The Twinkies and Lime Jello Complaint Thread -- Now With More Squirrels!
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Sounds like a good idea. We are awash with birthdays and anniversaries in December as well so there's a lot of depression antidotes around this month :)
Meh lunchtime and not real hungry, there were mince pies and cupcakes in the office this morning, all gone now :)
cupcakes all gone?!
cupcakes all gone?!
I want cupcakes. I even saw some cupcakes I wanted yesterday but I could not get them. They were cute Christmas cupcakes with a little decoration on each cupcake. they were so adorable, but I cannot get one.
small mercies hey, hope that clears up for you soon :)
The growth I am talking about is actually a swelling that goes from the back of my neck to half way along my jaw then from the bottom of my ear to the bottom of my neck. It is HUGE so I am letting my facial hair grow into a beard to keep it from being so noticeable. Sure hoping it is an infection of some sort. If I hear the BIG C word it will be rather depressing.
Moral dilemma: If the cupcakes look like you, is it still OK to eat them?
...I thought that's how MMO & RPG geeks would taste...
Two critters I adopted. The little gryphon is a part of a species a friend came up with called "Pocket Gryphs" - they're always tiny like that. This one was shown inside a bubble that he played in.
We named him Bloop o3o
I named the dragon Tremor because of his Earthy theme.
(Bloop can be seen in his bubble on the page I adopted him from: )
...I think that's in our local long range forecast. Supposedly on the 21st.
...followed by intermittent locusts and the Willamette River running with blood. least we'll dodge the fiery hail. Computer models indicate that's expected to stay in the south end of the valley (Salem, Corvallis, and Eugine).
The growth I am talking about is actually a swelling that goes from the back of my neck to half way along my jaw then from the bottom of my ear to the bottom of my neck. It is HUGE so I am letting my facial hair grow into a beard to keep it from being so noticeable. Sure hoping it is an infection of some sort. If I hear the BIG C word it will be rather depressing.
I don't think I ever wished for an infection on anyone I did not hate... but seeing that you are a nice person and the alernatives are worse, I hope its a nice easily cureable infection... and not the Big C. I really hope it is not the Big M either... Manitous are pretty hard to remove....
but seriously, be well. And don't watch that movie... it is pretty terrible.
Sounds like a good idea. We are awash with birthdays and anniversaries in December as well so there's a lot of depression antidotes around this month :)
...yeah, mine is the day after the world is scheduled to end.
...and it's not even a Megabucks Lotto draw day.
The growth I am talking about is actually a swelling that goes from the back of my neck to half way along my jaw then from the bottom of my ear to the bottom of my neck. It is HUGE so I am letting my facial hair grow into a beard to keep it from being so noticeable. Sure hoping it is an infection of some sort. If I hear the BIG C word it will be rather depressing.
I don't think I ever wished for an infection on anyone I did not hate... but seeing that you are a nice person and the alernatives are worse, I hope its a nice easily cureable infection... and not the Big C. I really hope it is not the Big M either... Manitous are pretty hard to remove....
but seriously, be well. And don't watch that movie... it is pretty terrible.
Holy crap, I would rather it be cancer than a living organism.
Thx for your thoughts lordvicore.
cupcakes all gone?!
I want cupcakes. I even saw some cupcakes I wanted yesterday but I could not get them. They were cute Christmas cupcakes with a little decoration on each cupcake. they were so adorable, but I cannot get one.
They were so sweet, my dentist will hate me. Got some fish and chips later on but shouldn't eat cupcakes before lunch, is a cautionary tale :)
The growth I am talking about is actually a swelling that goes from the back of my neck to half way along my jaw then from the bottom of my ear to the bottom of my neck. It is HUGE so I am letting my facial hair grow into a beard to keep it from being so noticeable. Sure hoping it is an infection of some sort. If I hear the BIG C word it will be rather depressing.
Sounds uncomfortable, hope there is a solution for you real soon uncertainty sucks :)
Hehe a dilemma worth thinking about for at least a few seconds *noms*
Earth shaking Tremor hehe :)
...yeah, mine is the day after the world is scheduled to end.
...and it's not even a Megabucks Lotto draw day.
Another Maggi Saggi yay! National Geo channel is running a survival guide to Mayan Apocalypse on the 21st. We are a day ahead, I'll let you know how it all went. I start a new job the day after my birthday in January, don't know whether that's good or bad :)
Double yay, only 7 more sleeps until don't have to get up early every morning. Oh wait, I enjoy getting up early in the morning :)
This is good animation if you like historical stuff
complaint, no lait for my cafe. i can drink cawffee without sugar, but not without real cream. sigh
The growth I am talking about is actually a swelling that goes from the back of my neck to half way along my jaw then from the bottom of my ear to the bottom of my neck. It is HUGE so I am letting my facial hair grow into a beard to keep it from being so noticeable. Sure hoping it is an infection of some sort. If I hear the BIG C word it will be rather depressing.
Sounds uncomfortable, hope there is a solution for you real soon uncertainty sucks :)
They are going to scan my head Friday morning. I sure hope I find out then.
Compaint: This spoof of a Harbor Freight ad is funnier than my promos:
You would have to regularly read their ads or shop at their store to really appreciate it, but anyone who has bought cheap tools might snicker... And it looks like it is mostly done as 3D models...
Pretty funny... love the laser guided paint brush and the work gloves.
Good Luck!
A 16 ton hydraulic nail unbender for only $135. Sounds like a fantastic buy.
Garden hose extension cord combo. Ha!
18 volt cordless hammer. lol
You need to post this in the stupid thread, unless you posted it here because you bought something from them that didn't quite meet expectations. Brahahaha.
There is a Stupid thread!? Hmmm... intriguing...
there's mistletoe in the giveaways
sharper eyes than mine, Laurie's, noticed that even though it says mistletoe, it's not actually mistletoe.
this would explain why it wasn't working. christmas kisses under holly, doh
i've been following the news articles on the HMS Bounty replica that went down in Hurricane Sandy.
it just dawned on me the Capt went down with the ship. so depressing.
prolly not complaint worthy, but my diet coke is extra fizzies
Played with lights all last night - urgh. Very educational.
Finally sick of my crummy computer chair so I ordered a new one from Newegg, plus a task light so I cna see to solder on my guitar better, and finally earbuds for my Android tablet. Merry Christmas to me! :smirk:
Otherwise, meh. Today is just.. meh. Meh when I woke up, meh at lunch, probably meh at bedtime.
Meh. :smirk:
belch ... scratch arm pit ... yep, letting it all hang out ... er ... i meant, hang loose. wheww talk about misconstruing
Morning. Warm today under a big blue sky that seems to go forever :)