Missing renders in gallery

I seem to have an issue where all my new images will not show in the gallery, i get a message saying the content cannot be loaded at this time. it is confusing me because i have viewed the images in the gallery and recieved comments but now the images are gone.

any advice would be gratly apreciated.


  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Among the other problems...slow server response, messed up product downloads and others, Gallery images going missing happened this past week.  It is being worked on, but is, understandably, of lower priority than the products.  One of the Daz_Folks has said that when they are fixed, the images will just pop back up.

  • thanks for your speedy reply, i was starting to go nuts

  • wgdjohnwgdjohn Posts: 2,634
    edited October 2016

    The missing images problem goes way beyond Gallery images, none of mine show up. I've also checked my threads where others and myself have posted images to help others... some are there but most are not. Then I checked some past DAZ Studio contests and Carrara Challenges. Seems that more are missing than appear.

    mjc1016 said:

    Among the other problems...slow server response, messed up product downloads and others, Gallery images going missing happened this past week.  It is being worked on, but is, understandably, of lower priority than the products.  One of the Daz_Folks has said that when they are fixed, the images will just pop back up.

    I can understand products being a higher priority. I do hope that the missing images, while lower priority, are still considered a High Priority to DAZ3D. Images help users to learn much better than words by presenting examples etc.

    Post edited by wgdjohn on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,570

    Yes most of my new images are missing. They come and go. Cause they were gone once and restored and are now gone again. Server problems

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