No one asked me - Diomede screenshots on whatever - Warning AI Discussion OK



  • use xNormal to add back the details 

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221

    Displacement Brush in General

    - click the displacement brush on top menu and model goes white

    - the brush tool will appear on the model as a blue circle within a circle, for brush size and brush hardness

    - control brush size and hardness with settings in right hand side

    - click and drag to pull model out toward camera, hold shift key to push model in away from camera

    - the default settings are very powerful relative to a Genesis 9 face

    - can Edit UNDO a displacement brush stroke

    - reduce strength of brush on right side menu.  Here I reduce to 3.  Can also change brush size.

    07 dispacement clicked goes white.jpg
    1723 x 940 - 153K
    09 way too powerful.jpg
    1646 x 1002 - 152K
    10 edit undo displacement.jpg
    1747 x 979 - 154K
    11 reduce strength to 3.jpg
    1778 x 969 - 155K
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221

    WendyLuvsCatz said:

    use xNormal to add back the details 

    How do you do that?

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221
    edited November 2022

    Some settings

    - hold shift to displace inward.  See cheek

    - can set brush to smoothing instead of displacing- will probably want to increase brush size and strength for most smoothing

    12 hold shift to displace inward.jpg
    1083 x 908 - 87K
    13 can set brush to smooth.jpg
    1368 x 901 - 115K
    14 can increase brush to 50.jpg
    1570 x 972 - 136K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,555
    edited November 2022

    Diomede said:

    WendyLuvsCatz said:

    use xNormal to add back the details 

    How do you do that?

    obj exports

    Malwarebytes is flagging the download though surprise

    Zbrush Zprojection to a subdivided mesh and multimap exporter may be a safer option 

    I already have xNormal from years ago

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221

    Complete Shaping, Return to Modeler, and Reduce Smoothing to 0 for Export

    15 after some shaping see rough brows rough nose rough cheeks.jpg
    1686 x 983 - 146K
    16 go back modeling room with a vertex selected see deformations.jpg
    1902 x 964 - 285K
    17 take off smoothing detail seems to disappear.jpg
    1918 x 996 - 304K
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221

    WendyLuvsCatz said:

    Diomede said:

    WendyLuvsCatz said:

    use xNormal to add back the details 

    How do you do that?

    obj exports

    Malwarebytes is flagging the download though surprise

    Thanks.  I have edited the first post of the series.  

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221
    edited November 2022

    Setting Smoothing to 0 and Exporting as a Morph

    - make sure smoothing is at zero (much of detail appears to disappear)

    - return to assemble room

    - export the file

    - in OBJ dialogue, choose Daz Studio (Morph) preset

    18 with smoothing set at 2 and dispalcement map.jpg
    1131 x 978 - 106K
    19 smoothing set to zero.jpg
    839 x 838 - 59K
    20 masculine set to zero.jpg
    1626 x 990 - 214K
    21 file export.jpg
    1172 x 693 - 130K
    22 save obj as daz studio morph target.jpg
    774 x 690 - 79K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221

    Open a new Daz Studio Scene and Use Morph Loader Pro

    - Load Genesis 9 base in Studio

    - Use the edit menu to start morph loader pro

    - Load your morph obj

    - In dialogue, generally a good idea to get in habit of using 'deltas only' even when not needed.

    - If works, will get a confirmation screen.  Yay.

    23 new studio scene.jpg
    1809 x 970 - 225K
    24 morph loader pro.jpg
    1730 x 978 - 239K
    25 morph loader pro menu carrara scale deltas only might need reverse defomrations sometimes but not this time.jpg
    1795 x 968 - 241K
    26 morph loaded successfully.jpg
    1283 x 897 - 147K
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221

    Save the Morph Asset - Check ONLY the New Morph

    27 morph appears on list in morph loader area because not specify other.jpg
    1291 x 982 - 185K
    30 save as morph asset then CHECK ONLY WHAT WANT MOROHED IN THIS CASE HEAD and choose only your current morph loader morph.jpg
    1736 x 954 - 231K
    31 give product name vendor name and check only the morph and area affect.jpg
    1084 x 779 - 98K
  • I sent you a message 

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221

    WendyLuvsCatz said:

    I sent you a message 

    Got it.  Thank you.  Will probably have questions down the line.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221

    WendyLuvsCatz said:

    I sent you a message 

    Got it.  Thank you.  Will probably have questions down the line.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221

    WendyLuvsCatz said:

    I sent you a message 

    Got it.  Thank you.  Will probably have questions down the line.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221
    edited December 2022

    Modeling for a Targeted Shape of Genesis 9 - Marvelous Designer

    I posted another screenshot tutorial in the Art Studio Forum.  Before the release of Genesis 9, I went through an example of creating a skirt for Genesis 1 because G9 was rumored to be like G1 in a unified shape.  Rumour turned out to be true.  In this screenshot turoial, I use Marvelous Designer to create a simple loose skirt with many folds designed for the Victoria 9 shape.  The resulting figure might be optimized for Victoria 9, but it can also be used with any G9 shape, such as a kilt for Michael 9, or a battle dress for a male demon.  The tutorial also includes creating shader domains and UV Mapping in Marvelous Designer.  I then export the OBJ to Studio where I rig from the V9 shape back to the base shape.  Demonstrate a couple DForce posing and morph shape examples.

    Might be useful for Carrara users intending to make G9 items for use in Carrara as conformers or with VWD.


    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221
    edited December 2022

    Genesis 9 Shaders: Using Carrara 3D Paint to Create Opacity Maps

    First Prepare a Genesis 9 Base Figure Blended Weight and Save as a Character Preset

    - Load Genesis 9 base in Studio without any eyeballs, mouth, eyelashes, etc.

    - Use the Edit menu to Edit Figure Rigging change to Blended weight

    - Save the result as a character preset

    - The character preset can be loaded in Carrara

    - Going to use Carrara's 3D paint tool to create an opacity map for the body surface that could be shorts.

    test render opacity geoshell.png
    1500 x 1800 - 2M
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221
    edited December 2022

    Prepare Genesis 9 Base in Carrara

    - load the blended weight Genesis 9 base character preset compatible with Carrara without any textures

    - select the actor level which allows access to the mesh

    - the 3D Paint tool is in the upper left of the Assemble Room menu.  It is next to the wrench.  looks like a hand brush over a plane



    01 open Carrara and load a G9 base figure no eyes no etc after convert to blended weight and saved as character preset.jpg
    1917 x 1014 - 303K
    02 seelct the actor level which is the mesh.jpg
    1911 x 1019 - 296K
    03 3d paint tool is in upper left corner next to the wrench.jpg
    562 x 429 - 40K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221
    edited December 2022

    Initiate the 3D Paint Tool

    - Locate and click the 3D Paint tool in the upper left area of the menu.

    - Ignore the warning that there are no active textures.  Will be creating some.

    - A texture menu appears in the upper right.  It lists types of channels to paint, such as color, bump, etc.  

    - Open the color channel and click the magic wand looking thing to create a new texture map.

    - A notice lets you know a new texture will be created.

    - a create textures menu appears

    - for this project, select only the body, set the base color to white, and increase the map size

    - will be prompted for save file info, pick a name (I inserted Body) and file location.  I keep the tif format.  Have had issues with some of other formats and can always change later in an image editor.

    - I turn off compression

    - the result is that the body surface material of the new map turns white



    04 there are no active textures.jpg
    857 x 588 - 65K
    05 texture menu in upper right.jpg
    1038 x 776 - 107K
    06 new texture looks like magic wand upper right under color.jpg
    372 x 476 - 29K
    07 the shader will be changed.jpg
    1459 x 975 - 176K
    08 create textures menu.jpg
    1377 x 853 - 155K
    09 change texture menu choose only body change color to white and map size larger.jpg
    1298 x 897 - 154K
    10 created folder to save map files and changed name to body.jpg
    1361 x 912 - 160K
    11 i turn off compression and keep in windows format.jpg
    1302 x 891 - 151K
    12 the body turns white.jpg
    1453 x 967 - 176K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221
    edited December 2022

    Set Up Brush Tool

    - the tool menu tab is next to the texture map menu tab

    - Enable symmetry at the top.  Choose X axis.

    - Change the brush color to complete black.  Will be painting where we want things to be invisible.

    - Change the brush size.  The default brush is way to big for this project.

    - Change brush hardness.

    13 default tool menu.jpg
    824 x 878 - 105K
    14 cheange settings symmetry in x color brush black brush size down to 5 smoothing 0.jpg
    813 x 877 - 106K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221
    edited December 2022

    Begin Painting Invisibility Areas

    - Will be creating shorts so paint away the top of the torso.  Start at the waist.

    - Once a rough job is done at the waist, increase brush size.

    - Paint away the rest of the upper torso with larger brush.


    15 start painting black around waist.jpg
    1171 x 701 - 88K
    16 increase brush size.jpg
    328 x 367 - 27K
    17 quickly black upper torso.jpg
    1188 x 1004 - 150K
    18 set brush color back to white.jpg
    571 x 621 - 61K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221
    edited December 2022

    Use Line Tool for Straight Line at Belt Level

    - change color to white

    - enable line tool in upper left

    - adjust line tool settings in upper right

    - draw a white line on side

    - draw line in front center connecting sides

    - repeat for back


    19 line tool in upper left.jpg
    319 x 210 - 12K
    21 drew line on side.jpg
    672 x 423 - 20K
    22 drew line on front.jpg
    556 x 242 - 13K
    23 draw line on back stray marks are because symmetry but uvmap artifacts.jpg
    619 x 332 - 16K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221
    edited December 2022

    Continue Editing with Line Tool and Brush Tool

    - brush away imperfections

    - the symmetry tool may have introduced some stray marks at sides

    - turn off symmetry to address side details

    - continue line tool and brush tool until get desired result

    24 go back to paint brush tool.jpg
    440 x 306 - 20K
    25 turn symmetry OFF for paint brush tool.jpg
    472 x 768 - 57K
    26 use combination of line tool and brush tool to get what you want.jpg
    1399 x 977 - 179K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221
    edited December 2022

    Save the Painted Texture Map as the TIF file (or format you chose)

    - return to texture map menu in upper right

    - right click on the small map in the color channel t bring up the menu

    - Save will save as name you chose in location you chose in format your chose in the beginning

    - In my case, I save as body color map in my tutorial folder


    27 switch from tool menu to textures menu see map in color channel.jpg
    405 x 466 - 33K
    28 right click on map to bring up save menu.jpg
    450 x 417 - 36K
    29 see map has been saved as a tif.jpg
    1225 x 906 - 163K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221
    edited December 2022

    Using the New Map as Opacity Blender in Carrara Shader

    - this is for Carrara users. Daz Studio Users skip down to geoshell discussion.

    - Create a new shader, of type complex shader, using the new map in blender channel - for the body shader domain.

    - In this case, with actor level still selected, I entered the texture room, and created a new shader for the body.

    - new shader tree menu appears

    - change the shader type to complex shader, multichannel mixer

    30 texture room body create a new shader.jpg
    611 x 646 - 61K
    31 bring up new shader to edit.jpg
    1722 x 871 - 262K
    32 bring up shader menu and change to complex multichannel mixer.jpg
    1055 x 633 - 140K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221
    edited December 2022

    Set Channel 1 Shader to Genesis 9 Base Male Texture

    - in first shader of complex, change color channel to texture map and navigate to location of Genesis 9 default male body taxture maps

    - can also load the normal map for the body in the bump channel set to normal.  will be very strong so might want to lower bump effect

    - can continue loading maps and creating a carrara skin shader but beyond current scope


    33 in color channel navigate to base male map and load body diffuse.jpg
    1740 x 957 - 279K
    34 lad normal in bump channel.jpg
    814 x 638 - 103K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221
    edited December 2022

    Set Channel 2 Shader to Any Color Not Skin

    - change color

    35 source 2 i set color to blue and entered a spots bump.jpg
    1194 x 878 - 190K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221
    edited December 2022

    Load Painted Opacity Map in Blender Channel

    - Load Painted Opacity Map in Blender Channel

    36 in blender challenge load the map just painted.jpg
    1281 x 717 - 128K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221
    edited December 2022

    Test Render of Torso Changes in Carrara

    - ideally, would set all the skin maps and do a proper test render

    - maybe later.  for right now, this image confirms the torso opacity map allows for a separate shorts shader in Carrara

    37 test render.jpg
    800 x 600 - 16K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221
    edited December 2022

    Set Up Daz Studio Geoshells

    - load Michael 9 or any other G9 character in Studio.

    - use the create menu to create a geoshell

    - give a name etc

    - result is default geoshell for various material zones of the main G9 figure - will look milky gray

    38 in daz studio load michel 9 hd.jpg
    988 x 533 - 99K
    39 create new geometry shell.jpg
    1082 x 528 - 111K
    40 give names etc.jpg
    671 x 390 - 55K
    41 geometry shell appears in michael tree.jpg
    1149 x 845 - 120K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,221
    edited December 2022

    Set Opacity of Non-Body to 0, such as arms

    - use surfaces tab. select arms.  find opacity channel.  set to 0 to make geoshell invisible.

    - repeat for fingernails, etc

    - got to surfaces tab of G9

    - select the Arms surface

    - find opacity strength channel and set to 0 to make geoshell on arms invisible

    - repeat for head, nails, etc



    42 now have shell aplied to arms body fingernails etc.jpg
    985 x 741 - 87K
    43 select arms.jpg
    1306 x 844 - 166K
    44 find opacity channel and set to 0 notice arms appear normal in viewport.jpg
    1400 x 875 - 154K
    45 repeat for everything but the body.jpg
    1456 x 888 - 164K
    Post edited by Diomede on
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