VYK Morwenna for Lavinia - textures vs morphs


I'm looking at VYK Morwenna for Lavinia but would like to know how much of the apaprent sahping, if any, is down to shading in the textures. If anyone has her and the time, would you post renders of the textures applied to an unmorphed Genesis 3 Female please (seeing clay renders of the shapes might also be interesting for comparison, though not my primary concern). Thank you.


  • sapatsapat Posts: 1,735
    edited October 2016

    Here's some renders of some of the face and body material options of an unmorphed G3F.  I don't know how to do clay renders, so had to just put a subsurface material on her and render those.  Sorry about that.

    The plain hag face looks like an older female and could easily go mainstream.  I only posted the fronts and backs of the demon skin and one other because the demon skin was the only one with markings on the body using bump and disp.  The green witch looks the same on the back as the others.  The regular body INJ is a lot smoother and has none of the 'bony-ness' on the feet and hands and also could be an older regular female.

    Hope this helps.

    alt and regular heads.jpg
    1409 x 974 - 84K
    alt upper body and hand.jpg
    800 x 1000 - 52K
    alt head and body back.jpg
    1500 x 1200 - 94K
    regular head and body.jpg
    600 x 1000 - 29K
    selection of skin face mu options.jpg
    2000 x 900 - 150K
    selection of skin surface options.jpg
    2000 x 1200 - 166K
    Post edited by sapat on
  • Thank you, that's exactly what I was wanting - and yes, that does settle my concern that the textrues might be doing some of the work and so would look odd in different lights. Of course my bank balance is probably less grateful...

  • sapatsapat Posts: 1,735

    No problem. Glad it helped. wink

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