Product Updates in DIM doesn't react to dl'ed and installed products

I don't know if this question was answered anywhere; any link would help.

Problem: in DIM I have a ever growing list of "Product updates". My use of DIM is to download updated and mostly recently purchased products. Only download. Then I put them into my category scheme. And then I copy the manifest-files  *.dsx into the c:\Users\Public\Documents\DAZ 3D\InstallManager\ManifestFiles-Directory (overwriting older dsx) so that DIM knows/think to know it has, that they're installed. Mostly works, but some won't work at all: last week Atmospheric Effects Cameras DS, some of Ron's Brushes, Carnival Presets DS, Veranil and Urban Fae are also problematic, while some others like Hemlock Follys work. Some products like Bryce 7.1 Pro - Golden Lighting (a 760 MB download) will never cease to exist on the "Product updates"-DIM-list, regardless of how many times I downloaded and installed them.

Useless internet traffic and I'm never be to sure to have the latest update installed.

Is there something wrong copying the manifest-files into the dedicated location or is there something broken in DIM reading the dedicated location? Has anybody but me this problem?



  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Well, Rons brushes and Bryce files are not supposed to be loaded into Daz Studio.  Rons brushes need to be manually added to photoshop and the bryce files need to be loaded into Bryce itself. So that might be where the problem lies with those particular resources.  As for the rest, I have no idea.

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    The manifest file in the zip is not the same as the manifest file that is in c:\Users\Public\Documents\DAZ 3D\InstallManager\ManifestFiles-Directory, DIM creates that manifest file when you install the product.

  • If you leave the downloaded zips in the Downloads folder then DIM can use those to check for updates, no need to place a copy of the manifest (which is not, in fact, the correct file) in the Manifests folder.

  • Frank__Frank__ Posts: 302
    jestmart said:

    The manifest file in the zip is not the same as the manifest file that is in c:\Users\Public\Documents\DAZ 3D\InstallManager\ManifestFiles-Directory, DIM creates that manifest file when you install the product.

    I use the dsx-file which is downloaded with the zip-file (manifest in the zip is something else, I know). Maybe I got this mixed up in my description of the problem, because the dsx-files, which are xml-files with a different extension, are stored in the ManifestFiles-subdirectory of the Public user. That's why I called them "manifest"-files but they differ from the manifest.dsx in the content-folder which is delivered with every zip-file.

    I don't know if it's created when installing; it seems it's only unpacked from the zip-file and overwrites formerly exisiting manifest.dsx.

  • Frank__Frank__ Posts: 302

    If you leave the downloaded zips in the Downloads folder then DIM can use those to check for updates, no need to place a copy of the manifest (which is not, in fact, the correct file) in the Manifests folder.

    I cannot leave them in the Downloads folder, because we're talking some hundred GBs. Not enough space on this partition.

    For the incorrect file see my previous comment.

    What is really strange, that sometimes my method works and with other products it works not. As I understand the system: Dim stores the product-dsx files after/while installation in the Public user folder to keep track which product in what version is installed by Dim. (This is a simple observation: after I install the zip myself and then copy/move the dsx-file into the folder Dim shows the product under the installed-tab.) Which lets me keep my question: why aren't some updated products still showing in the ready to download product updates tab?

    Edit: I just made an observation: the dsx for the first version of CarnivalPresets are IM00014250-01_CarnivalPresets.dsx and IM00014250-02_CarnivalPresetsStudioCF.dsx, the updated files are named IM00014250-01_CarnivalPresetsPs.dsx and IM00014250-02_CarnivalPresetsDS.dsx. Now, when Dim starts it looks for the old names and if they are present it assumes only the old product is installed. It doesn't do a check for the newer dsx-files. If I move the older files, Dim doesn't show them anymore in product updates. So it seems recognizing updates depends on different dsx-file-names. Would be more reasonable if Dim checked for newer files ...

    Anyway: question answered; maybe it helps someone with the same problem.




  • You can move the Downloads folder in the Install Manager Preferences (the gear icon at top-right). You can also manually delete the zips but leave their .dsx files in the Downloads folder and still receive update notices.

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