000/LR9K AutoRender.dsa

Now, what am I missing / doing wrong?




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